.PHONY=all test testjson vet vetjson cov covhtml clean # build binary all: go build -tags='sqlite_fts5 sqlite_json' -ldflags='-s -w' # run all tests test: go test -tags='sqlite_fts5 sqlite_json' -cover ./... # run all tests, print result to stdout as json testjson: go test -tags='sqlite_fts5 sqlite_json' -json -cover ./... # run go vet vet: go vet ./... # run go vet, print results to stdout as json vetjson: go vet -json ./... # generate test coverage profile, print results to stdout cov: go test -tags='sqlite_fts5 sqlite_json' -coverprofile=coverage.out ./... && \ go tool cover -func=coverage.out # generate test coverage profile, render results as html, show # in browser covhtml: go test -tags='sqlite_fts5 sqlite_json' -coverprofile=coverage.out ./... && \ go tool cover -html=coverage.out -o coverage.html && \ xdg-open ./coverage.html # run go clean clean: go clean