# jim-bot Web interace which generates 10 sentences of random corporate gibberish. Based on [pocket-jim][]. Ported from C to [Go][]. ## Usage Build and run container using [Podman][]: # clone git repo git clone https://git.pablotron.org/jim-bot # switch to cloned directory cd jim-bot # build container podman build -t jim-bot:latest . # run container bound to localhost:8080 podman run -d -p 8080:8080 --restart=on-failure --name jim-bot jim-bot:latest Then open in your browser. ## Build To build locally (requires [Go][]): # build ./jim-bot make # run jim-bot on localhost:8080 ./jim-bot Then open in your browser. ## Tests Running tests: # run unit tests make test # run `go vet` and `staticcheck` make check Note: The `check` target requires [staticcheck][]. [pocket-jim]: https://pmdn.org/pocket-jim "pocket jim" [podman]: https://podman.io/ "podman" [go]: https://go.dev/ "Go programming language" [staticcheck]: https://staticcheck.dev/docs/ "Go static analyzer."