assertInstanceOf(Template::class, $tmpl); } public function testRun() : void { # create template $tmpl = new Template('foo%{bar}'); # run template $r = $tmpl->run([ 'bar' => 'foo', ]); $this->assertEquals('foofoo', $r); } public function testOnce() : void { # create and run template $r = Template::once('foo%{bar}', [ 'bar' => 'foo', ]); $this->assertEquals('foofoo', $r); } public function testMultiple() : void { # create and run template $r = Template::once('foo%{bar}%{baz}', [ 'bar' => 'foo', 'baz' => 'bar', ]); $this->assertEquals('foofoobar', $r); } public function testWhitespace() : void { # create and run template $r = Template::once('%{ bar}%{ bar }%{ bar}', [ 'bar' => 'foo', ]); $this->assertEquals('foofoofoo', $r); } public function testNewlines() : void { $str = '%{ bar}%{ bar }%{ bar}'; # create and run template $r = Template::once($str, [ 'bar' => 'foo', ]); $this->assertEquals('foofoofoo', $r); } public function testFilter() : void { # create and run template $r = Template::once('foo%{bar|h}', [ 'bar' => '<', ]); $this->assertEquals('foo<', $r); } public function testFilterChain() : void { $want = 'foofeab40e1fca77c7360ccca1481bb8ba5f919ce3a'; # create and run template $r = Template::once('foo%{bar|uc|hash sha1}', [ 'bar' => 'foo', ]); $this->assertEquals($want, $r); } public function testCustomGlobalFilter() : void { \Luigi\Filters::$FILTERS['barify'] = function($s) { return 'BAR'; }; # create template cache $cache = new \Luigi\Cache([ 'foo' => 'foo%{bar|barify}', ]); # run template $r = $cache['foo']->run([ 'bar' => 'foo', ]); $this->assertEquals('fooBAR', $r); } public function testCustomTemplateFilter() : void { # create template with custom filter $tmpl = new Template('foo%{bar|barify}', [ 'barify' => function($s) { return 'BAR'; }, ]); # run template $r = $tmpl->run([ 'bar' => 'foo', ]); $this->assertEquals('fooBAR', $r); } public function testCache() : void { # create template cache $cache = new \Luigi\Cache([ 'foo' => 'foo%{bar}', ]); # run template $r = $cache['foo']->run([ 'bar' => 'foo', ]); $this->assertEquals('foofoo', $r); } public function testFilterArgs() : void { $want = 'foo0beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33'; # run template $r = Template::once('foo%{bar|hash sha1}', [ 'bar' => 'foo', ]); $this->assertEquals($want, $r); } public function testUnknownKeyError() : void { $this->expectException(\Luigi\UnknownKeyError::class); # run template $r = Template::once('foo%{unknown-key}', [ 'bar' => 'foo', ]); } public function testUnknownFilterError() : void { $this->expectException(\Luigi\UnknownFilterError::class); # run template $r = Template::once('foo%{bar|unknown-filter}', [ 'bar' => 'foo', ]); } public function testUnknownTemplateError() : void { $this->expectException(\Luigi\UnknownTemplateError::class); # create cache $cache = new \Luigi\Cache([ 'foo' => 'foo%{bar}', ]); # run cached template $r = $cache['unknown-template']->run([ 'bar' => 'foo', ]); } public function testDefaultFilterH() : void { $want = '<>&"''; $r = Template::once('%{val|h}', [ 'val' => '<>&"\'', ]); $this->assertEquals($want, $r); } public function testDefaultFilterU() : void { $want = 'foo%2F%3C%3E'; $r = Template::once('%{val|u}', [ 'val' => 'foo/<>', ]); $this->assertEquals($want, $r); } public function testDefaultFilterJson() : void { $want = '{"true":true,"false":false,"null":null,"number":5,"string":"foo","hash":{"foo":"bar"},"array":[0,1]}'; $r = Template::once('%{val|json}', [ 'val' => [ 'true' => true, 'false' => false, 'null' => null, 'number' => 5, 'string' => 'foo', 'hash' => [ 'foo' => 'bar', ], 'array' => [0, 1], ], ]); $this->assertEquals($want, $r); } public function testDefaultFilterHash() : void { $want = '0beec7b5ea3f0fdbc95d0dd47f3c5bc275da8a33'; # run template $r = Template::once('%{val|hash sha1}', [ 'val' => 'foo', ]); $this->assertEquals($want, $r); } public function testDefaultFilterBase64() : void { $want = 'Zm9v'; # run template $r = Template::once('%{val|base64}', [ 'val' => 'foo', ]); $this->assertEquals($want, $r); } public function testDefaultFilterNl2br() : void { $want = "foo
\nbar"; # run template $r = Template::once('%{val|nl2br}', [ 'val' => "foo\nbar", ]); $this->assertEquals($want, $r); } public function testDefaultFilterUc() : void { $want = 'FOO'; # run template $r = Template::once('%{val|uc}', [ 'val' => 'foo', ]); $this->assertEquals($want, $r); } public function testDefaultFilterLc() : void { $want = 'foo'; # run template $r = Template::once('%{val|lc}', [ 'val' => 'FOO', ]); $this->assertEquals($want, $r); } public function testDefaultFilterTrim() : void { $want = 'foo'; # run template $r = Template::once('%{val|trim}', [ 'val' => ' foo ', ]); $this->assertEquals($want, $r); } public function testDefaultFilterLtrim() : void { $want = 'foo '; # run template $r = Template::once('%{val|ltrim}', [ 'val' => ' foo ', ]); $this->assertEquals($want, $r); } public function testDefaultFilterRtrim() : void { $want = ' foo'; # run template $r = Template::once('%{val|rtrim}', [ 'val' => ' foo ', ]); $this->assertEquals($want, $r); } public function testDefaultFilterSWithZero() : void { $want = 'foos'; # run template $r = Template::once('foo%{val|s}', [ 'val' => 0, ]); $this->assertEquals($want, $r); } public function testDefaultFilterSWithOne() : void { $want = 'foo'; # run template $r = Template::once('foo%{val|s}', [ 'val' => 1, ]); $this->assertEquals($want, $r); } public function testDefaultFilterSWithTwo() : void { $want = 'foos'; # run template $r = Template::once('foo%{val|s}', [ 'val' => 2, ]); $this->assertEquals($want, $r); } public function testDefaultFilterStrlen() : void { $want = '3'; # run template $r = Template::once('%{val|strlen}', [ 'val' => 'foo', ]); $this->assertEquals($want, $r); } public function testDefaultFilterCount() : void { $want = '2'; # run template $r = Template::once('%{val|count}', [ 'val' => ['foo', 'bar'], ]); $this->assertEquals($want, $r); } public function testDefaultFilterKey() : void { $want = 'bar'; # run template $r = Template::once('%{val|key foo}', [ 'val' => [ 'foo' => 'bar', ], ]); $this->assertEquals($want, $r); } };