jQuery(function($) { "use strict"; var TEMPLATES = new LuigiTemplate.Cache({ save: [ "
  • ", "", "%{name|h}", "", "
  • ", ], none: [ "
  • ", "", "No saved results...", "", "
  • ", ], help: [ "
  • ", "", "About Mathy...", "", "
  • ", "
  • ", "", "%{examples}", ], help_row: [ "
  • ", "", "%{num|h}. %{name|h}", "", "
  • ", ], }); // init mathjax var math = (function() { var delay = 150, // delay after keystroke before updating preview = document.getElementById("math-preview"), buffer = document.getElementById("math-buffer"), timeout = null, // timeout ID is_running = false, // true when MathJax is processing is_pending = false, // true when a typeset has been queued old_text = null; // used to check if an update is needed // Swap render buffers. // // Note from MathJax example: We use visibility:hidden rather than // display:none since the results of running MathJax are more // accurate that way. function swap_buffers() { var tmp_buffer = preview, tmp_preview = buffer; // update buffer buffer = tmp_buffer; buffer.style.visibility = "hidden"; buffer.style.position = "absolute"; // update preview preview = tmp_preview; preview.style.position = ""; preview.style.visibility = ""; } function preview_done() { is_running = is_pending = false; swap_buffers(); } function create_preview() { // clear timeout value timeout = null; if (is_pending) return; // get editor text var text = "\\[" + editor.getValue() + "\\]"; if (text === old_text) return; if (is_running) { is_pending = true; MathJax.Hub.Queue(create_preview); } else { buffer.innerHTML = old_text = text; is_running = true; MathJax.Hub.Queue( ['Typeset', MathJax.Hub, buffer], preview_done ); } } // init callback var callback = MathJax.Callback(create_preview); callback.autoReset = true; return { update: function() { if (timeout) { clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = null; } timeout = setTimeout(callback, delay); }, }; })(); // init editor var autosave_timeout = null, editor = ace.edit('editor'); editor.setShowPrintMargin(false); editor.setTheme('ace/theme/monokai'); editor.getSession().setMode('ace/mode/latex'); editor.getSession().on('change', function(e) { // queue update math.update(); if (autosave_timeout) { // clear autosave timeout clearTimeout(autosave_timeout); autosave_timeout = null; } // set autosave timeout autosave_timeout = setTimeout(function() { // autosave text localStorage.setItem('mathy_last', editor.getValue()); }, 1000); }); (function() { // load autosaved text var last = localStorage.getItem('mathy_last'); if (!last) return; // set text editor.setValue(last); })(); $('#saves').on('click', 'a', function() { if ($(this).parent().hasClass('disabled')) return false; // get text, hide dropdown var text = $(this).data('text'); $('body').trigger('click'); setTimeout(function() { // set editor text editor.setValue(text); }, 10); // stop event return false; }).parent().on('show.bs.dropdown', function() { // load saves var saves = localStorage.getItem('mathy_saves'); saves = saves ? JSON.parse(saves) : []; // build html var html = ''; if (saves.length > 0) { html = $.map(saves, function(row) { return TEMPLATES.run('save', row); }).join(''); } else { html = TEMPLATES.run('none'); } // populate html $('#saves').html(html); }); $('#save').click(function() { // get name var name = prompt('Enter name:', ''); if (!name) return false; // build sortable name var sortable_name = name .replace(/\s+/g, ' ') .replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '') .toLowerCase(); // load saves var saves = localStorage.getItem('mathy_saves'); saves = saves ? JSON.parse(saves) : []; if ($.grep(saves, function(row) { return row.sort == sortable_name; }).length > 0) { if (!confirm("Replace existing \"" + name + " \"?")) return false; } // exclude duplicates saves = $.grep(saves, function(row) { return row.sort != sortable_name; }); // append to results saves.push({ name: name, sort: sortable_name, text: editor.getValue(), }); // write sorted saves localStorage.setItem('mathy_saves', JSON.stringify(saves.sort(function(a, b) { return b.sort < a.sort; }))); return false; }); $('#help').html(TEMPLATES.run('help', { examples: $.map(DATA.examples, function(row, i) { return TEMPLATES.run('help_row', $.extend({}, row, { num: i + 1, text: row.text.join('\n'), })); }).join(''), })).on('click', 'a.example', function() { var text = $(this).data('text'); // hide dropdown $('body').trigger('click'); setTimeout(function() { // load text editor.setValue(text); }, 10); // stop event return false; }); });