module Guff class TagModel < Model SQL ={ get_tag_posts: " SELECT a.post_id FROM post_tags a JOIN tags b ON (b.tag_id = a.tag_id) WHERE = '%{tag}' ", get_tags: " SELECT a.tag_id,, COUNT(*) AS num_posts FROM tags a JOIN post_tags b ON (b.tag_id = a.tag_id) JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT post_id FROM (%{tags})) c ON (c.post_id = b.post_id) WHERE %{filter} GROUP BY a.tag_id, ORDER BY num_posts, DESC ", add_tags: " INSERT INTO tags(name) VALUES %{tags} ", get_ids: " SELECT tag_id, name FROM tags WHERE name IN (%{tags}) ", }) def initialize(models : Models) super(models, SQL) end def get_tags( tags : Array(String) = [] of String, show_all : Bool = false, ) : Array(Hash(String, String | Int32)) r = [] of Hash(String, String | Int32) # build filter if show_all filter = "1 = 1" else # exclude internal tags filter = "substr(, 1, 1) <> '_'" end # exec query all(:get_tags, nil, { "filter": filter, "tags": { |tag| template(:get_tag_posts, { "tag": @db.quote(tag), }) }.join(" INTERSECT "), }) do |row| r << { "tag_id": row["tag_id"].to_s.to_i, "name": row["name"].to_s, "num_posts": row["num_posts"].to_s.to_i, } end # return results r end def add_tags( tags : Array(String) = [] of String, ) missing_tags = get_missing_tags(tags) if missing_tags.size > 0 query(:add_tags, nil, { "tags": { |tag| "('" + @db.quote(tag) + "')" }.join(','), }) end end private def get_missing_tags( tags : Array(String) = [] of String, ) : Array(String) # get ids of existing tags ids = get_ids(tags) # return missing tags tags.reject { |tag| ids[tag]? } end private def get_ids( tags : Array(String) = [] of String, ) : Hash(String, Int32) r = {} of String => Int32 all(:get_ids, nil, { "tags": { |tag| "'" + @db.quote(tag) + "'" }.join(','), }) do |row| # add to results r[row["name"] as String] = row["tag_id"].to_s.to_i end # return result r end end end