#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # run.rb: Benchmark OpenSSL ciphers on several systems, then do # the following: # # * aggregate the results as CSV files # * create SVG charts of the results # * generate HTML fragments for the SVG results # # Usage: ./run.rb config.yaml # # See included `config.yaml` for configuration options # require 'fileutils' require 'yaml' require 'csv' require 'logger' require 'json' require 'luigi-template' module PiBench # block sizes SIZES = %w{16 64 256 1024 8192 16384} # # list of tests to run. # TESTS = [{ name: 'lscpu', exec: %w{lscpu}, }, { name: 'version', exec: %w{openssl version}, }, { name: 'speed', exec: %w{openssl speed -mr -evp}, type: 'algos', # run test for each algorithm }] # # Default list of EVP algorithms. # # removed sha3-256 because it is not supported in older versions of # openssl ALGOS = %w{ blake2b512 blake2s256 sha256 sha512 aes-128-cbc aes-192-cbc aes-256-cbc } # # Map of type to column headers. # # Used to generate CSV and HTML table column headers. # COLS = { all: [{ id: 'host', name: 'host', }, { id: 'algo', name: 'algo', }, { id: 'size', name: 'size', }, { id: 'speed', name: 'speed', }], algo: [{ id: 'host', name: 'host', }, { id: 'size', name: 'size', }, { id: 'speed', name: 'speed', }], # columns for csvs/hosts.csv and html/hosts.html hosts: [{ id: 'name', name: 'Name', }, { id: 'arch', name: 'Architecture', }, { id: 'text', name: 'Description', }, { id: 'openssl', name: 'OpenSSL Version', }], }.freeze # # Architecture strings. # ARCHS = { all: { name: 'All Systems', text: %{

OpenSSL speed test results by algorithm across all systems.

Note: The CPUs in the x86-64 systems include AES hardware acceleration instructions (AES-NI), and the CPUs in the Raspberry Pi systems do not.

In other words, AES results should only be interpreted as the speed at which the given CPU can perform AES operations, and not as a cross-architecture processing power comparison.

}.strip, }, arm: { name: 'Raspberry Pis', text: %{

OpenSSL speed test results by algorithm for Raspberry Pi systems only.

}.strip, }, x86: { name: 'x86-64', text: %{

OpenSSL speed test results, by algorithm for x86-64 systems only.

}.strip, }, }.freeze LINKS = [{ href: 'csvs/all-all.csv', title: 'Download all results as a CSV file.', text: 'Download Results (CSV)', }, { href: 'https://github.com/pablotron/p4-bench', title: 'View code on GitHub.', text: 'GitHub Page', }].freeze TEMPLATES = Luigi::Cache.new({ index: %{ %{title|h}


This page contains OpenSSL benchmarks across several Raspberry Pis and x86-64 systems generated using the openssl speed command.


Test system details.

}.strip, all: %{ %{cols} %{rows}
}.strip, col: %{ %{name|h} }.strip, row: %{ %{row} }.strip, cell: %{ %{text|h} }.strip, svg_title: %{ OpenSSL Test Speed Results: %{arch|h}, %{algo|h} }.strip, svg: %{ %{name|h} }.strip, svg_row: %{ %{name|h} %{val|h} }, link: %{
  • %{text|h}
  • }.strip, section: %{

    Results: %{name|h}

    %{text} %{svgs}
    }.strip, }) # # Background process mixin. # module BG # # Generate SSH command. # def ssh(host, cmd) ['/usr/bin/ssh', host, *cmd] end # # Spawn background task that writes standard output to given file # and return the PID. # def bg(out, cmd) @log.debug('bg') do JSON.unparse({ out: out, cmd: cmd, }) end spawn(*cmd, in: '/dev/null', out: out, err: '/dev/null', close_others: true ) end end # # Process a map of hosts to background command queues in parallel. # class HostQueue include BG # # Allow singleton invocation. # def self.run(log, queues) new(log, queues).run end def initialize(log, queues) @log, @queues = log, queues @pids = {} end # # Block until all commands have been run successfully on all hosts, # or until any command on any host fails. # def run @queues.keys.each do |host| drain(host) end until done? @log.debug('HostQueue#run') do 'Process.wait(): %s ' % [JSON.unparse({ pids: @pids, queues: @queues, })] end # get pid and status of child that exited pid = Process.wait(-1, Process::WUNTRACED) st = $? # map pid to host if host = @pids.delete(pid) if st.success? # log success @log.debug('HostQueue#run') do 'command done: %s' % [JSON.unparse({ host: host, pid: pid, })] end else # build error message err = 'command failed: %s' % [JSON.unparse({ host: host, pid: pid, })] # log and raise error @log.fatal('HostQueue#run') { err } raise err end # start next command from host drain(host) end end end private # # Start next queued command from given host. # def drain(host) # get queue for host queue = @queues[host] return unless queue && queue.size > 0 # drain host queue of commands that can be skipped while queue.size > 0 && File.exists?(queue.first[:out]) @log.debug('HostQueue#drain') do 'skipping command: %s' % [JSON.unparse({ host: host, row: queue.first })] end # remove skipped command queue.shift end if row = queue.shift # invoke task, grab pid pid = bg(row[:out], ssh(host, row[:cmd])) # log task @log.debug('HostQueue#drain') do JSON.unparse({ host: host, row: row, pid: pid, }) end # add pid to pid to host map @pids[pid] = host end nil end def done? @pids.size == 0 && @queues.keys.all? { |k| @queues[k].size == 0 } end end class Runner include BG # # Allow one-shot invocation. # def initialize(config) # cache config @config = config # get log level log_level = (@config['log_level'] || 'info').upcase # create logger and set log level @log = ::Logger.new(STDERR) @log.level = ::Logger.const_get(log_level) @log.debug { "log level = #{log_level}" } end # # Run benchmarks (if necessary) and generate output CSVs and SVGs. # def run # create output directories make_output_dirs # connect to hosts in background, wait for all to complete spawn_benchmarks # generate CSVs, SVGs, and HTML fragments, wait for all to # complete, and return HTML fragments by section html = save(parse_data).merge({ # generate hosts.csv and hosts html hosts: make_hosts, }) # save index.html save_index_html(html) end private # # Create output directories # def make_output_dirs dirs = (%w{html csvs svgs} + @config['hosts'].map { |row| 'hosts/%s' % [row['name']] }).map { |dir| '%s/%s' % [out_dir, dir] } @log.debug { 'creating output dirs: %s' % [dirs.join(', ')] } FileUtils.mkdir_p(dirs) end # # Spawn benchmark tasks in background and block until they are # complete. # def spawn_benchmarks # build map of hosts to commands queues = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] } # populate map @config['hosts'].each do |row| TESTS.each do |test| case test[:type] when 'algos' # queue test command for each algorithm (@config['algos'] || ALGOS).each do |algo| queues[row['host']] << { cmd: [*test[:exec], algo], out: '%s/hosts/%s/%s-%s.txt' % [ out_dir, row['name'], test[:name], algo, ], } end else # queue command for test queues[row['host']] << { cmd: test[:exec], out: '%s/hosts/%s/%s.txt' % [ out_dir, row['name'], test[:name], ] } end end end # block until all task queues have completed successfully HostQueue.run(@log, queues) end # # Parse openssl benchmark data into a map of algorithm => rows # def parse_data @config['hosts'].reduce(Hash.new do |h, k| h[k] = Hash.new do |h2, k2| h2[k2] = { max: 0, rows: [] } end end) do |r, row| # build absolute path to openssl speed data files glob = '%s/hosts/%s/speed-*.txt' % [out_dir, row['name']] # parse speed files Dir[glob].each do |path| # get arch arch = row['pi'] ? 'arm' : 'x86' # parse file lines = File.readlines(path).select { |line| # match on result rows line =~ /^\+F:/ }.each do |line| # split to results vals = line.strip.split(':') # build algorithm name algo = vals[2].gsub(/\s+/, '-') # walk block sizes SIZES.each_with_index do |size, i| 4.times.map { |j| { algo: ((j & 1) != 0) ? 'all' : algo, arch: ((j & 2) != 0) ? 'all' : arch, } }.each do |agg| val = vals[i + 3].to_f max = r[agg[:arch]][agg[:algo]][:max] r[agg[:arch]][agg[:algo]][:max] = val if val > max r[agg[:arch]][agg[:algo]][:rows] << (if agg[:algo] == 'all' # build row for all-*.csv [row['name'], algo, size, val] else # row for algo-specific CSV [row['name'], size, val] end) end end end end r end end # # Generate CSVs, SVGs, and HTML fragments, then return map of arch # to HTML fragments. # def save(all_data) save_csvs(all_data) svgs = save_svgs(all_data) make_html(svgs) end # # Save all CSVs. # def save_csvs(all_data) all_data.each do |arch, algos| algos.each do |algo, data| save_csv( '%s/csvs/%s-%s.csv' % [out_dir, arch, algo], COLS[(algo == 'all') ? :all : :algo].map { |col| col[:id] }, data[:rows] ) end end end # # Save SVGs and return a lut of arch to svgs. # def save_svgs(all_data) pids = [] svgs = Hash.new { |h, k| h[k] = [] } # generate svgs data = all_data.keys.each do |arch| # omit algo=all svgs because they are too large all_data[arch].keys.select { |algo| algo != 'all' }.each do |algo| # get rows rows = all_data[arch][algo][:rows] # get maximum value for plot max = get_max_value(all_data, arch, algo) # build svg data svg = make_svg(arch, algo, max, rows) # add to svg lut svgs[arch] << { algo: algo, path: svg[:path], rows: svg[:rows].reverse, title: svg[:title], } # save in background and add pid list of pids pids << save_svg(svg) end end # wait for background tasks to complete join('save_svgs', pids) # return svg data lut svgs end # # Generate HTML fragments for each architecture. # def make_html(svgs) svgs.keys.reduce({}) do |r, arch| r[arch] = svgs[arch].sort { |a, b| a[:path] <=> b[:path] }.map { |row| TEMPLATES[:svg].run({ svg_path: 'svgs/%s' % [File.basename(row[:path])], # path to downloadable CSV csv_path: 'csvs/%s' % [ File.basename(row[:path]).gsub(/svg$/, 'csv'), ], name: row[:title], rows: row[:rows].map { |row| TEMPLATES[:svg_row].run({ name: row[0], val: row[1], }) }.join, }) }.join r end end # # Generate CSV and HTML table of hosts and return generated HTML. # def make_hosts save_hosts_csv make_hosts_html end # # Generate out/csvs/hosts.csv and return thread. # def save_hosts_csv save_csv( '%s/csvs/hosts.csv' % [out_dir], COLS[:hosts].map { |col| col[:name] }, @config['hosts'].map { |row| COLS[:hosts].map { |col| row[col[:id]] } } ) end # # Generate and return hosts HTML. # def make_hosts_html TEMPLATES[:all].run({ cols: COLS[:hosts].map { |col| TEMPLATES[:col].run(col) }.join, rows: @config['hosts'].map { |row| path = '%s/hosts/%s/version.txt' % [out_dir, row['name']] row.merge({ 'openssl' => File.read(path).strip, }) }.map { |row| TEMPLATES[:row].run({ row: COLS[:hosts].map { |col| TEMPLATES[:cell].run({ text: row[col[:id]] }) }.join }) }.join, }) end # # Generate and write out/index.html. # def save_index_html(html) File.write('%s/index.html' % [out_dir], TEMPLATES[:index].run({ title: 'OpenSSL Benchmark Results', hosts: html[:hosts], links: LINKS.map { |row| TEMPLATES[:link].run(row) }.join, sections: %i{all arm x86}.map { |arch| TEMPLATES[:section].run({ svgs: html[arch.to_s], }.merge(ARCHS[arch])) }.join, })) end # # Save CSV file. # def save_csv(path, cols, rows) CSV.open(path, 'wb') do |csv| # write headers csv << cols # write rows rows.each do |row| csv << row end end end # # Build data for SVG. # def make_svg(arch, algo, max, rows) { # build output path path: '%s/svgs/%s-%s.svg' % [out_dir, arch, algo], # build title title: TEMPLATES[:svg_title].run({ arch: ARCHS[arch.intern][:name], algo: algo, }), # output image size (in inches) size: [6.4 * 2, 4.8 * 2], # output image DPI dpi: 100, # font sizes (in points) fontsize: { yticks: 10, title: 14, }, # calculate xlimit (round up to nearest 50) xlimit: (max / (1048576 * 50.0)).ceil * 50, xlabel: 'Speed (MB/s)', # rows (sorted in reverse order) rows: rows.map { |row| [ '%s (%d bytes)' % [row[0], row[1].to_i], (row[2].to_f / 1048576).round(2), ] }.reverse, } end # # Render SVG in background and return SVG path, title, and PID. # def save_svg(svg) # invoke plot in background, return pid bg('/dev/null', [ # absolute path to python '/usr/bin/python3', # build path to plot.py '%s/plot.py' % [__dir__], # build chart json data JSON.unparse(svg), ]) end # # get maximum value depending for chart # def get_max_value(data, arch, algo) is_aes = is_aes?(algo) data['all'].keys.select { |k| is_aes == is_aes?(k) }.map { |k| data[arch][k][:max] }.reduce(0) { |rm, v| v > rm ? v : rm } end # # Is the given algorithm AES? # def is_aes?(algo) @is_aes_cache ||= {} @is_aes_cache[algo] ||= !!(algo =~ /^aes/) end # # join set of PIDs together # def join(set_name, pids = []) @log.debug('join') do JSON.unparse({ set_name: set_name, pids: pids, }) end # wait for all tasks to complete and check for errors errors = pids.reduce([]) do |r, pid| Process.wait(pid) $?.success? ? r : (r << pid) end if errors.size > 0 # build error message err = 'pids failed: %s' % [JSON.unparse({ set_name: set_name, pids: errors, })] # log and raise error @log.fatal('join') { err } raise err end end # # Get output directory. # def out_dir @config['out_dir'] end end # # Allow one-shot invocation. # def self.run(app, args) # check command-line arguments unless config_path = args.shift raise "Usage: #{app} config.yaml" end Runner.new(load_config(config_path)).run end # # Load config file and check for required keys. # def self.load_config(path) # read/check config ::YAML.load_file(path).tap do |r| # check for required config keys missing = %w{out_dir hosts}.reject { |key| r.key?(key) } raise "Missing required config keys: #{missing}" if missing.size > 0 end end end # allow cli invocation PiBench.run($0, ARGV) if __FILE__ == $0