
Self-contained C11 SHA-2 implementation.

Features: * Self-contained (no external dependencies) * C11 only (platform-agnostic) * MIT-licensed * Includes test vectors (via make test)

Includes implementations of the following: * SHA-224 * SHA-256 * SHA-384 * SHA-512 * HMAC-SHA-256 * HMAC-SHA-512


See tests.c for usage.

Use make test to run the test vectors.



Partially unrolled compression makes this implementation faster than coreutils, but slower than the assembly-optimized, architecture and family-specific OpenSSL implementation.

> time -p ./sha256 ~/Videos/8x*avi > /dev/null
rleal 9.39
user 9.10
sys 0.29
> time -p sha256sum ~/Videos/8x*avi > /dev/null
real 12.04
user 11.73
sys 0.31
> time -p openssl sha256 ~/Videos/8x*avi > /dev/null
real 6.36
user 6.01
sys 0.32