path: root/tests/cavp-tests/gen-main.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/cavp-tests/gen-main.rb')
1 files changed, 446 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/cavp-tests/gen-main.rb b/tests/cavp-tests/gen-main.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5d73554
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cavp-tests/gen-main.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+# gen-main.rb: Generate `main.c` for cavp-tests. This script does the
+# following:
+# 1. Fetches the SHA-3 and SHAKE byte test vectors zip archives and
+# caches them in `./zip-cache`.
+# 3. Verifies the SHA-256 digest of the downloaded archives.
+# 3. Parses the response files (`.rsp`) in the downloaded zip archives
+# and extracts the SHA-3 and SHAKE test vectors.
+# 4. Uses the test vectors to generate `main.c`.
+# 5. Prints `main.c` to standard output.
+# Usage:
+# cd tests/cavp-tests/
+# # download/cache archives, then generate main.c from them
+# ./gen-main.rb > main.c
+# # build and run tests
+# make && ./cavp-tests
+# load libraries
+require 'open-uri'
+require 'openssl'
+require 'uri'
+require 'zip'
+# number of elements per line of test data
+PER_LINE = 128
+# test vector sets
+SETS = [{
+ # URL to zip file containing test vectors for this set of algorithms
+ url: '',
+ # expected sha256 digest of zip file
+ hash: 'cd07701af2e47f5cc889d642528b4bf11f8b6eb55797c7307a96828ed8d8fc8c',
+ # algorithms
+ algos: [{
+ name: 'SHA3-224', # algo name
+ fn: 'sha3_224', # function prefix
+ type: :hash, # function type
+ size: 28, # output size, in bytes
+ # response files
+ rsp_files: %w{
+ SHA3_224ShortMsg.rsp
+ SHA3_224LongMsg.rsp
+ },
+ }, {
+ name: 'SHA3-256', # algo name
+ fn: 'sha3_256', # function prefix
+ type: :hash, # function type
+ size: 32, # output size, in bytes
+ # response files
+ rsp_files: %w{
+ SHA3_256ShortMsg.rsp
+ SHA3_256LongMsg.rsp
+ },
+ }, {
+ name: 'SHA3-384', # algo name
+ fn: 'sha3_384', # function prefix
+ type: :hash, # function type
+ size: 48, # output size, in bytes
+ # response files
+ rsp_files: %w{
+ SHA3_384ShortMsg.rsp
+ SHA3_384LongMsg.rsp
+ },
+ }, {
+ name: 'SHA3-512', # algo name
+ fn: 'sha3_512', # function prefix
+ type: :hash, # function type
+ size: 64, # output size, in bytes
+ # response files
+ rsp_files: %w{
+ SHA3_512ShortMsg.rsp
+ SHA3_512LongMsg.rsp
+ },
+ }],
+}, {
+ # URL to zip file containing test vectors for this set of algorithms
+ url: '',
+ # expected sha256 digest of zip file
+ hash: 'debfebc3157b3ceea002b84ca38476420389a3bf7e97dc5f53ea4689a16de4c7',
+ # algorithms
+ algos: [{
+ name: 'SHAKE128', # algo name
+ fn: 'shake128', # function prefix
+ type: :xof, # function type
+ # response files
+ rsp_files: %w{
+ SHAKE128ShortMsg.rsp
+ SHAKE128LongMsg.rsp
+ SHAKE128VariableOut.rsp
+ },
+ }, {
+ name: 'SHAKE256', # algo name
+ fn: 'shake256', # function prefix
+ type: :xof, # function type
+ # response files
+ rsp_files: %w{
+ SHAKE256ShortMsg.rsp
+ SHAKE256LongMsg.rsp
+ SHAKE256VariableOut.rsp
+ },
+ }],
+# header for main.c
+// Run test vectors for FIPS202 hash functions and XOFs.
+// (generated by `gen-main.rb`)
+#include <stdint.h> // uint8_t
+#include <stdio.h> // printf()
+#include <string.h> // memcmp()
+#include "hex.h" // hex_write()
+#include "sha3.h"
+typedef struct {
+ const char *test_fn; // test function name
+ size_t test_i; // test case index
+ const char *rsp_file; // response file name
+ size_t rsp_line; // start line of test in response file
+ const uint8_t *got; // result
+ size_t got_len; // result length
+ const uint8_t *exp; // expected result
+ size_t exp_len; // expected result length
+} failure_t;
+// print failure
+static void fail(FILE *fh, const failure_t f) {
+ fprintf(fh, "test_fn = %s\\n", f.test_fn);
+ fprintf(fh, "rsp_file = %s\\n", f.rsp_file);
+ fprintf(fh, "rsp_line = %zu\\n", f.rsp_line);
+ fprintf(fh, "got (%zu) = ", f.got_len);
+ hex_write(fh,, f.got_len);
+ fprintf(fh, "\\nexp (%zu) = ", f.exp_len);
+ hex_write(fh, f.exp, f.exp_len);
+ fprintf(fh, "\\n");
+# template for footer of main.c
+int main(void) {
+ return 0;
+# xof test vector template
+ { %<file_pos>d, %<line>d, %<src_ofs>d, %<src_len>d, %<exp_ofs>d, %<exp_len>d },
+# xof test function template
+// %<name>s tests from
+static void test_%<fn>s(void) {
+ // data for tests
+ static const uint8_t DATA[] = {
+ }; // total size = %<data_size>d
+ // response file names
+ static const char *RSP_FILES[] = { %<rsp_files>s };
+ // test vectors
+ static const struct {
+ const size_t rsp_file_ofs, // offset of source file name in RSP_FILES
+ rsp_file_line, // line within rsp file
+ src_ofs, // message offset into DATA
+ src_len, // message length of data
+ exp_ofs, // expected output offset into DATA
+ exp_len; // expected output length
+ } TESTS[] = {
+ };
+ // run tests
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(TESTS) / sizeof(TESTS[0]); i++) {
+ // get expected result
+ const uint8_t * const exp = DATA + TESTS[i].exp_ofs;
+ const size_t exp_len = TESTS[i].exp_len;
+ // hash data into "got"
+ uint8_t got[%<max_exp_len>d] = { 0 };
+ %<fn>s_xof_once(DATA + TESTS[i].src_ofs, TESTS[i].src_len, got, exp_len);
+ // check for expected result
+ if (memcmp(got, exp, exp_len)) {
+ fail(stderr, (failure_t) {
+ .test_fn = __func__, // test function
+ .test_i = i, // test case index in TESTS
+ .rsp_file = RSP_FILES[TESTS[i].rsp_file_ofs], // response file
+ .rsp_line = TESTS[i].rsp_file_line, // start line of test case
+ .got = got, // result
+ .got_len = exp_len, // result length, in bytes
+ .exp = exp, // expected result
+ .exp_len = exp_len, // expected result length, in bytes
+ });
+ }
+ }
+# hash test vector template
+ { %<file_pos>d, %<line>d, %<src_ofs>d, %<src_len>d, %<exp_ofs>d },
+# hash test function template
+// %<name>s tests
+static void test_%<fn>s(void) {
+ // data for tests
+ static const uint8_t DATA[] = {
+ }; // total size = %<data_size>d
+ // response file names
+ static const char *RSP_FILES[] = { %<rsp_files>s };
+ // test vectors
+ static const struct {
+ const size_t rsp_file_ofs, // offset of source file name in RSP_FILES
+ rsp_file_line, // line within rsp file
+ src_ofs, // message offset into DATA
+ src_len, // message length of data
+ exp_ofs; // expected output offset into DATA
+ } TESTS[] = {
+ };
+ // run tests
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(TESTS) / sizeof(TESTS[0]); i++) {
+ // get expected result
+ const uint8_t * const exp = DATA + TESTS[i].exp_ofs;
+ // hash data into "got"
+ uint8_t got[%<max_exp_len>d] = { 0 };
+ %<fn>s(DATA + TESTS[i].src_ofs, TESTS[i].src_len, got);
+ // check for expected result
+ if (memcmp(got, exp, sizeof(got))) {
+ fail(stderr, (failure_t) {
+ .test_fn = __func__, // test function
+ .test_i = i, // test case index in TESTS
+ .rsp_file = RSP_FILES[TESTS[i].rsp_file_ofs], // response file
+ .rsp_line = TESTS[i].rsp_file_line, // start line of test case
+ .got = got, // result
+ .got_len = sizeof(got), // result length, in bytes
+ .exp = exp, // expected result
+ .exp_len = sizeof(got), // expected result length, in bytes
+ });
+ }
+ }
+# parse hash of key/value pairs into test vector row
+def parse(algo_type, file, h, data_size, &block)
+ # parse hex-encoded message into array of bytes, then
+ # truncate message to "Len" bytes, if "Len" is specified
+ src = h[:Msg].scan(/../).map { |s| s.to_i(16) }
+ src = src[0, h[:Len].to_i] if h.key?(:Len)
+ src_ofs = data_size
+ exp = case algo_type
+ when :xof
+ # parse hex-encoded expected output into array of bytes, then
+ # truncate expected output to "OutputLen" bytes, if "OutputLen" is
+ # specified
+ exp = h[:Output].scan(/../).map { |s| s.to_i(16) }
+ exp = exp[0, h[:OutputLen].to_i] if h.key?(:OutputLen)
+ exp
+ when :hash
+ # get expected output
+ h[:MD].scan(/../).map { |s| s.to_i(16) }
+ else
+ raise "unknown algorithm type: #{algo_type}"
+ end
+ exp_ofs = data_size + src.size
+ # append message bytes and expected output bytes to data
+ + exp)
+ # return parsed entry
+ {
+ file: file,
+ line: h[:line],
+ # message
+ src_ofs: src_ofs,
+ src_len: src.size,
+ # expected output
+ exp_ofs: exp_ofs,
+ exp_len: exp.size,
+ }
+# build path to test vector archive cache
+CACHE_DIR = File.join(__dir__, 'zip-cache')
+Dir.mkdir(CACHE_DIR) unless Dir.exist?(CACHE_DIR)
+# download test vector archives do |set|
+ do |set|
+ # parse url
+ url = URI.parse(set[:url])
+ # destination archive name
+ zip_name = File.basename(url.path)
+ # absolute path to destination archive
+ zip_path = File.join(CACHE_DIR, zip_name)
+ # download to destination path
+ { |src_io| IO.copy_stream(src_io, zip_path) } unless File.exist?(zip_path)
+ # get sha256 hash of downloaded archive
+ got_hash =
+ # check against expected digest
+ if got_hash != set[:hash]
+ raise '%s: hash mismatch: got %s, exp %s' % [zip_name, got_hash, set[:hash]]
+ end
+ end
+end.each { |t| t.join }
+# print header
+# generate test code
+SETS.each do |set|
+ # get absolute path to zip file
+ zip_path = File.join(CACHE_DIR, File.basename(URI.parse(set[:url]).path))
+ # open zip file
+, 'rb') do |zip|
+ set[:algos].each do |algo|
+ data = [] # test data (shared across all rsp files)
+ # parse test vectors from rsp files
+ rows = algo[:rsp_files].each_with_object([]) do |rsp_file, rows|
+ curr = {} # current row
+ # read lines from rsp file
+ lines = zip.glob(rsp_file) { |line| line.strip }
+ # parse lines into rows
+ lines.size.times.each do |line_i|
+ case lines[line_i]
+ when /^(\w+) = (\w+)$/
+ k, v = $1, $2 # extract key and value
+ curr[k.intern] = v
+ # cache line number
+ curr[:line] = line_i unless curr[:line]
+ when ''
+ if curr.size > 0
+ # parse current hash into test vector and add it to results
+ rows << parse(algo[:type], rsp_file, curr, data.size) { |bytes| data += bytes }
+ end
+ curr = {} # clear current hash
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # get maximum number of lines of emitted static DATA array
+ num_lines = data.size / PER_LINE + ((data.size % PER_LINE) > 0 ? 1 : 0)
+ # get maximum length of expected output
+ # used to for size of "got" buffer in emitted code
+ max_exp_len = case algo[:type]
+ when :hash
+ algo[:size]
+ when :xof
+ rows.reduce(0) { |r, row| row[:exp_len] > r ? row[:exp_len] : r }
+ else
+ raise "unknown algorithm type: #{algo[:type]}"
+ end
+ # get templates
+ fn_tmpl, test_tmpl = case algo[:type]
+ when :xof
+ when :hash
+ else
+ raise "unknown algorithm type: #{algo[:type]}"
+ end
+ # generate test function
+ puts(fn_tmpl % {
+ name: algo[:name], # algorithm name
+ fn: algo[:fn], # algorithm function prefix
+ # test vector data
+ data: { |ofs|
+ " %s,\n" % [data[PER_LINE * ofs, PER_LINE].join(', ')]
+ }.join,
+ # response file names
+ rsp_files: algo[:rsp_files].map { |file| '"%s"' % [file] }.join(', '),
+ data_size: data.size, # total size of emitted DATA array, in bytes
+ max_exp_len: max_exp_len, # maximum expected output length, in bytes
+ # test vectors
+ tests: { |row|
+ test_tmpl % row.merge({ file_pos: algo[:rsp_files].index(row[:file]) })
+ }.join,
+ })
+ end
+ end
+# print main function body
+puts(MAIN_TAIL_TMPL % {
+ fns: SETS.each_with_object([]) do |set, r|
+ set[:algos].each_with_object(r) do |algo, r|
+ r << ' test_%<fn>s();' % algo
+ end
+ end.join("\n"),