// // all-fns: Exercise every function. Relatively sparsely commented; // used as a source for inline examples in generated API documentation. // #include // uint8_t #include // printf() #include "hex.h" // hex_write() #include "rand-bytes.h" // rand_bytes() #include "sha3.h" static void sha3_224_example(void) { ///! [sha3_224] // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // calculate sha3-224 hash of `buf`, write results to `hash` uint8_t hash[28] = { 0 }; sha3_224(buf, sizeof(buf), hash); ///! [sha3_224] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, hash, sizeof(hash)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void sha3_224_absorb_example(void) { ///! [sha3_224_absorb] // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // create sha3-224 context sha3_t ctx = { 0 }; sha3_224_init(&ctx); // absorb `buf` in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { sha3_224_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // finalize context, write result to `hash` uint8_t hash[28] = { 0 }; sha3_224_final(&ctx, hash); ///! [sha3_224_absorb] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, hash, sizeof(hash)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void sha3_256_example(void) { ///! [sha3_256] // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // calculate sha3-256 hash of `buf`, write results to `hash` uint8_t hash[32] = { 0 }; sha3_256(buf, sizeof(buf), hash); ///! [sha3_256] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, hash, sizeof(hash)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void sha3_256_absorb_example(void) { ///! [sha3_256_absorb] // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // create sha3-256 context sha3_t ctx = { 0 }; sha3_256_init(&ctx); // absorb `buf` in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { sha3_256_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // finalize context, write result to `hash` uint8_t hash[32] = { 0 }; sha3_256_final(&ctx, hash); ///! [sha3_256_absorb] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, hash, sizeof(hash)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void sha3_384_example(void) { ///! [sha3_384] // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // calculate sha3-384 hash of `buf`, write results to `hash` uint8_t hash[48] = { 0 }; sha3_384(buf, sizeof(buf), hash); ///! [sha3_384] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, hash, sizeof(hash)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void sha3_384_absorb_example(void) { ///! [sha3_384_absorb] // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // create sha3-384 context sha3_t ctx = { 0 }; sha3_384_init(&ctx); // absorb `buf` in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { sha3_384_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // finalize context, write result to `hash` uint8_t hash[48] = { 0 }; sha3_384_final(&ctx, hash); ///! [sha3_384_absorb] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, hash, sizeof(hash)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void sha3_512_example(void) { ///! [sha3_512] // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // calculate sha3-512 hash of `buf`, write results to `hash` uint8_t hash[64] = { 0 }; sha3_512(buf, sizeof(buf), hash); ///! [sha3_512] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, hash, sizeof(hash)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void sha3_512_absorb_example(void) { ///! [sha3_512_absorb] // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // create sha3-512 context sha3_t ctx = { 0 }; sha3_512_init(&ctx); // absorb `buf` in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { sha3_512_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // finalize context, write result to `hash` uint8_t hash[64] = { 0 }; sha3_512_final(&ctx, hash); ///! [sha3_512_absorb] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, hash, sizeof(hash)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void shake128_example(void) { ///! [shake128] // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // absorb into shake128 context with 15 byte output, write result to `out` uint8_t out[15] = { 0 }; shake128(buf, sizeof(buf), out, sizeof(out)); ///! [shake128] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void shake128_ctx_example(void) { ///! [shake128_ctx] // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // create shake128 context sha3_xof_t ctx = { 0 }; shake128_init(&ctx); // absorb `buf` contents in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { shake128_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // print result prefix to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); // squeeze first 128 bytes of of result in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < 128; i += 32) { // squeeze 32 bytes of result into `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; shake128_squeeze(&ctx, out, sizeof(out)); // encode as hex, print to stdout hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); } // print result suffix to stdout fputs("\n", stdout); ///! [shake128_ctx] } static void shake256_example(void) { ///! [shake256] // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // absorb `buf` into shake256 context with 15 byte output, write result to `out` uint8_t out[15] = { 0 }; shake256(buf, sizeof(buf), out, sizeof(out)); ///! [shake256] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void shake256_ctx_example(void) { ///! [shake256_ctx] // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // create shake256 context sha3_xof_t ctx = { 0 }; shake256_init(&ctx); // absorb `buf` contents in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { shake256_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // print result prefix to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); // squeeze first 128 bytes of of result in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < 128; i += 32) { // squeeze 32 bytes of result into `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; shake256_squeeze(&ctx, out, sizeof(out)); // encode as hex, print to stdout hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); } // print result suffix to stdout fputs("\n", stdout); ///! [shake256_ctx] } static void hmac_sha3_224_example(void) { ///! [hmac_sha3_224] // key and key size, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) const uint8_t key[] = "secret!"; // key const size_t key_len = sizeof(key) - 1; // key size // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // calculate HMAC-SHA3-224, write results to `mac` uint8_t mac[28] = { 0 }; hmac_sha3_224(key, key_len, buf, sizeof(buf), mac); ///! [hmac_sha3_224] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, mac, sizeof(mac)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void hmac_sha3_224_absorb_example(void) { ///! [hmac_sha3_224_absorb] // key and key size, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) const uint8_t key[] = "secret!"; // key const size_t key_len = sizeof(key) - 1; // key size // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // create HMAC-SHA3-224 context hmac_sha3_t ctx = { 0 }; hmac_sha3_224_init(&ctx, key, key_len); // absorb `buf` in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { hmac_sha3_224_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // finalize context, write result to `mac` uint8_t mac[28] = { 0 }; hmac_sha3_224_final(&ctx, mac); ///! [hmac_sha3_224_absorb] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, mac, sizeof(mac)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void hmac_sha3_256_example(void) { ///! [hmac_sha3_256] // key and key size, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) const uint8_t key[] = "secret!"; // key const size_t key_len = sizeof(key) - 1; // key size // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // calculate HMAC-SHA3-256, write results to `mac` uint8_t mac[32] = { 0 }; hmac_sha3_256(key, key_len, buf, sizeof(buf), mac); ///! [hmac_sha3_256] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, mac, sizeof(mac)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void hmac_sha3_256_absorb_example(void) { ///! [hmac_sha3_256_absorb] // key and key size, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) const uint8_t key[] = "secret!"; // key const size_t key_len = sizeof(key) - 1; // key size // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // create HMAC-SHA3-256 context hmac_sha3_t ctx = { 0 }; hmac_sha3_256_init(&ctx, key, key_len); // absorb `buf` in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { hmac_sha3_256_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // finalize context, write result to `mac` uint8_t mac[32] = { 0 }; hmac_sha3_256_final(&ctx, mac); ///! [hmac_sha3_256_absorb] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, mac, sizeof(mac)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void hmac_sha3_384_example(void) { ///! [hmac_sha3_384] // key and key size, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) const uint8_t key[] = "secret!"; // key const size_t key_len = sizeof(key) - 1; // key size // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // calculate HMAC-SHA3-384, write results to `mac` uint8_t mac[48] = { 0 }; hmac_sha3_384(key, key_len, buf, sizeof(buf), mac); ///! [hmac_sha3_384] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, mac, sizeof(mac)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void hmac_sha3_384_absorb_example(void) { ///! [hmac_sha3_384_absorb] // key and key size, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) const uint8_t key[] = "secret!"; // key const size_t key_len = sizeof(key) - 1; // key size // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // create HMAC-SHA3-384 context hmac_sha3_t ctx = { 0 }; hmac_sha3_384_init(&ctx, key, key_len); // absorb `buf` in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { hmac_sha3_384_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // finalize context, write result to `mac` uint8_t mac[48] = { 0 }; hmac_sha3_384_final(&ctx, mac); ///! [hmac_sha3_384_absorb] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, mac, sizeof(mac)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void hmac_sha3_512_example(void) { ///! [hmac_sha3_512] // key and key size, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) const uint8_t key[] = "secret!"; // key const size_t key_len = sizeof(key) - 1; // key size // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // calculate HMAC-SHA3-512, write results to `mac` uint8_t mac[64] = { 0 }; hmac_sha3_512(key, key_len, buf, sizeof(buf), mac); ///! [hmac_sha3_512] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, mac, sizeof(mac)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void hmac_sha3_512_absorb_example(void) { ///! [hmac_sha3_512_absorb] // key and key size, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) const uint8_t key[] = "secret!"; // key const size_t key_len = sizeof(key) - 1; // key size // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // create HMAC-SHA3-512 context hmac_sha3_t ctx = { 0 }; hmac_sha3_512_init(&ctx, key, key_len); // absorb `buf` in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { hmac_sha3_512_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // finalize context, write result to `mac` uint8_t mac[64] = { 0 }; hmac_sha3_512_final(&ctx, mac); ///! [hmac_sha3_512_absorb] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, mac, sizeof(mac)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void cshake128_example(void) { ///! [cshake128] const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // cSHAKE parameters const cshake_params_t params = { .custom = custom, .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // absorb into cSHAKE128 with fixed-length output, write 32 bytes to `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; cshake128(params, buf, sizeof(buf), out, sizeof(out)); ///! [cshake128] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void cshake128_xof_example(void) { ///! [cshake128_xof] const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // cSHAKE parameters const cshake_params_t params = { .custom = custom, .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // create cSHAKE128 context from parameters sha3_xof_t ctx = { 0 }; cshake128_xof_init(&ctx, params); // absorb `buf` in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { cshake128_xof_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // print result prefix to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); // squeeze first 128 bytes of of result in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < 128; i += 32) { // squeeze 32 bytes of result into `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; cshake128_xof_squeeze(&ctx, out, sizeof(out)); // encode as hex, print to stdout hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); } // print result suffix to stdout fputs("\n", stdout); ///! [cshake128_xof] } static void cshake256_example(void) { ///! [cshake256] const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // cSHAKE parameters const cshake_params_t params = { .custom = custom, .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // absorb into cshake256 with fixed-length output, write 32 bytes to `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; cshake256(params, buf, sizeof(buf), out, sizeof(out)); ///! [cshake256] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void cshake256_xof_example(void) { ///! [cshake256_xof] const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // cSHAKE parameters const cshake_params_t params = { .custom = custom, .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // create cSHAKE256 context from parameters sha3_xof_t ctx = { 0 }; cshake256_xof_init(&ctx, params); // absorb `buf` in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { cshake256_xof_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // print result prefix to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); // squeeze first 128 bytes of of result in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < 128; i += 32) { // squeeze 32 bytes of result into `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; cshake256_xof_squeeze(&ctx, out, sizeof(out)); // encode as hex, print to stdout hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); } // print result suffix to stdout fputs("\n", stdout); ///! [cshake256_xof] } static void kmac128_example(void) { ///! [kmac128] const uint8_t key[] = "secret!"; // secret key const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // kmac parameters const kmac_params_t params = { .key = key, // secret key .key_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // key length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) .custom = custom, // customization string .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // customization string length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // absorb into kmac128 with fixed-length output, write 32 bytes to `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; kmac128(params, buf, sizeof(buf), out, sizeof(out)); ///! [kmac128] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void kmac128_xof_example(void) { ///! [kmac128_xof] const uint8_t key[] = "secret!"; // secret key const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // kmac parameters const kmac_params_t params = { .key = key, // secret key .key_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // key length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) .custom = custom, // customization string .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // customization string length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // create KMAC128 XOF context from parameters sha3_xof_t ctx = { 0 }; kmac128_xof_init(&ctx, params); // absorb `buf` in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { kmac128_xof_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // print result prefix to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); // squeeze first 128 bytes of of result in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < 128; i += 32) { // squeeze 32 bytes of result into `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; kmac128_xof_squeeze(&ctx, out, sizeof(out)); // encode as hex, print to stdout hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); } // print result suffix to stdout fputs("\n", stdout); ///! [kmac128_xof] } static void kmac128_xof_once_example(void) { ///! [kmac128_xof_once] const uint8_t key[] = "secret!"; // secret key const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // kmac parameters const kmac_params_t params = { .key = key, // secret key .key_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // key length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) .custom = custom, // customization string .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // customization string length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // absorb into KMAC128 XOF, squeeze into `out` uint8_t out[128] = { 0 }; // output buffer kmac128_xof_once(params, buf, sizeof(buf), out, sizeof(out)); ///! [kmac128_xof_once] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void kmac256_example(void) { ///! [kmac256] const uint8_t key[] = "secret!"; // secret key const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // kmac parameters const kmac_params_t params = { .key = key, // secret key .key_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // key length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) .custom = custom, // customization string .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // customization string length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // absorb into KMAC256 with fixed-length output, write 32 bytes to `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; kmac256(params, buf, sizeof(buf), out, sizeof(out)); ///! [kmac256] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void kmac256_xof_example(void) { ///! [kmac256_xof] const uint8_t key[] = "secret!"; // secret key const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // kmac parameters const kmac_params_t params = { .key = key, // secret key .key_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // key length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) .custom = custom, // customization string .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // customization string length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // create KMAC256 XOF context from parameters sha3_xof_t ctx = { 0 }; kmac256_xof_init(&ctx, params); // absorb `buf` in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { kmac256_xof_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // print result prefix to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); // squeeze first 128 bytes of of result in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < 128; i += 32) { // squeeze 32 bytes of result into `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; kmac256_xof_squeeze(&ctx, out, sizeof(out)); // encode as hex, print to stdout hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); } // print result suffix to stdout fputs("\n", stdout); ///! [kmac256_xof] } static void kmac256_xof_once_example(void) { ///! [kmac256_xof_once] const uint8_t key[] = "secret!"; // secret key const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // kmac parameters const kmac_params_t params = { .key = key, // secret key .key_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // key length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) .custom = custom, // customization string .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // customization string length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // absorb into KMAC256 XOF, squeeze into `out` uint8_t out[128] = { 0 }; // output buffer kmac256_xof_once(params, buf, sizeof(buf), out, sizeof(out)); ///! [kmac256_xof_once] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void tuplehash128_example(void) { ///! [tuplehash128] // byte strings const tuplehash_str_t strs[] = { { .ptr = (uint8_t*) "foo", .len = 3 }, { .ptr = (uint8_t*) "bar", .len = 3 }, { .ptr = (uint8_t*) "blum", .len = 4 }, }; const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // tuplehash parameters const tuplehash_params_t params = { .strs = strs, // array of byte strings .num_strs = sizeof(strs) / sizeof(strs[0]), // byte string count .custom = custom, // customization string .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // customization string length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // absorb into TupleHash128 with fixed-length output, write 32 bytes to `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; tuplehash128(params, out, sizeof(out)); ///! [tuplehash128] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void tuplehash128_xof_example(void) { ///! [tuplehash128_xof] // byte strings const tuplehash_str_t strs[] = { { .ptr = (uint8_t*) "foo", .len = 3 }, { .ptr = (uint8_t*) "bar", .len = 3 }, { .ptr = (uint8_t*) "blum", .len = 4 }, }; const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // tuplehash parameters const tuplehash_params_t params = { .strs = strs, // array of byte strings .num_strs = sizeof(strs) / sizeof(strs[0]), // byte string count .custom = custom, // customization string .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // customization string length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // create TupleHash128 XOF context from parameters sha3_xof_t ctx = { 0 }; tuplehash128_xof_init(&ctx, params); // print result prefix to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); // squeeze first 128 bytes of of result in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < 128; i += 32) { // squeeze 32 bytes of result into `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; tuplehash128_xof_squeeze(&ctx, out, sizeof(out)); // encode as hex, print to stdout hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); } // print result suffix to stdout fputs("\n", stdout); ///! [tuplehash128_xof] } static void tuplehash128_xof_once_example(void) { ///! [tuplehash128_xof_once] // byte strings const tuplehash_str_t strs[] = { { .ptr = (uint8_t*) "foo", .len = 3 }, { .ptr = (uint8_t*) "bar", .len = 3 }, { .ptr = (uint8_t*) "blum", .len = 4 }, }; const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // tuplehash parameters const tuplehash_params_t params = { .strs = strs, // array of byte strings .num_strs = sizeof(strs) / sizeof(strs[0]), // byte string count .custom = custom, // customization string .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // customization string length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // absorb into TupleHash128 XOF, squeeze into `out` uint8_t out[128] = { 0 }; // output buffer tuplehash128_xof_once(params, out, sizeof(out)); ///! [tuplehash128_xof_once] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void tuplehash256_example(void) { ///! [tuplehash256] // byte strings const tuplehash_str_t strs[] = { { .ptr = (uint8_t*) "foo", .len = 3 }, { .ptr = (uint8_t*) "bar", .len = 3 }, { .ptr = (uint8_t*) "blum", .len = 4 }, }; const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // tuplehash parameters const tuplehash_params_t params = { .strs = strs, // array of byte strings .num_strs = sizeof(strs) / sizeof(strs[0]), // byte string count .custom = custom, // customization string .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // customization string length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // absorb into TupleHash256 with fixed-length output, write 32 bytes to `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; tuplehash256(params, out, sizeof(out)); ///! [tuplehash256] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void tuplehash256_xof_example(void) { ///! [tuplehash256_xof] // byte strings const tuplehash_str_t strs[] = { { .ptr = (uint8_t*) "foo", .len = 3 }, { .ptr = (uint8_t*) "bar", .len = 3 }, { .ptr = (uint8_t*) "blum", .len = 4 }, }; const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // tuplehash parameters const tuplehash_params_t params = { .strs = strs, // array of byte strings .num_strs = sizeof(strs) / sizeof(strs[0]), // byte string count .custom = custom, // customization string .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // customization string length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // create TupleHash256 XOF context from parameters sha3_xof_t ctx = { 0 }; tuplehash256_xof_init(&ctx, params); // print result prefix to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); // squeeze first 128 bytes of of result in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < 128; i += 32) { // squeeze 32 bytes of result into `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; tuplehash256_xof_squeeze(&ctx, out, sizeof(out)); // encode as hex, print to stdout hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); } // print result suffix to stdout fputs("\n", stdout); ///! [tuplehash256_xof] } static void tuplehash256_xof_once_example(void) { ///! [tuplehash256_xof_once] // byte strings const tuplehash_str_t strs[] = { { .ptr = (uint8_t*) "foo", .len = 3 }, { .ptr = (uint8_t*) "bar", .len = 3 }, { .ptr = (uint8_t*) "blum", .len = 4 }, }; const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // tuplehash parameters const tuplehash_params_t params = { .strs = strs, // array of byte strings .num_strs = sizeof(strs) / sizeof(strs[0]), // byte string count .custom = custom, // customization string .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // customization string length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // absorb into TupleHash256 XOF, squeeze into `out` uint8_t out[128] = { 0 }; // output buffer tuplehash256_xof_once(params, out, sizeof(out)); ///! [tuplehash256_xof_once] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void parallelhash128_example(void) { ///! [parallelhash128] const size_t block_len = 200; // block size, in bytes const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // parallelhash parameters const parallelhash_params_t params = { .block_len = block_len, .custom = custom, // customization string .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // customization string length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // absorb into ParallelHash128 with fixed-length output, write 32 bytes to `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; parallelhash128(params, buf, sizeof(buf), out, sizeof(out)); ///! [parallelhash128] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void parallelhash128_xof_example(void) { ///! [parallelhash128_xof] const size_t block_len = 200; // block size, in bytes const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // parallelhash parameters const parallelhash_params_t params = { .block_len = block_len, .custom = custom, // customization string .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // customization string length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // create ParallelHash128 XOF context from parameters parallelhash_t ctx = { 0 }; parallelhash128_xof_init(&ctx, params); // absorb `buf` in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { parallelhash128_xof_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // print result prefix to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); // squeeze first 128 bytes of of result in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < 128; i += 32) { // squeeze 32 bytes of result into `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; parallelhash128_xof_squeeze(&ctx, out, sizeof(out)); // encode as hex, print to stdout hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); } // print result suffix to stdout fputs("\n", stdout); ///! [parallelhash128_xof] } static void parallelhash128_xof_once_example(void) { ///! [parallelhash128_xof_once] const size_t block_len = 200; // block size, in bytes const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // parallelhash parameters const parallelhash_params_t params = { .block_len = block_len, .custom = custom, // customization string .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // customization string length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // absorb into ParallelHash128 XOF, squeeze into `out` uint8_t out[128] = { 0 }; // output buffer parallelhash128_xof_once(params, buf, sizeof(buf), out, sizeof(out)); ///! [parallelhash128_xof_once] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void parallelhash256_example(void) { ///! [parallelhash256] const size_t block_len = 200; // block size, in bytes const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // parallelhash parameters const parallelhash_params_t params = { .block_len = block_len, .custom = custom, // customization string .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // customization string length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // absorb into ParallelHash256 with fixed-length output, write 32 bytes to `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; parallelhash256(params, buf, sizeof(buf), out, sizeof(out)); ///! [parallelhash256] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void parallelhash256_xof_example(void) { ///! [parallelhash256_xof] const size_t block_len = 200; // block size, in bytes const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // parallelhash parameters const parallelhash_params_t params = { .block_len = block_len, .custom = custom, // customization string .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // customization string length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // create ParallelHash256 XOF context from parameters parallelhash_t ctx = { 0 }; parallelhash256_xof_init(&ctx, params); // absorb `buf` in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { parallelhash256_xof_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // print result prefix to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); // squeeze first 128 bytes of of result in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < 128; i += 32) { // squeeze 32 bytes of result into `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; parallelhash256_xof_squeeze(&ctx, out, sizeof(out)); // encode as hex, print to stdout hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); } // print result suffix to stdout fputs("\n", stdout); ///! [parallelhash256_xof] } static void parallelhash256_xof_once_example(void) { ///! [parallelhash256_xof_once] const size_t block_len = 200; // block size, in bytes const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; // customization string // parallelhash parameters const parallelhash_params_t params = { .block_len = block_len, .custom = custom, // customization string .custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1, // customization string length, in bytes (w/o trailing NUL) }; // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // absorb into ParallelHash256 XOF, squeeze into `out` uint8_t out[128] = { 0 }; // output buffer parallelhash256_xof_once(params, buf, sizeof(buf), out, sizeof(out)); ///! [parallelhash256_xof_once] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void turboshake128_example(void) { ///! [turboshake128] // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // absorb into TurboSHAKE128 with fixed-length output, write 32 bytes to `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; turboshake128(buf, sizeof(buf), out, sizeof(out)); ///! [turboshake128] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void turboshake128_custom_example(void) { ///! [turboshake128_custom] const uint8_t pad = 3; // custom padding byte // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // absorb into TurboSHAKE128 with fixed-length output, write 32 bytes to `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; turboshake128_custom(pad, buf, sizeof(buf), out, sizeof(out)); ///! [turboshake128_custom] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void turboshake128_xof_example(void) { ///! [turboshake128_xof] // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // create TurboSHAKE128 XOF context which supports arbitrary-length // output turboshake_t ctx = { 0 }; turboshake128_init(&ctx); // absorb `buf` in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { turboshake128_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // print result prefix to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); // squeeze first 128 bytes of of result in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < 128; i += 32) { // squeeze 32 bytes of result into `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; turboshake128_squeeze(&ctx, out, sizeof(out)); // encode as hex, print to stdout hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); } // print result suffix to stdout fputs("\n", stdout); ///! [turboshake128_xof] } static void turboshake128_custom_xof_example(void) { ///! [turboshake128_custom_xof] const uint8_t pad = 3; // custom padding byte // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // create TurboSHAKE128 XOF context with custom padding byte which // supports arbitrary-length output turboshake_t ctx = { 0 }; turboshake128_init_custom(&ctx, pad); // absorb `buf` in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { turboshake128_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // print result prefix to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); // squeeze first 128 bytes of of result in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < 128; i += 32) { // squeeze 32 bytes of result into `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; turboshake128_squeeze(&ctx, out, sizeof(out)); // encode as hex, print to stdout hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); } // print result suffix to stdout fputs("\n", stdout); ///! [turboshake128_custom_xof] } static void turboshake256_example(void) { ///! [turboshake256] // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // absorb into TurboSHAKE256 with fixed-length output, write 32 bytes to `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; turboshake256(buf, sizeof(buf), out, sizeof(out)); ///! [turboshake256] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void turboshake256_custom_example(void) { ///! [turboshake256_custom] const uint8_t pad = 3; // custom padding byte // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // absorb into TurboSHAKE256 with fixed-length output, write 32 bytes to `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; turboshake256_custom(pad, buf, sizeof(buf), out, sizeof(out)); ///! [turboshake256_custom] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void turboshake256_xof_example(void) { ///! [turboshake256_xof] // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // create TurboSHAKE256 XOF context which supports arbitrary-length // output turboshake_t ctx = { 0 }; turboshake256_init(&ctx); // absorb `buf` in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { turboshake256_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // print result prefix to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); // squeeze first 128 bytes of of result in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < 128; i += 32) { // squeeze 32 bytes of result into `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; turboshake256_squeeze(&ctx, out, sizeof(out)); // encode as hex, print to stdout hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); } // print result suffix to stdout fputs("\n", stdout); ///! [turboshake256_xof] } static void turboshake256_custom_xof_example(void) { ///! [turboshake256_custom_xof] const uint8_t pad = 3; // custom padding byte // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // create TurboSHAKE256 XOF context with custom padding byte which // supports arbitrary-length output turboshake_t ctx = { 0 }; turboshake256_init_custom(&ctx, pad); // absorb `buf` in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(buf); i += 32) { turboshake256_absorb(&ctx, buf + i, 32); } // print result prefix to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); // squeeze first 128 bytes of of result in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < 128; i += 32) { // squeeze 32 bytes of result into `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; turboshake256_squeeze(&ctx, out, sizeof(out)); // encode as hex, print to stdout hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); } // print result suffix to stdout fputs("\n", stdout); ///! [turboshake256_custom_xof] } static void k12_once_example(void) { ///! [k12_once] // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // absorb `buf` into KangarooTwelve, write 32 bytes to `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; k12_once(buf, sizeof(buf), out, sizeof(out)); ///! [k12_once] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void k12_custom_once_example(void) { ///! [k12_custom_once] // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // customization string and length (in bytes, w/o NUL) const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; const size_t custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1; // absorb `buf` and `custom` into KangarooTwelve, write 32 bytes to // `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; k12_custom_once(buf, sizeof(buf), custom, custom_len, out, sizeof(out)); ///! [k12_custom_once] // print to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); fputs("\n", stdout); } static void k12_xof_example(void) { ///! [k12_xof] // get 1024 random bytes uint8_t buf[1024] = { 0 }; rand_bytes(buf, sizeof(buf)); // customization string and length (in bytes, w/o NUL) const uint8_t custom[] = "hello"; const size_t custom_len = sizeof(custom) - 1; // create KangarooTwelve context from `buf and `custom` k12_t ctx = { 0 }; k12_init(&ctx, buf, sizeof(buf), custom, custom_len); // print result prefix to stdout printf("%s: ", __func__); // squeeze first 128 bytes of of result in 32 byte chunks for (size_t i = 0; i < 128; i += 32) { // squeeze 32 bytes of result into `out` uint8_t out[32] = { 0 }; k12_squeeze(&ctx, out, sizeof(out)); // encode as hex, print to stdout hex_write(stdout, out, sizeof(out)); } // print result suffix to stdout fputs("\n", stdout); ///! [k12_xof] } int main(void) { sha3_224_example(); sha3_224_absorb_example(); sha3_256_example(); sha3_256_absorb_example(); sha3_384_example(); sha3_384_absorb_example(); sha3_512_example(); sha3_512_absorb_example(); shake128_example(); shake128_ctx_example(); shake256_example(); shake256_ctx_example(); hmac_sha3_224_example(); hmac_sha3_224_absorb_example(); hmac_sha3_256_example(); hmac_sha3_256_absorb_example(); hmac_sha3_384_example(); hmac_sha3_384_absorb_example(); hmac_sha3_512_example(); hmac_sha3_512_absorb_example(); cshake128_example(); cshake128_xof_example(); cshake256_example(); cshake256_xof_example(); kmac128_example(); kmac128_xof_example(); kmac128_xof_once_example(); kmac256_example(); kmac256_xof_example(); kmac256_xof_once_example(); tuplehash128_example(); tuplehash128_xof_example(); tuplehash128_xof_once_example(); tuplehash256_example(); tuplehash256_xof_example(); tuplehash256_xof_once_example(); parallelhash128_example(); parallelhash128_xof_example(); parallelhash128_xof_once_example(); parallelhash256_example(); parallelhash256_xof_example(); parallelhash256_xof_once_example(); turboshake128_example(); turboshake128_custom_example(); turboshake128_xof_example(); turboshake128_custom_xof_example(); turboshake256_example(); turboshake256_custom_example(); turboshake256_xof_example(); turboshake256_custom_xof_example(); k12_once_example(); k12_custom_once_example(); k12_xof_example(); return 0; }