


Hugo backend for pablotron.org.

Content is divided into three sections:

Section Type Description Permalinks
posts Blog entries. /YYYY/MM/DD/SLUG/
articles Long-form articles. /articles/SLUG/
projects Programming projects. /SLUG/

The 10 most recent posts are shown on the home page blog in reverse chronological order. A list of all posts, grouped by year, is shown on the archive page in reverse chronological order.

articles are long-form content that doesn't fit nicely as blog posts.

projects have a repository link and a brief description. Eventually I may add more information (release history, signatures, etc).

Put assets (images, files, etc) for articles and posts in static/files/{articles|posts}/$SLUG. Use the built-in figure shortcode to reference images in content, because it supports more attributes and is responsive (grep existing content for examples).

Use mathyd to generate SVGs for math posts and articles, rather than pulling in MathJax.


The bin/new script allows you (me) to quickly create new content by:

  1. Expanding a section template (Hugo calls these templates "archetypes") draft content.
  2. Opening the draft content in your editor.

Add Post

To add a new post:

# easy version
bin/new post some-blog-post

# longer version
hugo new --editor $EDITOR  posts/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)-some-blog-post.md

Add Article

To add a new article:

# easy version
bin/new article some-article

# longer version
hugo new --editor $EDITOR  articles/some-article.md

Add Project

Update data/projects.yaml and then run bin/gen-projects.rb.

Note: If you want to add Go module, you can set the type of the entry to go, like so:

- name: "example-go-mod"
  type: "go"
  slug: "example-go-mod"
  repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/example-go-mod"
  text: "Example Go module."

Adding a type: go property in data/projects.yaml adds a go_import property to the project front matter, which adds a <meta name="go-import" content="..."> element to the header of the generated page.

Edit Navbar Menu

To add or edit navbar menu entries:

# edit navbar menu entries
vim data/menu.yaml

Serve Locally

To serve this site locally:

# serve hugo locally on port 1313
hugo serve -D --minify --disableFastRender

Notes: * -D shows draft content, * --minify generates minified HTML, and html/template is aware of <pre> and <code> so inline code blocks work correctly. * --disableFastRenderer may be unnecessary, but the fast renderer cache was giving me grief while doing theme development.

Minify Images


  1. Use svgmin to shrink SVGs.
  2. Use pngquant to shrink PNGs.
  3. Use gm convert -define web:lossless=true foo.{png,webp} to compress PNGs and convert them to webps.
  4. Use gm convert foo.{png,webp} to compress JPEGs and convert them to to webps.
  5. Use the pe-figure shortcode for progressive enhanced figure tags with a fallback image.

Article Image Carousels

Articles support image "carousels" at the top and bottom of the page (carousel is a bit of a misnomer, because the images are currently a single row of identical-width columns).

See content/articles/about.md for a real example, but in general:

  1. Add a carousel section to the article front matter with top or bottom keys.
  2. Add an array of images under top or bottom. The parameters for the images are virtually identical to those used by the pe-figure shortcode, with the addition of a link and link_tip keys.

Here is a reasonably complete example:

  # top carousel (shown before content)
    - link: "/files/about/20231001-me-river.jpg"
      link_tip: "Hi!"
      css: "image"
        - "/files/about/20231001-me-river-1024.webp"
        - src: "/files/about/20231001-me-river-1024.webp"
          width: 1024
          height: 879
    - link: "/files/about/20231110-me-fridge.jpg"
      link_tip: "Fridge magnets, I guess?"
      css: "image"
        - "/files/about/20231110-me-fridge-1024.webp"
        - src: "/files/about/20231110-me-fridge-1024.jpg"
          width: 1024
          height: 879

  # bottom carousel (shown after content)
    - link: "/files/about/me-super-cool.jpg"
      tip: "Younger me... Suave ;)."
      css: "image"
        - "/files/about/me-super-cool-1024.webp"
        - src: "/files/about/me-super-cool-1024.jpg"
          width: 1024
          height: 655


The contents of static/robots.txt are from this site and used to prevent the entire site from being indexed by LLM crawlers.

Deploy Site

To clone site repo:

# clone upstream repo (note wireguard hostname)
git clone k3.wg:/git/sites/pablotron.org.git


  • make changes as usual
  • commit changes
  • push to upstream repo

The push will trigger a hook which runs /data/www/pablotron.org/data/bin/hook/deploy.rb, which will:

  1. Pull the latest changes from the git repository
  2. Run Hugo to rebuild the site.
  3. Update the htdocs symlink for the live site.
  4. Remove stale site builds.
  5. Log the time taken for each step.

See bin/hook/ for additional information.


The current theme is hugo-pt2021 and is stored in this repository as themes/hugo-pt2021.

Includes the following shortcodes:

  • table: Enhanced CSS-only table shortcode. See hugo-shortcode-table.
  • sup: Superscript.
  • pe-picture: Progressive enhancement picture shortcode.
  • pe-figure: Progressive enhancement figure shortcode.

hugo-pt2021 is depends on the following:

The Bulma SASS is:

  1. Stripped of extraneous styles. See assetes/style.sass.
  2. Combined with a small amount of pt2021-specific styling. See assets/style.sass.
  3. Converted from SASS to CSS, minified, and fingerprinted using Hugo Pipes. See layouts/partials/head.html.
  4. Written to public/style.$HASH.css.