# pablotron.org ## Overview [Hugo][] backend for [pablotron.org][]. Content is divided into three [sections][]: |Section Type|Description|Permalinks| |------------|-----------|---------| |`posts`|Blog entries.|`/YYYY/MM/DD/SLUG/`| |`articles`|Long-form articles.|`/articles/SLUG/`| |`projects`|Programming projects.|`/SLUG/`| The 10 most recent `posts` are shown on the home page blog in reverse chronological order. A list of all `posts`, grouped by year, is shown on the [archive][] page in reverse chronological order. `articles` are long-form content that doesn't fit nicely as blog posts. `projects` have a repository link and a brief description. Eventually I may add more information (release history, signatures, etc). Put assets (images, files, etc) for articles and posts in `static/files/{articles|posts}/$SLUG`. Use the built-in `figure` shortcode to reference images in content, because it supports more attributes and is responsive (grep existing content for examples). Use [mathyd][] to generate [SVGs][svg] for math posts and articles, rather than pulling in [MathJax][]. ## Usage The `bin/new` script allows you (me) to quickly create new content by: 1. Expanding a section template ([Hugo][] calls these templates "archetypes") draft content. 2. Opening the draft content in your editor. ## Add Post To add a new post: # easy version bin/new post some-blog-post # longer version hugo new --editor $EDITOR posts/$(date +%Y-%m-%d)-some-blog-post.md ## Add Article To add a new article: # easy version bin/new article some-article # longer version hugo new --editor $EDITOR articles/some-article.md ## Add Project Update `data/projects.yaml` and then run `bin/gen-projects.rb`. ## Edit Navbar Menu To add or edit navbar menu entries: # edit navbar menu entries vim data/menu.yaml ## Serve Locally To serve this site locally: # serve hugo locally on port 1313 hugo serve -D --minify --disableFastRender **Notes:** * `-D` shows draft content, * `--minify` generates minified HTML, and [`html/template`][html-template] is aware of `
` and `` so
  inline code blocks work correctly.
* `--disableFastRenderer` may be unnecessary, but the fast
  renderer cache was giving me grief while doing theme development.

## Minify Images


1. Use `svgmin` to shrink [SVGs][svg].
2. Use `convert -quality 100 -define web:lossless=true foo.{png,webp}`
   to compress existing PNGs as `webp`s.
3. Use the `pe-figure` shortcode for progressive enhanced `figure` tags
   with a fallback image.

## Deploy Site

To clone site repo:

# clone upstream repo (note wireguard hostname)
git clone k3.wg:/git/sites/pablotron.org.git


* make changes as usual
* commit changes
* push to upstream repo

The push will trigger a hook which runs
`/data/www/pablotron.org/data/bin/hook/deploy.rb`, which will:

1. Pull the latest changes from the git repository
2. Run [Hugo][] to rebuild the site.
3. Update the `htdocs` symlink for the live site.
4. Remove stale site builds.
5. Log the time taken for each step.

See `bin/hook/` for additional information.

# Theme

The current theme is `hugo-pt2021` and is stored in this repository as

Includes the following shortcodes:

* `table`: Enhanced [CSS][]-only table shortcode.  See
* `sup`: Superscript.
* `pe-picture`: Progressive enhancement `picture` shortcode.
* `pe-figure`: Progressive enhancement `figure` shortcode.

`hugo-pt2021` is depends on the following:

* [Bulma 0.9.3][bulma]: CSS framework.
* Several icons from [Feather Icons][feathericons].

The [Bulma][] [SASS][] is:

1. Stripped of extraneous styles.  See `assetes/style.sass`.
2. Combined with a small amount of `pt2021`-specific styling.  See
2. Converted from [SASS][] to [CSS][], minified, and fingerprinted
   using [Hugo Pipes][hugo-pipes].  See `layouts/partials/head.html`.
3. Written to `public/style.$HASH.css`.

[hugo]: https://gohugo.io/
  "hugo static site generator"
[sections]: https://gohugo.io/content-management/sections/
  "content sections"
[pablotron.org]: https://pablotron.org/
  "the hottest site on the net"
[archive]: https://pablotron.org/archive/
  "post archive"
[bulma]: https://bulma.io/
  "modern CSS framework"
[feathericons]: https://github.com/feathericons/feather
  "beautiful open source icons"
[hugo-pipes]: https://gohugo.io/hugo-pipes/
  "hugo asset processing pipeline"
[sass]: https://sass-lang.com/
  "Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets"
[css]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS
  "Cascading Style Sheets"
[go]: https://golang.org/
  "Go programming language"
[html-template]: https://pkg.go.dev/html/template
  "Go's built-in HTML template renderer"
[mathyd]: https://github.com/pablotron/mathyd
  "TeX to SVG rendering daemon and docker image."
[mathjax]: https://mathjax.org/
  "JavaScript LaTeX renderer."
[svg]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scalable_Vector_Graphics
  "Scalable Vector Graphics"
[hugo-shortcode-table]: https://github.com/pablotron/hugo-shortcode-table
  "CSS-only table shortcode for Hugo."
[hugo-shortcode-pe]: https://github.com/pablotron/hugo-shortcode-pe
  "Progressive enhancement picture and figure shortcodes for Hugo."