# Site TODO
## Notes
- use `zf` to fold sections
- use `zc` to expand tem
## general
- replace `` in old posts with `{{< figure >}}` (partial work
done on stuff `>= 2019`)
- fix broken links in posts
- import files
- add "music" somewhere ("songs", keep pmdn.org for personal stuff)
- add sticky footer:
- toc: add title and aria-label
- toc: show on right sidebar on desktop
- htmltest/htmltidy post-receive hook (already installed as
- monthly link sweep?
- upgrade from bulma 0.9.3 to bulma 1.0.0
## post ideas
- fast document search: postgres fts, `pg_trgm`, and tika (git/test/sift)
(richard asked about this on 2019-07-22, so +1)
- sqlite3 fts search
- pi notes
- k3 notes
- compiler surprises: https://godbolt.org/z/ZQbZ2R
- meson-junit
- pwasm
- RewriteMap/docker (gist)
- ev-crash-course (~/git/ev-crash-course)
- pocket-jim
- greenwashing: ccs/nuclear/hydrogen is a scam
great link:
- plug-in hybrids: find link about people mashing accelerators and
effective mpg being substantially lower than advertised
- lots of good stuff in "science/climate" bookmarks
- thoughts on "relevance of classic fuzz testing"
- https://neverworkintheory.org/2021/10/01/the-relevance-of-classic-fuzz-testing.html
- "law of small numbers": http://psychology.iresearchnet.com/social-psychology/decision-making/law-of-small-numbers/
- full paper: https://neverworkintheory.org/2021/10/01/the-relevance-of-classic-fuzz-testing.html
- legacy debian (hamm): http://archive.debian.org/debian/dists/hamm/main/binary-i386/base/
- things i noticed:
- possible small set giving extreme outliers
- dash is not /bin/sh on all linuxes (only debian-based distros)
- wonder about overall size of base installs (base rate fallacy)
- summary of rust conclusion seems suspect and different than
content of paper itself
- detailed results are interesting
- buttcoin:
- https://www.theonion.com/man-who-lost-everything-in-crypto-just-wishes-several-t-1848764551
- tulip mania (jwz bitcoin tulips article)
- nerd sniping
(nicholas weaver article)
https://thecorrespondent.com/655/blockchain-the-amazing-solution-for-almost-nothing/86714927310-8f431cae (not great technically)
- syzkaller/syzbot:
- bpf:
https://www.brendangregg.com/blog/2021-07-03/how-to-add-bpf-observability.html https://qmonnet.github.io/whirl-offload/2021/09/23/bpftool-features-thread/
(plus kernel docs)
- gpg keys, 2021:
- compression: huffman coding vs arithmetic coding versus asymmetric
number system compared to shannon entropy (`H(X) = -Σ p(x) log_2(p(x))`)
(zstd rfc, which uses ans)
(zlib compression doc)
- fun paradoxes:
condorcet paradox
simpsons paradox
anscoms quartet
base rate fallacy
"law of small numbers" from "thinking fast and slow": http://psychology.iresearchnet.com/social-psychology/decision-making/law-of-small-numbers/
selection bias (elections and polling)
- retro gaming handhelds: psp, 2dsxl, rg350m, rgb10 max
- lvm thin provisioning (see notes from x1.txt and linked gist)
- log4j and dependency usefulness as a function of time for projects
- postgres tiny tricks
- CTEs as optimization barrier:
- `~* ANY(string_to_array(?))` (comment in reddit w/json array)
- pub/sub?
- domains instead of repeated check constraints
- trigger `TG_ARGV`
- trigger `REFERENCING ... AS` (newer PG)
- `COMMENT ON` ...
- timestamptz, long timezone names aware of DST
- GENERATED STORED tsvector (bookman)
- compare and contrast cyclonedx vs spdx
- (at the moment i like cyclonedx more, it seems less ad-hoc)
- https://cyclonedx.org/docs/1.4/json/
- https://github.com/spdx/spdx-examples/blob/master/example3/spdx/example3-bin.spdx
- go parsers for both are available:
- https://github.com/spdx/tools-golang
- https://github.com/CycloneDX/cyclonedx-go
- needed in a package manager
- organizational namespacing
scoped gems:
- signing and/or global subdb
- declarative install (go)
- typosquatting (see sqo vulns from may email)
- starsquatting (requests, phpass): https://medium.com/checkmarx-security/typosquatting-attack-on-requests-one-of-the-most-popular-python-packages-3b0a329a892d
- ref: https://kerkour.com/rust-crate-backdoor
- (related, semver is garbage)
- (problems w/ go modules)
- ruby gems not solving the right problem with 2fa:
- go1 and GODEBUG
- motherfucking package managers
- radare2, ghidra
- what would git look like with modern hash (sha-512/256/blake3), data
formats (msgpack/protobuf), compression (zstd), language (rust,
go), and crypto (ed25519)?
steal ideas from fossil:
bad ideas:
- f2p nonsense:
(plus the shitty star traders game that's free)
and the 70s one w/ source:
- markovian (golang markov chain generator)
- hq (~/git/hq)
- secure C wiki is confluence!?!?
- fuzzing (afl)
- update mathyd add link to texbox/texoid:
- golang opencl:
- duktape vs quickjs (vs mujs?)
- lots of mujs stuff on nvd
- math: multinomial (stars and bars, # of moves on a chess board,
multinomial coefficient, etc), de moir dice problem
ref: Introduction to Probability with Statistical Applications, ch 2.5
1e10/81 (1234567890.1234567890)
gambler's ruin (intro to prob, ch 3.5)
constant-time fibonacci
- fzf, ripgrep
- https://krebsonsecurity.com/2022/08/the-security-pros-and-cons-of-using-email-aliases/
(email aliases, suggest whitelist instead of blacklist)
- bad defaults:
- nullable in code/db (see also: )
- mutable variables
- fallthrough in switch
- create openssl 3.x provider, see:
(could use pt-aes, pt-chacha20, md4, md5, sha2, etc)
- summary of minification work w/ links to posts, reference this
- minikube vs k3s (https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/handbook/)
- on passwords (crypto training, https://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1486155&p=41174039#p41174039)
- lots of bad info floating around (see comments of
- passkeys (good replacement, too complicated internally)
- owasp password security cheat sheet, fips 183?
- compare sanitizer api, dompurify, fastest htmlesc
- tiny-binaries redux w/go 1.20, point out grype scanner output for
minimal images
- browser addons:
(ublock origin)
cosmetic filter example:
##table.item:has(p.name > .tag-sponsor)
- try out various lsms
- systemd hardening
- heat pump (pictures/heat-pump-20220930)
- `curl|bash` is madness
- gosec vs govulncheck
- comment on efficiency of compilers
p58 of
ref: stackexchange comment linked from
- thoughts on social networks
(decentralized, federated)
- "taxonomy is the lowest form of academia"
- thoughts on tesla:
- try out pgsodium:
- aegis authenticator dance w/ tablet
(including installing lineage 20)
- fix-enterprise-episodes.rb
- imagecompare (flex:git/go/test/imagecompare)
- don't expose ssh (imap)
- bloom filter and salted hashes rather than raw db of info:
- ascon references to lessons learned
(nonce resistance, aead, xof, refs to keccak and sha2, stream cipher,
other stuff in paper, see ref, pqc)
- wasm vs ebpf
(see comments here https://lwn.net/Articles/909095/#Comments)
- machine learning vulns (see vulns 2022-06)
- chacha20 intel intrinsics
- good book: primes: a computational approach (crandall primes)
- pi-apalooza (pis found while looking for ethernet spool)
- flex bookworm update (details in notes)
- z3-sudoku (github sudoku-solver)
- c impls of poly1305, siphash
- post like this talking about renewable stuff (solar, heat pump,
water heater, dryer): https://gizmodo.com/emission-impossible-two-reporters-tried-to-ditch-natur-1851362650
- enshittification
- extjs (sencha)
- docker (podman)
- chrome (firefox)
- google (ddg)
- terraform (opentofu)
- hudson/jenkins, openoffice/libreoffice
- redhat (centos, rocky, almalinux)
- vim (neovim)
- windows (11, telemetry)
- sorta: elasticsearch (opensearch), redis
- reddit, stackoverflow
- my tools
- vim: (2 pragbooks vim books, vimhelp.org, learnvimthehardway)
- irssi
- screen
- mutt/offlineimap/notmuch
(dovecot index config for android)
- irb (show irbrc w/3.x mods)
- git (gitconfig w/aliases)
- bash?
- perf
- wireguard
- minify, imagemagick/gm, pngquant
- meson?
- postgres, sqlite
- firefox (ublock origin, tab stash, firefox sync)
- gnome (extensions: hidetopbar, workspace matrix)
- podman
- mtr
- programming languages
- go
- ruby
- c
- python
- assembly
- js (es2015)
- svgbob and ollama
- compare signify, age, and minisign:
- many flavors of chacha
- number of rounds (chacha8 v chacha20)
- rfc vs original paper (counter and nonce size)
- poly1305 (aead)
- xchacha (larger nonce)
- language:
- remove firefox crap:
- firefox privacy-preserving nonsense
- name idea: "trickle-down privacy"
- problems w/ tracking apis:
- orwellian name (does not preserve privacy)
- analogies for folks to understand correlation: clue, sudoku, wordle
- eff article (in lwn comment) talks about 3 pieces of info to
uniquely identify someone
- commenter on lwn: history shows tracking apis are additive (it
- my tirade in LWM comments:
- summary, good tips:
- nonsense might be in good faith: upton sinclair "it's difficult to
get a man to understand something when his job depends on him not
understanding it"; both google and mozilla depend on advertising
- false premise about advertising being the sole or even optimal
method of supporting sites, that the onus is on users to support
a particular method, or that there are only two options.
- orwell, politics and the english language:
- carl sagan, baloney detection kit:
- good quotes and general sentiment: "creeping dark pattern" and "we
take your privacy and security... seriously":
- another example (this one uses FHE, yeesh):
- solution in search of a problem
- commentary on crowdstrike
- name: "clown strike"
- https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2024/08/parody-site-clownstrike-refused-to-bow-to-crowdstrikes-bogus-dmca-takedown/
- https://clownstrike.lol/
- lots of ideas floating around, all with tradeoffs. no perfect
solution (engineering problem, all have tradeoffs)
- me: homogeneous systems (panama disease for bananas)
- monoculture: overspecialize and you breed in weakness
- attempt to simplify workload for IT administrators has
created a monoculture
- IT policies should be descriptive, not prescriptive
- "needs more testing", "testing can only demonstrate the presense of
bugs, not the absense of them"
combinatorial explosion can make it impossible to test all inputs
for even seemingly simple functions. example:
`u64 f(u64 n) { return 1/(rand_val-n); }`
- "beware of this code, i have only proven it correct, not tested
- "testing can only demonstrate the presense of bugs, not the
absense of them"
- needs a/b boot (what android does)
problem (in comments of phoronix article): crowdstrike deliberately
- needs verification on signed drivers: driver is signed and verified,
reads invalid config file
- should be impossible to end up in invalid state ("halting problem",
also limits the expressive power of configuration; e.g. "accidental
- code should execute in a trusted environment (already done with ebpf
in linux and that still causes crashes, relies on a "sufficient
smart compiler/validator")
(bpf verifier )
- phased deploys (e.g., like chrome. relies on sysadmins to set this
up properly)
(preliminary post-incident report. not doing staggered rollouts,
only doing partial testing)
- summary of problems:
- crowdstrike tos:
- ms bs:
- NULL bytes caused by crash with unflushed write():
- windows dev:
- "open source model" coopting language (also orwell, yeesh):
- humpty dumpty in through the looking glass "when i use a word
it means precisely what i intend it to mean. nothing more and
nothing less"
(license isn't open source; the source -- e.g., training material --
isn't open it's not "AI", just co-opting language to mean the opposite
of what the words actually mean)
- also see the section "Abusing the term 'open source'" from here:
- comments here:
- ocsp: good riddance to bad rubbish:
- secureboot broken:
- modern security too hard to use.
- imperial violet "have one joint and keep it well-oiled"
- comment thread on reddit about unsafe rsa/aes-cbc combo:
- log of goochat w/ alonzo on 2024-07-26 with summary of this stuff
- busted full disk encryption implementations
- cryptopals introduction (most crypto fatally broken)
- etc
- lots of older stuff is "knives up in dishwasher"
- ai/llm mania
- article name: "ai canard"
- how many fused-multiply adds does it take for sentience?
- ai dropkick
- linus torvald's "s curve, no such thing as unbounded exponential
- summary of goldman sachs report which is negative on LLMs:
(link to brutal goldman sachs report in comments which talks about
technology limits, power consumption limits, and chip limits)
- cory doctorow: what kind of bubble
- data centers use a staggering amount of energy:
- delusional scammers:
- pi cases (fish, lemon, and pumpkin, see pics on phone)
- transport-layer shenanigans:
- included in openssl 3.4 (phoronix article)
(integrity-only ciphersuites)
- didn't we just spend 20 years dealing with export cipher
downgrade attacks?
- final version of fip203 and fips204
- explanation of math for both?
- my post about ml-kem:
- simplicity:
- dbus vs varlink for systemd:
- oidc vs saml:
- aggregate statistics can hide details
- averages
- law of small numbers
- anscomb's quartet
- simpson's paradox
- base rate fallacy
- condorcet paradox
- dovecot-fts-imap setup (see notes in k3.txt)
- (debianisms, issues with indexing speed)
- ml-kem private key frackas (nist standardized both, ietf agrees to
seed, openssl disagrees w/ ietf):
## linkdump (2022-08-10):
- css bg fade:
- https://www.mgaudet.ca/technical/2022/8/9/faster-ruby-thoughts-from-the-outside
- https://www.fuzzingbook.org/
- https://security.googleblog.com/2022/05/retrofitting-temporal-memory-safety-on-c.html
- allocation in go: https://medium.com/eureka-engineering/understanding-allocations-in-go-stack-heap-memory-9a2631b5035d
(src: )
- http://www.linguistic-antipatterns.com/
- https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2022/08/us-approves-google-plan-to-let-political-emails-bypass-gmail-spam-filter/?comments=1
- https://brandur.org/fragments/go-wishlist-2022
- https://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/202x/2022/03/26/Is-5G-BS
- https://teddit.net/
- https://www.privacytools.io/#frontend
- https://github.com/zedeus/nitter
- https://snapdrop.net/#
- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=11071754
- https://research.nccgroup.com/2022/08/08/implementing-the-castryck-decru-sidh-key-recovery-attack-in-sagemath/
- https://research.nccgroup.com/2022/08/11/detecting-dns-implants-old-kitten-new-tricks-a-saitama-case-study/
- https://research.nccgroup.com/2022/08/16/wheel-of-fortune-outcome-prediction-taking-the-luck-out-of-gambling/
- https://carlineng.com/?postid=sql-critique#blog
- https://www.openssl.org/blog/blog/2022/08/24/FIPS-validation-certificate-issued/
- constant-time fibonacci: https://specbranch.com/posts/const-fib/
- https://specbranch.com/posts/common-perf-numbers/
- (reminds me of "tyranny of metrics"):
- chebyshev, taylor series:
- and
- page-fault weird machine:
(search effect, link to you are not so smart)
- gba ghidra:
- finding bugs w/ fuzzers (kernel):
- impl semaphores in rust
- go:
- mastodon:
- jq255e:
- learning hierarchy:
- h/t
- try out
- ruby w/o rails
- leanchess:
- c23:
- chatgpt
- bitslicing
- pqc parameter debates (kyber, turboshake, dilithium)
- "another look at " (15 years of...):
- 4 pillars of program analysis (slide 5):
- cracking old password
- privacy policy:
- software:
## done
- add project folders
- add redirect for old rss links (check error.log)
- sidebar: github
- sidebar: other sites
- post: model 3
- post: https://pmdn.org/password-strength/
- tensorflow/docker/libvirt setup (see v4-notes)
- raspberry pi tensorflow benchmark results
- bev ranges (github bev-ranges repo / chart)
- sha2 (https://git.pablotron.org/sha2/, maybe push to github?)
- pi4-bench (https://pmdn.org/pi4-bench/)
- keybase (sidebar only)
- mathy
- stm32f103c8t6 fun
- weather-sage
- nft setup (pmdn, laptop)
- table shortcode (`hugo-shortcode-table`)
- removed `script-src unsafe-inline`, A+ score on securityheaders
- fix RSS to show full feed
- feedbloater
- wireguard notes
- birthday paradox
- mathyd (repo + examples)
- really tiny docker images, based on this post:
(created repo: https://github.com/pablotron/tiny-binaries)
- rust 1.59.9 stripped binaries (update)
- https://blog.rust-lang.org/2022/02/24/Rust-1.59.0.html#creating-stripped-binaries
- CSP-friendly golang coverage reports (see note from k3-notes.txt about
relaxing CSP for `pmdn.org/coverage/`)
- https://cs.opensource.google/go/go/+/master:src/cmd/cover/html.go
- "replace `style='display: none` with `.hide` (shrink html, improve
CSP handling)"
- "add sha256 hash for `