Webhook Scripts =============== These scripts are used to fire and handle webhooks. * `fire.rb`: Send `POST` request to webhook at given `HOOK_URL` webhook with a [SHA256][] [HMAC][] signature in `X-Hub-Signature` header. Configuration is handled by the `HOOK_URL` and `HOOK_HMAC_KEY` environment variables. * `deploy.rb`: Verify time in from payload body (to prevent replay attacks), execute `git pull`, execute `hugo --minify`, and finally update the `htdocs` symlink. * `post-receive`: Example [Git][] `post-receive` hook. [sha256]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2 "SHA256" [hmac]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMAC "Hashed Message Authentication Code" [git]: https://git-scm.com/ "Git version control software"