# base hugo config baseURL = "https://pablotron.org/" languageCode = "en-us" title = "pablotron.org" theme = "hugo-pt2021" [author] name = "Paul Duncan" email = "rss-spam@pablotron.org" [params] authorName = 'Paul Duncan' description = "Paul Duncan's technical site." copyrightStartYear = 1998 # timezone (used for "bin/new post some-post") tz = "-04:00" # FIXME: probably belongs in params.social activityPubUrl = "https://infosec.exchange/@pabs" # not sure i need this (covered in data/menu.yaml) [[params.social]] icon = "github" name = "github" url = "https://github.com/pablotron" # content type permalinks [permalinks] posts = "/:year/:month/:day/:slug" articles = "/articles/:slug" projects = "/:slug" [markup] [markup.tableOfContents] startLevel = 2 endLevel = 4 ordered = false # set chrome syntax highlighting; use all defaults except # for one directive: # # noClasses = false # # This tells chroma to use classes instead of inline styles # for syntax highlighting. # # After that I ran `hugo genchromaclasses` to generate a static # stylesheet for chroma: # # hugo gen chromaclasses --style=monokai > \ # themes/hugo-pt2021/assets/chroma.css # # And finally, I imported chroma.css into my style.sass: # # / [markup.highlight] anchorLineNos = false codeFences = true guessSyntax = false hl_Lines = '' lineAnchors = '' lineNoStart = 1 lineNos = false lineNumbersInTable = true noClasses = false style = 'monokai' tabWidth = 4 # enable subscript and superscript (2024-09-09) # note: must disable the strikethrough extension for this to work # according to the documentation here: # https://gohugo.io/getting-started/configuration-markup/#extras # # note: new in v0.126.0, but debian is on 0.111.3-1 right now. in the # mean time, use the "sup" and "sub" shortcodes # # [markup.goldmark] # [markup.goldmark.extensions] # # disable strikethrough extension # strikethrough = false # [markup.goldmark.extensions.extras] # [markup.goldmark.extensions.extras.delete] # # enable delete # enable = true # [markup.goldmark.extensions.extras.insert] # enable = false # [markup.goldmark.extensions.extras.mark] # enable = false # [markup.goldmark.extensions.extras.subscript] # # enable subscript # enable = true # [markup.goldmark.extensions.extras.superscript] # # enable superscript # enable = true # allow executing vim (2023-12-29) [security.exec] allow = ['^dart-sass-embedded$', '^go$', '^npx$', '^postcss$', '^vim$'] osEnv = ['(?i)^((HTTPS?|NO)_PROXY|PATH(EXT)?|APPDATA|TE?MP|TERM|GO\w+)$']