--- slug: "table-shortcode-examples" title: "Table Shortcode Examples" # date (optional for articles) date: "2021-10-22T23:11:04-04:00" # show on articles page # show: true # uncomment to show table of contents toc: true # table data tables: # available table properties table_props: name: "Table Properties" cols: - id: "id" name: "Property" tip: "Property ID." - id: "required" name: "Required?" tip: "Is this property required?" - id: "text" name: "Description" tip: "Property description." - id: "notes" name: "Notes" tip: "Property notes." rows: - id: "`id`" required: "No" text: "Table ID." notes: "Used as the `id` attribute of the `` element." - id: "`css`" required: "No" text: "Table [CSS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS \"Cascading Style Sheets\") class." notes: "Appended to the `class` attribute of the `
` element." - id: "`name`" required: "No" text: "Table name." notes: "Used as the value of the `title` attribute and `aria-label` attribute of the `
` element if the `tip` property is not specified." - id: "`tip`" required: "No" text: "Table tooltip." notes: "Used as the value of the `title` attribute and `aria-label` attribute of the `
`." - id: "`config`" required: "No" text: "Table config." notes: "Used to override the configuration for this table." - id: "`caption`" required: "No" text: "Table caption." notes: "Value of `` element." - id: "`_css`" required: "No" text: "Row [CSS class](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS \"Cascading Style Sheets\")." notes: "Used as value of the `class` attribute of the generated `` element." - id: "`_tip`" required: "No" text: "Row tooltip." notes: "Used as value of the `title` attribute and the `aria-label` attribute of the generated `` element." row_attrs: name: "Row Attributes" cols: - id: "id" name: "Attribute" tip: "Attribute name." - id: "text" name: "Description" tip: "Attribute description." - id: "notes" name: "Notes" tip: "Attribute notes." rows: - id: "`id`" text: "n/a" notes: "Generated if the `_id` row property is specified." - id: "`title`" text: "Row tooltip." notes: "Generated if the `_tip` row property is specified." - id: "`aria-label`" text: "Row tooltip." notes: "Generated if the `_tip` row property is specified." - id: "`class`" text: "Row tooltip." notes: "Generated if the `_css` row property is specified." - id: "`data-tr_y`" text: "Zero-indexed Y offset of row position in table." notes: "Can be used to match specific rows using [CSS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS \"Cascading Style Sheets\") selectors. Example `#some-table tr[data-tr_y='2']`." # available cell properties cell_props: name: "Cell Properties" cols: - id: "id" name: "Property" tip: "Property ID." - id: "required" name: "Required?" tip: "Is this property required?" - id: "text" name: "Description" tip: "Property description." - id: "notes" name: "Notes" tip: "Property notes." rows: - id: "`id`" required: "No" text: "Cell ID." notes: "Used as the `id` attribute of the generated `
` element for this table." - id: "`cols`" required: "**Yes**" text: "Table columns." notes: "Array of column definitions." - id: "`rows`" required: "**Yes**" text: "Table rows." notes: "Array of rows." # available column properties col_props: name: "Column Properties" cols: - id: "id" name: "Property" tip: "Property ID." - id: "required" name: "Required?" tip: "Is this property required?" - id: "text" name: "Description" tip: "Property description." - id: "notes" name: "Notes" tip: "Property notes." rows: - id: "`id`" required: "**Yes**" text: "Row property which contains the cell value." notes: "n/a" - id: "`name`" required: "**Yes**" text: "Column name." notes: "Used as the content of `
` elements and as the tooltip for `` and `` elements if the `tip` column property is not defined." - id: "`tip`" required: "No" text: "Column tooltip." notes: "Used for the `title` and `aria-lable` attributes of `` and `` elements." - id: "`align`" required: "No" text: "Column alignment." notes: "One of `left`, `center`, `justify`, or `right`." # available row properties row_props: name: "Row Properties" cols: - id: "id" name: "Property" tip: "Property ID." - id: "required" name: "Required?" tip: "Is this property required?" - id: "text" name: "Description" tip: "Property description." - id: "notes" name: "Notes" tip: "Property notes." rows: - id: "`_id`" required: "No" text: "Row ID." notes: "Used as the `id` attribute of the generated `
` element." - id: "`tip`" required: "No" text: "Cell tooltip." notes: "Used as value of the `title` attribute and the `aria-label` attribute of the generated `` element." - id: "`align`" required: "No" text: "Cell alignment." notes: "One of `left`, `center`, `justify`, or `right`." - id: "`html`" required: "No" text: "Render cell value as HTML?" notes: "One of `true` or `false`. Defaults to `false`." - id: "`css`" required: "No" text: "Cell [CSS class](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS \"Cascading Style Sheets\")." notes: "Overrides the `align` property if specified." - id: "`val`" required: "No" text: "Cell value." notes: "Rendered as [HTML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML \"HyperText Markup Language\") if the `html` property is true, and [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown \"Markdown markup language\") otherwise." cell_attrs: name: "Cell Attributes" cols: - id: "id" name: "Attribute" tip: "Attribute name." - id: "text" name: "Description" tip: "Attribute description." - id: "notes" name: "Notes" tip: "Attribute notes." rows: - id: "`id`" text: "n/a" notes: "Generated if the `id` cell property is specified." - id: "`title`" text: "Row tooltip." notes: "Set to the value of `tip` cell property is specified, or followed by the value of the `tip` column property. Defaults to the name of the column otherwise." - id: "`aria-label`" text: "Row tooltip." notes: "Set to the value of `tip` cell property is specified, or followed by the value of the `tip` column property. Defaults to the name of the column otherwise." - id: "`class`" text: "Cell [CSS class](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS \"Cascading Style Sheets\")." notes: "Generated if the `css` cell property is specified, if the cell `align` property is specified, or if the column `align` property is specified." - id: "`data-td_x`" text: "Zero-indexed X offset of cell position in table." notes: "Can be used to match specific columns using [CSS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS \"Cascading Style Sheets\") selectors. Example `#some-table td[data-td_x='3']`." - id: "`data-td_id`" text: "Cell column ID." notes: "Can be used to match specific columns using [CSS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS \"Cascading Style Sheets\") selectors. Example `#some-table td[data-td_id='text']`." # available column alignments align_classes: cols: - id: "align" name: "align" tip: "Value of column `align` property." - id: "class" name: "class" tip: "Generated class attribute for and elements." rows: - align: "`left`" class: "`has-text-left`" - align: "`center`" class: "`has-text-centered`" - align: "`justify`" class: "`has-text-justified`" - align: "`right`" class: "`has-text-right`" # available table configuration properties table_config_props: cols: - id: "id" name: "Property ID" tip: "Property ID." - id: "text" name: "Description" tip: "Property description." - id: "notes" name: "Notes" tip: "Property notes." - id: "default" name: "Default Value" tip: "Default value." rows: - id: "`data_prefix`" text: "Prefix used for all `data-` attributes." notes: "Used to prevent data attribute clashes. For example, if `data_prefix` is set to `zz_`, then the `data-td_x` attribute will be generated as `data-zz_td_z`." default: "(empty)" - id: "`table_class`" text: "Base table [CSS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS \"Cascading Style Sheets\") class." notes: "The `css` property of tables is appended to this class to form the class list. For example, if a table has a `css` property of of `foobar`, then the `` element will be generated with a `class` attribute of `class='table foobar'`." default: "`table`" - id: "`align_left`" text: "Class for left-aligned `` elements generated by this shortcode are annotated with several additional [HTML][] attributes. See the [Row HTML Attributes section][row-attrs] for a complete list of [HTML][] attributes. ### Row Properties Here is a complete list of available properties for rows defined as hashes: {{< table "row_props" >}} ### Row HTML Attributes Generated `` elements for rows are annotated with the following attributes: {{< table "row_attrs" >}} **Note:** For rows defined as an array of values, only the `data-tr_y` attribute is generated. ## Cell Definitions Row cells can be specified as: * a value * a hash Defining cells with hashes allows you to specify several additional properties. The [Cell Properties section][cell-props] contains a complete list of available properties. The `
` and `` elements." notes: "n/a" default: "`has-text-left`" - id: "`align_center`" text: "Class for center-aligned `` and `` elements." notes: "n/a" default: "`has-text-centered`" - id: "`align_justify`" text: "Class for justified `` and `` elements." notes: "n/a" default: "`has-text-justified`" - id: "`align_right`" text: "Class for right-aligned `` and `` elements." notes: "n/a" default: "`has-text-right`" # example of simple array table fruits: - ["name", "text"] - ["apple", "red"] - ["banana", "yellow"] - ["grape", "green"] # example of columns defined as arrays cols_as_array: cols: ["name", "text"] rows: - ["apple", "red"] - ["banana", "yellow"] - ["grape", "green"] # example of columns and rows defined as hashes hashes: cols: - id: "name" name: "Name" - id: "text" name: "Text" rows: - name: "apple" text: "red" - name: "banana" text: "yellow" - name: "grape" text: "green" # example of table with caption table_caption: caption: "an example caption" cols: ["name", "text"] rows: - ["apple", "red"] - ["banana", "yellow"] - ["grape", "green"] # example of column tooltips column_tooltips: cols: - id: "name" name: "Name" tip: "The name of the fruit." - id: "text" name: "Text" tip: "A brief description of the fruit." rows: - name: "apple" text: "red" - name: "banana" text: "yellow" - name: "grape" text: "green" # example of column alignment column_alignment: cols: - id: "name" name: "Name" align: "left" - id: "text" name: "Text" align: "right" rows: - name: "apple" text: "red" - name: "banana" text: "yellow" - name: "grape" text: "green" # example of table with cells as values cells_as_values: cols: - id: "name" name: "Name" - id: "text" name: "Text" rows: - name: "apple" text: "red" - name: "banana" text: "yellow" - name: "grape" text: "green" # example of table a single cell defined cells as a hash cells_as_hashes: cols: - id: "name" name: "Name" - id: "text" name: "Text" align: "right" rows: - name: "apple" text: "red" - name: "banana" text: "yellow" - name: "grape" text: # cell with custom alignment and tooltip val: "green" align: "left" tip: "This cell has a custom tooltip." # example of table with cells using markdown markup cell_markup_markdown: cols: - id: "name" name: "Name" - id: "text" name: "Text" rows: - name: "apple" text: "*red*" # italics - name: "banana" text: "**yellow**" # bold - name: "grape" text: "[green](https://pablotron.org/ \"my favorite site\")" # link # example of table with cells using html markup cell_markup_html: cols: - id: "name" name: "Name" - id: "text" name: "Text" rows: - name: "apple" # cell value using HTML markup for italics text: val: "red" html: true - name: "banana" # cell value using HTML markup for bold text: val: "yellow" # bold html: true - name: "grape" # cell value using HTML markup for a link text: val: "green" html: true table_with_config_override: # table config override that renders right-aligned text as bold config: table_class: "table" align_left: "has-text-left" align_center: "has-text-centered" align_justify: "has-text-justified" align_right: "has-text-weight-bold" cols: - id: "name" name: "Name" - id: "text" name: "Text" align: "right" rows: - name: "apple" text: "red" - name: "banana" text: "yellow" - name: "grape" text: "green" --- ## Introduction This [shortcode][] is a replacement for the lackluster table syntax in the default [Hugo Markdown renderer][goldmark]. Features: * Emits [CSS][] classes for alignment rather than inline `style` attributes (no more `unsafe-inline`). * Table can be defined as [front matter][front matter] or [site data][]. * Column tooltips. * Cell-specific overrides (alignment, tooltip, etc). * [HTML][] and [Markdown][] markup support. * Easy to configure emitted [CSS][] classes for a variety of frameworks, including [Bulma][] and [Bootstrap][]. [GitHub Repository][git] ## Quick Start To get started: 1. Copy `table.html` from the [hugo-shortcode-table repository][git] to the `layouts/shortcodes` directory for your site. 2. Add a table definition to your [page front matter][front matter] (see below). 3. Add a `table` [shortcode][] to your page content which references the table definition from the previous step (see below). Here is an example table definition for [YAML][] [front matter][]: ```yaml tables: fruits: - ["name", "text"] - ["apple", "red"] - ["banana", "yellow"] - ["grape", "green"] ```   Here is an example table declaration for your page content: ```md {{}} ```   This will render the following table: {{< table "fruits" >}} ## Table Definitions Tables can be defined as: * An array of rows. * A hash with `cols` and `rows` properties. When defined as an array, the first row is used as the column headers. Example: ```yaml tables: fruits: - ["name", "text"] # <-- this row is used as the column headers - ["apple", "red"] - ["banana", "yellow"] - ["grape", "green"] ```   When defined as a hash, the `cols` and `rows` properties are required. Here is the same table defined as a hash: ```yaml tables: fruits: # table columns cols: ["name", "text"] # table rows rows: - ["apple", "red"] - ["banana", "yellow"] - ["grape", "green"] ```   Defining a table as a hash allows you to specify several additional table properties. The [Table Properties section][table-props] contains a complete list of available table properties. ### Table Data Sources Table definitions can be stored in two places: * [page front matter][front matter] in the `tables` section. * [site `data` directory][site data] as [JSON][], [TOML][], or [YAML][] files. **Note:** I will use [YAML][] front matter for the examples below. #### Front Matter Tables Here is an example of a table defined in the page [front matter][]: ##### Front Matter ```yaml --- # ... other front matter omitted ... tables: # example of table defined as arrays cols_as_array: # table columns (required) cols: ["name", "text"] # table rows (required) rows: - ["apple", "red"] - ["banana", "yellow"] - ["grape", "green"] --- ```   ##### Content ```md {{}} ```   ##### Result {{< table "cols_as_array" >}} #### Site Data Tables Tables can also be defined in the [site `data` directory][site data] by using the two-argument form of the `table` [shortcode][]. Here is an example of the two argument form of of the `table` shortcode: ```md {{}} ```   In the example above, the `table` [shortcode][] will look for the table data in the file `data/tables/table_shortcode_examples/fruits.yaml`. ##### Data File Contents of `data/tables/table_shortcode_examples/fruits.yaml`. ```yaml --- # table columns (required) cols: ["name", "text"] # table rows (required) rows: - ["apple", "red"] - ["banana", "yellow"] - ["grape", "green"] ``` ##### Content ```md {{}} ```   ##### Result {{< table "table_shortcode_examples" "fruits" >}}   ### Table Captions This section contains an example of specifying a table with a `caption` property. #### Front Matter Here is an example table definition with a `caption` property: ```yaml --- # ... other front matter omitted ... tables: table_caption: # table caption caption: "an example caption" # table columns cols: ["name", "text"] # table rows rows: - ["apple", "red"] - ["banana", "yellow"] - ["grape", "green"] --- ```   #### Content Here is the corresponding table [shortcode][] from the page content: ```md {{}} ```   #### Result Here is the resulting table: {{< table "table_caption" >}} ### Table Properties Here is a complete list of available table properties: {{< table "table_props" >}} ## Column Definitions Table columns can be defined in two ways: * As an array of values. * As an array of hashes. Defining columns as an array of hashes allows you to specify several additional properties for each column. The [Column Properties section][col-props] contains a complete list of available column properties. ### Columns Defined as an Array of Values Here is an example of a table where the columns are defined as an array of values. #### Front Matter Front matter for table with columns are defined with an array of values. ```yaml --- # ... other front matter omitted ... tables: # example of table with columns defined as an array of values cols_as_array: # table columns (required) cols: ["name", "text"] # table rows (required) rows: - ["apple", "red"] - ["banana", "yellow"] - ["grape", "green"] --- ```   #### Page Content Here is the corresponding table [shortcode][] reference from the page content for the table defined in the previous section: ```md {{}} ```   #### Result Here is the result: {{< table "cols_as_array" >}} ### Columns Defined as an Array of Hashes Here is an example of a table where the columns are defined as an array of hashes. #### Front Matter ```yaml --- # ... other front matter omitted ... tables: # example where columns are defined as hashes hashes: # table columns # the `id` property cols: - id: "name" name: "Name" - id: "text" name: "Text" # table rows (required) rows: - name: "apple" text: "red" - name: "banana" text: "yellow" - name: "grape" text: "green" --- ```   #### Content ```md {{}} ```   #### Result {{< table "hashes" >}} ### Column Tooltips Use the `tip` property of columns to specify the `title` and `aria-lable` of columns. #### Front Matter ```yaml --- # ... other front matter omitted ... tables: column_tooltips: # table columns (required) cols: - id: "name" name: "Name" tip: "The name of the fruit." - id: "text" name: "Text" tip: "A brief description of the fruit." # table rows (required) rows: - name: "apple" text: "red" - name: "banana" text: "yellow" - name: "grape" text: "green" --- ```   #### Content ```md {{}} ```   #### Result {{< table "column_tooltips" >}} **Hint:** Hover over the column headers and table cells to show the custom tooltip. ### Column Alignment Use the `align` property of columns to specify column alignment. Valid values of the `align` property are: * `left` * `center` * `justify` * `right` The rest of this section contains an example of a table with a right-aligned second column. #### Front Matter ```yaml --- # ... other front matter omitted ... tables: # table column_alignment: # table columns (required) cols: - id: "name" name: "Name" align: "left" - id: "text" name: "Text" align: "right" # table rows (required) rows: - name: "apple" text: "red" - name: "banana" text: "yellow" - name: "grape" text: "green" --- ```   #### Content ```md {{}} ```   #### Result {{< table "column_alignment" >}} ### Column Properties Here is a complete list of the available column properties: {{< table "col_props" >}} ## Row Definitions Rows are defined as: * An array of values. * Hashes. This is **required** if columns are [defined as an array of hashes][cols-as-hashes]. Defining a rows with hashes allows you to specify several additional properties. The [Row Properties section][row-props] contains a complete list of available properties. The `
` elements generated by this shortcode for table cells are annotated with several additional [HTML][] attributes. See the [Cell HTML Attributes section][cell-attrs] for a complete list of [HTML][] attributes. ### Cells Defined as Values Here is an example of a table with the cells defined as values. #### Front Matter ```yaml --- # ... other front matter omitted ... tables: # example of table with cells as values cells_as_values: cols: - id: "name" name: "Name" - id: "text" name: "Text" align: "right" rows: - name: "apple" text: "red" - name: "banana" text: "yellow" - name: "grape" text: "green" ```   #### Content Here is the corresponding shortcode in the page content: ```md {{}} ```   #### Result Here is the generated table: {{< table "cells_as_values" >}} ### Cells Defined as Hashes Here is an example of a table with a single cell defined as a hash. #### Front Matter ```yaml --- # ... other front matter omitted ... tables: # example of table a single cell defined cells as a hash cells_as_hashes: cols: - id: "name" name: "Name" - id: "text" name: "Text" align: "right" rows: - name: "apple" text: "red" - name: "banana" text: "yellow" - name: "grape" text: # cell with custom alignment and tooltip val: "green" align: "left" tip: "This cell has a custom tooltip." ```   #### Content Here is the corresponding shortcode in the page content: ```md {{}} ```   #### Result Here is the generated table: {{< table "cells_as_hashes" >}} **Hint:** Hover over the word `green` to see the custom tooltip. ### Cell Markup Cell values can use the following markup: * [Markdown][] (default) * [HTML][], by specifying the cell as a hash and setting the `html` property to `true`. #### Markdown This section contains is an example table with a cell that uses [Markdown][] markup. **Note:** [Markdown][] links in cell values **cannot be specified** using `[name][code]` syntax; instead they must use one of the following [Markdown][] link syntaxes: * `[name](full_url)` * `[name](full_url "tooltip")` ##### Front Matter ```yaml --- # ... other front matter omitted ... tables: # example of table with cells using markdown markup cell_markup_markdown: cols: - id: "name" name: "Name" - id: "text" name: "Text" rows: - name: "apple" text: "*red*" # italics - name: "banana" text: "**yellow**" # bold - name: "grape" text: "[green](https://pablotron.org/ \"my favorite site\")" # link ``` ##### Content Here is the corresponding shortcode in the page content: ```md {{}} ```   ##### Result Here is the generated table: {{< table "cell_markup_markdown" >}} #### HTML You can render cell values using [HTML][] markup by specifying the cell as a hash and then setting the `html` property of the cell to `true`. This section contains an example table containing cells using [HTML][] markup. ##### Front Matter ```yaml --- # ... other front matter omitted ... tables: # example of table with cells using html markup cell_markup_html: cols: - id: "name" name: "Name" - id: "text" name: "Text" rows: - name: "apple" # cell value using HTML markup for italics text: val: "red" html: true - name: "banana" # cell value using HTML markup for bold text: val: "yellow" # bold html: true - name: "grape" # cell value using HTML markup for a link text: val: "green" html: true ```   ##### Content Here is the corresponding shortcode in the page content: ```md {{}} ```   ##### Result Here is the generated table: {{< table "cell_markup_html" >}} ### Cell Properties Here is a complete list of available properties for cells defined as hashes: {{< table "cell_props" >}} ### Cell HTML Attributes Generated `` elements for table cells are annotated with the following attributes: {{< table "cell_attrs" >}} **Note:** For cells defined as a value rather than a hash, only following attributes are generated for `` elements: * `data-td_x` * `title` (set to the column name) * `aria-label` (set to the column name) ## Table Configuration Overrides Column and cell alignment is rendered using [CSS][] classes rather than inline `style` attributes. The default `align` to [CSS][] `class` mapping is as follows: {{< table "align_classes" >}} These classes work out of the box with [Bulma][]. If you're using another framework, you can change the [CSS class][css] configuration on a per-table, per-page, or per-site basis. See the [Table Configuration Properties section][table-config-props] for a full list of available table configuration properties. ### Table Override Use the `config` table property to override the configuration for a specific table. #### Front Matter ```yaml --- # ... other front matter omitted ... tables: # table with custom config that renders right-aligned text as bold table_with_config_override: # table config override that renders right-aligned text as bold config: table_class: "table" align_left: "has-text-left" align_center: "has-text-centered" align_justify: "has-text-justified" align_right: "has-text-weight-bold" cols: - id: "name" name: "Name" - id: "text" name: "Text" align: "right" rows: - name: "apple" text: "red" - name: "banana" text: "yellow" - name: "grape" text: "green" ```   #### Content Here is the corresponding shortcode in the page content: ```md {{}} ```   #### Result Here is the generated table: {{< table "table_with_config_override" >}} ### Page Override Use the `table_config` property in the [page front matter][front matter] to override the configuration for all tables on a page that are generated with the table [shortcode][]. Here is an example page-level table configuration override which emits a `has-text-weight-bold` class for all table cells with an alignment set to `justify`: ```yaml --- # ... other front matter omitted ... # override config for all tables generated with table shortcode on this # page so that right-aligned cell values are rendered as bold table_config: table_class: "table" align_left: "has-text-left" align_center: "has-text-centered" align_justify: "has-text-weight-bold" align_right: "has-text-right" ```   ### Site Override Use the `table_config` parameter in the root `config.toml` to override the table configuration for all tables across all pages on a site that are generated with the table [shortcode][]. Here is an example overide for [Bootstrap][]: ```toml # table shortcode bootstrap override [params.table_config] # class to assign to all generated tables table_class = "table" # class for left-aligned column headers and cells align_left = "text-start" # class for centered column headers and cells align_center = "text-center" # class for justified column headers and cells # (note: doesn't provide a justify alignment class so you # would need to provide your own) align_justify = "my-custom-justify-class" # class for right-aligned column headers and cells align_right = "text-right" ```   ### Table Configuration Properties Here is a full list of available table configuration properties: {{< table "table_config_props" >}} [site data]: https://gohugo.io/templates/data-templates/#the-data-folder "Site data directory." [front matter]: https://gohugo.io/content-management/front-matter/ "Hugo page metadata." [css]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CSS "Cascading Style Sheets" [bulma]: https://bulma.io/ "Bulma CSS framework." [bootstrap]: https://getbootstrap.com/ "Bootstrap CSS framework." [json]: https://json.org/ "JavaScript Object Notation" [yaml]: https://yaml.org/ "YAML Ain't a Markup Language" [toml]: https://github.com/toml-lang/toml "Tom's Obvious Markup Language" [hugo]: https://gohugo.io/ "Hugo static site generator" [goldmark]: https://github.com/yuin/goldmark/ "Goldmark Markdown renderer." [html]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML "HyperText Markup Language" [markdown]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown "Markdown markup language" [shortcode]: https://gohugo.io/content-management/shortcodes/ "Hugo shortcode" [git]: https://github.com/pablotron/hugo-shortcode-table "hugo-shortcode-table github repository" [table-props]: #table-properties "Table Properties section" [col-props]: #column-properties "Column Properties section" [cols-as-hashes]: #columns-defined-as-an-array-of-hashes "Columns Defined as an Array of Hashes" [row-props]: #row-properties "Row Properties section" [row-attrs]: #row-html-attributes "Row HTML Attributes section" [cell-props]: #cell-properties "Cell Properties section" [cell-attrs]: #cell-html-attributes "Cell HTML Attributes section" [table-config-props]: #table-configuration-properties "Table Configuration Properties section"