--- date: "2000-05-15T13:09:00Z" title: Witchhunts, Lawyers, and the RIAA... Oh My! --- Well, I've been working on a bunch of small stuff. I wrote a quick bookmark wrapper for feh called cam, you can probably find more info over on Tom Gilbert's (aka gilbertt on #e) page. Oh yeah, I've also been reading Kuro5hin a lot lately; they're kinda like Slashdot, only smaller and easier to digest (ie less stupid people). Oh yeah, I wrote a neat little auto-refresh JavaScript so raster's web cams would updated without a page refresh. Check it out on raster's page.

I found an interesting article that seems to ahve been lost in the all the RIAA vs. Napster noise. Hey, if you're one of the 300,000 people who were banned from Napster, don't let it get you down. You can always pay Lars, assasinate Metallica, or just keep using Napster anyway. I prefer the latter; the RIAA really overprices CDs (here is an excellent Slashdot post justifying my position). Either way, this whole thing is silly; the RIAA and their lawyers will eventually put Napster down. Unfortunately, they're fighting a losing battle: Hotline (and the unofficial Linux client), FTP, and ICQ are here to stay, and peer-to-peer search solutions are on the way (check out Gnutella, Freenet, and OpenNAP if you're interested). And before I get a bunch of junk mail, this is __not__ about piracy: piracy is theft, rape, and murder on the high seas, not exchanging computer data (I'll reserve the discussion about the effect of mass marketing memes effecting the connotation and eventually the denotation -- as witnessed by the second definition under the first result returned by that link -- for another day). I plan on writing a paper about this soon (I need to do somehting to the Bits page or remove it from my navigation bar), but the gist of the situation is this: people have been exchanging music via cassette tapes for almost 20 years with little or no intervention from the RIAA (ie they have _not_ sued the makers of high-speed CD-to-cassette dubbing equipment), yet they prop up a cookie-cutter band with a lot of mind-share due to a musical fad from over 15 years ago and use them to attack a method of sharing music which is statistically insignificant when compared against to the method which the RIAA is implicitly condoning. Why? Because greed is a powerful motivator, the public doesn't really understand what's going on, and big corporations don't like technological innovations fucking with their distribution channels. Whew, this news post is getting a bit hefty, so I'll stop there.

This Slashdot article is a pretty funny discussion about Computer Support people: I like this comment, but this one takes the cake. In case anyone is interested, I added a Screenshots page, and I plan on adding a new shot every week or so. Speaking of keeping things up to date, the Projects page is due up for an overhaul. I have a ton of new goodies to add, and none of my active projects are currently up. Basically, I've been spending all my time writing code, and playing Quake 3 Arena.