--- date: "2000-07-06T13:23:00Z" title: Craziness Everywhere --- EWL is coming along nicely. I finished porting the Imlib2 wrapper from feh, and I cleaned it up and added a few new calls along the way. Basically, it eliminates the silly context-based API and converts Imlib2 loading errors to strings. :) Oh yeah, the EwlImage and EwlImLayer rendering and layout APIs are complete, along with ewl_widget_render_*(), which means that I just need to port EwlWindow to the new EwlContainer setup, and things will start to fall into place. Now would be a good time to check out the latest tarball and give me API suggestions before it's set in 1.0 stone.

I have a new layout for the page functioning -- a lot of you have already seen it, thanks to the post by Boris' to the e-develop mailing list. A convenient 600% increase in my web traffic for 48 hours (wow, I didn't know I was so popular :P). It will be up soon enough -- I just have to find a little bit of free time to finish the graphics.

Work has been crazy. We're losing our admins (Netware and UNIX), and management isn't moving particularly fast to replace them. This means my work load is going to increase dramatically, since Alfred and Robert are gone until September. Ouch.

The Crumbly Goodness server (at quake.pablotron.org is down) again, and it could be quite some time before it's back up. The box is at Alfred's house, and he's in Hong Kong. Fortunately he's using Win2k, so none of us can administer it remotely, or kill the server and restart it when it goes nuts. Apparently people have been ICQing him, letting him know it's down, and he contacts his roommate, who then restarts the Q3A server, but that's just silly. Real Operating Systems provide full access to the system via a command line -- it's the only way to cater to virtually every operating system in existence. Looks like Redmond loses 10 points; Berkley and Helsinki each gain 1000.

I'm about done, but I should mention this cool web page (brought to you courtesy of Siobahn from #e). Also, be the first kid on your block to get an idiotic email address: details are here and here (thanks to Filgy and RADKade1).