date: "2000-07-26T10:42:00Z"
title: EWL Updates

I've been working on <a href="/projects">EWL</a> a lot lately -- in
<a href="http://www.linuxbrit.co.uk/">giblet</a> and
<a href="http://www.richlowe.net/">richlowe</a> have
been helping too.  Rather than go over all the details, I went ahead
and modified my update script so it posts the ChangeLog.  You can
check that out <a href="/projects/ewl/ChangeLog">here</a>.  If you
want to try out the snapshot, _please_ read the ChangeLog -- it's
the only accurate documentation that exists ATM, and it has a lot
of useful tips (for example, running src/create_personal_preferences.sh
so EWL doesn't SEGV on startup).  No, there isn't any rendering yet,
yes there is rudimentary theme support.<br /><br />

I moved all my screenshots from
<a href="http://www.efn.org/~p_duncan/">my old EFN page</a> to the
<a href="/screenshots/">screenshots page</a>, and I preserved the
captions and added some updated commentary.  There are still a 
lot of things strewn across various accounts that I'd like to move
onto Pablotron, but that will have to wait until after a redesign
(yes, it will happen eventually).  It'll be SQL queries all over
the place, and I'd like to make it themable, but we'll see what
happens.  I actually had a working themable PHP sample page, I don't
think I'm going to go with that implementation after all.<br /><br />

Our cable modem got cut off last week.  Apparenly I was $11 short
on the bill or something.  Anyways, I didn't realize that it was 
about to get cut off, and I payed the entire bill with a credit
card within 12 hours of the service being shut off, but for some
reason @Home told me it would take 72 hours to turn it back on. 
That's fine, except it took twice that long, and I had to call at
least 5 times before I got a "priority ticket" or some crap. I 
could go on, but Sean wrote a really nice summary of what dealing
with @Home customer service is like over on
<a href="http://10k.dhs.org/">the 10k page</a>.  Unfortunately,
they're problems still aren't resolved, so you can't reack 10k
at the moment.<br /><br />

<a href="http://www.kuro5hin.org">Kuro5hin</a>, one of my favorite
news pages (ie one of the few pages I read on a daily basis), was
shut down because of DoS attacks on the anonymous story submission
queue.  This really sucks.  It wasn't even a creative or complicated
attack -- the non-computer analogy would be vandalizing a public
restroom, only this is worse.  The people running Kuro5hin were all
volunteers who dedicated their time to the page because they 
enjoyed working on it, not because they were being payed.  I liked
the stories on kuro5hin better than "the other site" (how everyone
on kuro5hin referred to
<a href="http://www.slashdot.org">Slashdot</a>), and the comments
were usually more interesting.  Supposedly, they're going to take
a break, remove the anonymous submission, and return after a month,
but things like this are incredibly frustrating.  DoS is stupid. 
It's not l33t, and you're not a cool computer h4x0r if you know how
to run a smurf daemon on your grandma's iMac.<br /><br />

Finally, seeing as how I don't have any interesting photos to post
(besides <a href="/gallery/gnea_thinks_im_leet.jpeg">this picture of
Gnea</a>), I'll direct you towards Tom Gilbert's vacation photos.  His
sister is pretty good looking. :)  Check her, um I mean his vacation
photos, out
<a href="http://www.linuxbrit.co.uk/pics/holiday_france_2000/index.html">here</a> (I'm just kidding, Tom.  Although I do wish everyone in #e had dressed 
up in monkey suits as a suprise when you got back).
<br /><br />

Anyways, more later....