date: "2000-09-18T15:02:00Z"
title: Welcome to the new Pablotron Server
If you can see this message, than you're on the new pablotron server...
So here's what's new -- I've added my work web server to the list of
uptimes (on the sidevar). Also, I completely redid the
Projects page. Check it out and let me
know what you think. I also added unique pages for
Cam and EWL.
On a related note, I've submitted a couple of patches to
Gnut. Basically, they
just add config-file loading, saving, and command-line evaluation.
I hadn't used Gnut at all until a few days ago, but it's already
my favorite Gnutella
client by far. It's fast, stable, easy to use, and it's got
several features that other clients don't have. For example, Gnut
can blacklist nodes (no more spam via Gnutella), monitor based on
requests that yield results, monitor based on download requests,
limit upstream transfer rates, and filter search results with regular
expressions. It compiles out-of-the-box under most UNIX variants
and Windows (although the latter is missing many features), and
there is a GUI frontend in the works. If you're using one of the
supported systems and you use Gnutella, give Gnut a try and see
what you think.