--- date: "2000-09-19T09:56:00Z" title: More Gnut Fun! --- I went ahead and put my recent gnut patches online as one big diff file (universal against 0.4.13). You can grab the mondo patch right here. Also, I added backtick shell interpolation. I just submitted the patch to the Gnut developers today, but I also tossed it up here for people to play with. Finally, in case anyone is interested, my resource file for Mutt is available here.

I spent some time today doing various code cleanupts to this page. The Download page script generates slightly more legible output, mainly so things look pretty for the Code page (but don't take my word for it, see for yourself). Also, I updated the Site Map to reflect the changes I made yesterday to the sidebar, and I fixed the damn titles on all the pages so they agree on formatting.