date: "2000-10-03T18:49:00Z"
title: Yet Another Gnut Patch

So I got a response from <a href="mailto:mufano at gcctech.com">Robert
Mufano</a> (the lead developr for
<a href="http://www.mrob.com/gnut/">Gnut</a>), and he really liked my
multi-search patch.  He's gonna make a few minor tweaks, but it should
be in 0.4.15.  I sent him one more patch to slightly improve the
behavior or "list" and "lclear" (specifically, they reference searches
by an integer ID instead of a GUID-hashed one, and you can use ranges
with lclear).  As usual, you can grab the patch early on my
<a href="/download/">Download page</a>.
<br /><br />

Oh yeah, I ran this page through <a href="http://validator.w3.org/">the
W3C HTML Validator</a>, and the results were pretty good.  I did 
catch a few obscure HTML errors in my server-side includes, but
nothing that affects rendering or layout (at least not in Netscape or
IE).  Also, I added a little description blurb to the
<a href="/download/">Download page</a>.  And, in the spirit of saving
the best for last, you can now download version 0.2 of my View script
(the magic behind the backend-navigation on the
<a href="/code/">Code page</a>).  Version 0.2 fixes several minor
bugs, adds support for more URL types, and adds anti-cracking 
protection.  Grab it <a href="/download/#view_0_2_pl">here</a>.  The
documentation on this bad-boy is nonexistant, so if you'd like some help
getting it set up, let me know.