date: "2001-03-16T02:28:00Z"
title: Pheh Phun

Well, it's not ready for release just yet, but I've been working on a
new version of <a href="/projects/pheh/">Pheh</a> today.  A pre-0.3.0
screenshot showing off the new thumbnail window is available 
<a href="/projects/pheh/pheh-0.3.0-pre-shot.png">here</a>.  Other
good stuff: <a href="/projects/plib/">PLib</a> 0.2.0 support, 
slightly improved Evas and X code, and probably more stuff that I
forgot.  If you don't feel like waiting, you can always grab Pheh
from CVS; instructions are available on <a href="/cvs/">my CVS
<br /><br />

I've noticed that Evas, or at least the CVS version, appears to leave
some bizarre visual artifacts.  This could just be the NVidia 
OpenGL implementation, or it could be the SGI GLU 1.3 GLU headers
I'm using.  Anyway, if you have the same problem, try turning off
pheh hardware acceleration (comment the
<code>render_method 3d_Hardware</code> line in your ~/.pheh/phehrc).
<br /><br />

Speaking of <a href="http://www.nvidia.com/">NVidia</a>, the 0.9-7
drivers came out a few days ago.  Things are still working good,
and I get a noticeable framerate boost in
<a href="http://www.quake3arena.com/">Quake 3</a>.  It looks like
they tweaked the TwinView support and managed to alleviate some of
the "dual-head tax".  The new drivers also support the
<a href="http://www.xfree86.org/~keithp/render/">X Render</a>
extension, although I haven't had a chance to try it out just yet.
There's a patch for
<a href="http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/">QT</a> that adds
anti-aliased font support to QT (and, by extension, 
<a href="http://www.kde.org/">KDE</a> applications) floating 
around somewhere;  I'll post a bit about it once I've had a chance
to try it out.
<br /><br />

While I'm thinking about it, I just remembered that
<a href="http://www.eazel.com/software">Nautilus 1.0</a> came out
the other day.  Don't waste your time trying it.  While they did
manage to address a few of
<a href="/reviews/nautilus-PR2/">my complaints abut PR2</a>,
<a href="http://www.eazel.com/">Eazel</a>
apparently neglected to fix the two most important problems with
Nautilus.  As such, I have found three more appropriate mascots for
Nautilus; one for it's
<a href="/gallery/proposed_nautilus_mascots/speed.jpg">speed</a>,
one for it's
<a href="/gallery/proposed_nautilus_mascots/size.gif">size</a>,
and one for it's
<a href="/gallery/proposed_nautilus_mascots/stability.gif">stability</a>.
If you're still gung-ho about installing Nautilus, you should 
probably consider a
<a href="http://www-personal.umich.edu/~natpoor/eniac/">leaner</a> or
<a href="http://www.microsoft.com/WindowsMe/">more stable</a>
alternative.  On the other hand, if you're actually looking for a
decent graphical file manager, I recommend either 
<a href="http://www.konqueror.org/">Konqueror</a> or 
Andrew Shugg's <i>unsupported and unmaintained</i> 
<a href="ftp://ftp.neep.com.au/pub/neep/pub/cvs.enlightenment.org/">
older EFM CVS snapshots</a>.
<br /><br />

Oh yeah, <a href="http://www.rasterman.com/">Raster</a> redesigned
his page -- I really like the new layout.  He even broke down and
divided his photo gallery into several pages.  I suspect it was 
just to drown out the cacophony of 
<a href="http://www.linuxbrit.co.uk/">whiny</a>
<a href="http://www.richlowe.net/">modem</a>
<a href="http://www.linux2k.freeserve.co.uk/">users</a>.  Anyway,
I'm pretty sure I've managed to offend just about everyone, so that's
it for today.