date: "2001-07-24T10:11:00Z"
title: Debian Ate My Motherboard!

<p> Hooray! <a href="http://www.adobe.com/">Adobe</a>
decided to call off the storm troopers and join the good guys.  You can
read all about it 
<a href="http://www.eff.org/IP/DMCA/US_v_Sklyarov/20010723_eff_adobe_sklyarov_pr.html">here</a>.</p>

<p> Oh yeah, I promised an update on the 
<a href="http://www.debian.org/">Debian Linux</a> install.  Well, so
far things have been going great.  I'm now in the unique position of
having either too new of a glibc or too new of a gcc for occasional 
applications.  Of course, that's my only gripe, and it usually only
takes a bit of tweaking code in order to get it to work properly. </p>

<p> Anyway, a few days after I installed Debian, my motherboard decided
to crap out on me.  The diagnostic LEDs seemed to think it was a dead 
CPU, so we went out and got a new Duron 750, which didn't do any good.
A few days later, <a href="http://www.snowman.net/">Snow-Man</a> and I
went out and got a new motherboard (a MSI K7T Turbo instead of a MSI
K7T Pro).  That seemed to fix things up nicely.</p>

<p>I haven't been working on a whole lot lately, but I did manage to
eek in some time to write a quick GUI bash and gdialog wrapper for
<i>apt-cache search</i>; you can grab it
<a href="/downloads/gacs">here</a>.  I revamped my bash tweaks, you can
grab the latest version from the
<a href="/projects/bash_tweaks/">Bash Tweaks</a> project page.  I also
rewrote and posted an updated version of my 
<a href="http://www.vim.org/">VIM</a> config.  You can grab it 
<a href="/downloads/?only=vim_config_0_1_0_tar_gz">here</a>.  I rewrote
most of my <a href="http://www.mutt.org/">Mutt</a> config as well, but
I haven't quite finished packaging that for public consumption just

<p>A few random things...  Since we share the same office, 
<a href="http://bma.debian.net/">Brian</a> has been threatening me
with one of 
<a href="http://www.thinkgeek.com/stuff/things/31d8.html">these sissy
Nerf guns</a>.  I've decided to get
<a href="http://web.mit.edu/mouser/www/railgun/halluc/intro.html">one
of these</a> just in case.  I accidentally stumbled across
<a href="http://astalavista.box.sk/">Astalavista</a>, a great site for
grey and black hat security goodies.   Finally, here's a couple nifty
links I found on  <a href="http://www.memepool.com/">Memepool</a>:
<li><a href="http://www.youdamnkid.com/">You Damn Kid</a>: the funniest comic strip I've seen in quite a while.</li>
<li><a href="http://spine.cx/subway/">Bring Back the Classic Cut</a>: a site protesting <a href="http://www.subway.com/">Subway's</a> new cut.