--- date: "2002-11-11T01:25:45Z" title: Seattle, Imlib2-Ruby, etc ---

I was in Seattle last weekend for RubyConf 2002. I got to meet Matz (the author of Ruby), and I learned a bunch of cool stuff. A few of the interesting speeches: a presentation by Why the Lucky Stiff on YAML (YAML Ain't a Markup Language) for Ruby, a presentation by Dan Sugalski on Parrot, and a rountable discussion with Matz (a transcript of which is available here. Be sure to check out my RubyConf 2002 photo gallery.

I released version 0.4.2 of Imlib2-Ruby. The ruby-talk announcement is here, and a complete list of changes is available here. Oh yeah, Tom released version 1.2.2 of feh, which includes my Xinerama patches and a few other goodies.

Finally, a few interesting links. I've been reading OC Forums almost daily now, there's lots of interesting computer hardware information there. John pointed me at Ozones, which is the craziest cross-platform JavaScript I've ever seen. He's also got a bunch of really cool hands-on graphics tutorials. Richard gave me this really interesting Paul Graham article on Lisp.