date: "2003-06-24T12:10:54Z"
title: Raggle

<a href='http://www.richlowe.net/'>Richard (richlowe)</a> and I just unleashed our latest creation on the world: <a href='/software/raggle/'>Raggle</a>.  Raggle is a console RSS aggregator, written in <a href='http://www.ruby-lang.org/'>Ruby</a>.  Here's a <a href='/software/raggle/shots/00.png'>screenshot</a>, or you can skip straight to the <a href='/download/raggle-0.1.0.tar.gz'>version 0.1.0 download</a>.  This is the initial release, so there are still some bugs.  In fact, <a href='http://www.tynian.net/'>Brian (bma)</a> already reported a nasty one, and the patch for it is <a href='/download/raggle-0.1.0-describe_feed_bignum.patch'>here</a> (if patches scare you, this fix will be in version 0.1.1, which should be out within a couple of days).
That said, any suggestions, criticism, etc can be sent to <a href='mailto:i_hate_raggle@pablotron.org'>i_hate_raggle@pablotron.org</a>.

On a completely unrelated note ;), this site now has an RSS feed.  Check out the "Syndicate (RSS)" link on the sidebar, or click <a href='/?theme=rss&amp;max=15'>here</a>.