--- date: "2003-07-03T21:31:35Z" title: And the Award Goes To... --- <p> Prior to my big dot-file to CVS module move [ala <a href='http://www.acmeunix.org/'>James (moss)</a> and <a href='http://www.richlowe.net/'>Richard (richlowe)</a>], I decided to beef up my <a href='http://www.vim.org/'>VIM</a> configuration. While searching the script section <a href='http://www.vim.org/'>vim.org</a>, I stumbled across a special script. I feel as though this script deserves the coveted <i>Cool But For the Love of God Why</i> ™ award. This years winner? </p> <p align='center'> ...drum roll... </p> <p> <a href='http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=28'>VIM XMMS</a>. VIM XMMS allows you to control XMMS from VIM. </p>