--- date: "2003-07-06T23:21:16Z" title: Oh Yeah, The Weight Thing... ---

Apparently I never linked it from here, but I've been exercising, eating well, and losing weight since the beginning of March. At the moment I weigh 205, down from 263 (a total of 58 pounds lost). My goal is 180 pounds. In true geek style, I've been keeping a log of my progress. You can check out the log and graphs of my progress on my weight page.

On Friday I moved my Bash, Screen, and VIM settings into a Dotfiles CVS module. There's a directory for Mutt settings as well, but I haven't imported those yet.

Did everyone enjoy their 4th of July (well, everyone in the U.S. at least)? I relaxed at home, and set off some fireworks with Jon-Anne (lilyj) and Richard (richlowe).

Oh yeah, it's still a little rough, but I finally have some content on paulduncan.org. At the moment it's XHTML 1.1 Strict compliant, but it doesn't render at all in IE6, and it renders incorrectly in Konqueror. There's no real content at the moment, so I'm not too worried about fixing it just yet. Okay, well that's it for now...