--- date: "2019-08-25T12:40:00Z" title: What to do with an STM32? --- ![stm32f103c8t6][img] Last week my bag of [generic STM32F103C8T6 "Blue Pill" boards][mcu] arrived. So far I've flashed [Pill Duck][] and a couple of examples from [Beginning STM32][book]. Now all I need are some project ideas. All I've come up with so far are another [Pocket Jim][] or another [BME280][]-based temperature monitor. [img]: https://pmdn.org/stm32f103c8t6-800.jpg "STM32F103C8T6 (Blue Pill)." [mcu]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STM32#STM32_F1 "STM32." [pill duck]: https://github.com/satoshinm/pill_duck "Scriptable USB HID device for STM32F103 blue pill." [book]: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DGGHZN6 "Beginning STM32: Developing with FreeRTOS, libopencm3 and GCC" [pocket jim]: https://pmdn.org/pocket-jim/ "Leveraging Cross Platform Synergy" [bme280]: https://www.mouser.com/ProductDetail/Bosch-Sensortec/BME280?qs=2OnyuXx6vpj2fK9HX7qb3g%3D%3D "BME280 Temperature, Humidity, and Pressure sensor."