--- slug: nftables-sitrep title: "Nftables Sitrep" date: "2021-10-20T01:39:11-04:00" --- In April I decided to switch the firewalls for my laptop and a couple of servers from [`iptables`][iptables] to [`nft` and nftables][nft]. After several months of use I can report that the experience has been positive. Pros: * Simple declarative configuration file. No more hacky shell scripts. * Atomic (all or nothing) ruleset changes. * Faster ruleset changes. * Built-in [JSON][] support. Cons: * Occasionally finicky parser. * Remapping IP ranges can be more verbose than [iptables][]. The detauls are a bit long for a blog post (even for me!), so they are available as a [separate "Nftables Examples" article][nftables-examples] instead. [iptables]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iptables "iptables command-line Linux firewall tool" [nft]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nftables "nft command-line tool and nftables Linux firewall subsystem" [wireguard]: https://wireguard.com/ "Wireguard VPN" [json]: https://json.org/ "JavaScript Object Notation" [nftables-examples]: {{< relref "/articles/nftables-examples.md" >}} "Example nftable laptop and server configs"