slug: tls-and-header-fixes
title: "TLS and Header Fixes"
date: "2021-10-21T10:22:04-04:00"
draft: false

    css: "image"
    tip: "SSL Labs scan results."
      - "/files/posts/tls-and-header-fixes/ssllabs.webp"
      - src: "/files/posts/tls-and-header-fixes/ssllabs.png"
        width: 990
        height: 506

    css: "image"
    tip: "Security Headers scan results."
      - "/files/posts/tls-and-header-fixes/securityheaders.webp"
      - src: "/files/posts/tls-and-header-fixes/securityheaders.png"
        width: 1226
        height: 297

    css: "image"
    tip: "Lighthouse desktop scan results."
      - "/files/posts/tls-and-header-fixes/lighthouse-desktop.webp"
      - src: "/files/posts/tls-and-header-fixes/lighthouse-desktop.png"
        width: 488
        height: 192

Yesterday I scanned this site using the following tools:

* [SSL Labs: SSL Server Test][ssllabs]: [TLS][] version,
  [cipher suites][cipher-suite], and security headers scanner.
* [Security Headers][securityheaders]: [HTTP][] response security
  headers scanner.
* [Lighthouse][lighthouse]: Page performance and accessibility scanner.

I made a several [Apache][] configuration changes based on the
initial scan results:

1. Disabled ancient versions of [TLS][].
2. Set an explicit [cipher suite list][cipher-suite] using the
   [Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator][ssl-config-gen].
3. Refined the value of the `Access-Control-Allow-Origin` header.
4. Added two new headers: `Referrer-Policy` and `Permissions-Policy`.

After a couple of iterations of changes and testing, I:

* Updated [my recent post][response-header-post] to reflect the
  response header changes in the [Apache][] configuration.
* Applied the same changes (with minor tweaks) to several other

**Tip:** Use the [Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator][ssl-config-gen]
to generate your [TLS][] configuration.  It has three client profiles
("modern", "intermediate", and "old") and supports a variety of servers
(web, email, database, application, etc).

Random thoughts:
* Static site generators like [Hugo][] and [Jekyll][] make it easy to
  check off many performance and security requirements.
* As an industry, we still have not learned to ["have one joint and keep
  it well oiled"][lesson] when dealing with security.  Notable
  exception: [Wireguard][].

Screenshots of the improved scan results are available below.  Click the
[SSL Labs][ssllabs] and [Security Headers][securityheaders] pictures to
see the scan details.

[{{< pe-figure "ssllabs" >}}][ssllabs-results]

[{{< pe-figure "securityheaders" >}}][securityheaders-results]

{{< pe-figure "lighthouse-desktop" >}}

[ssllabs]: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/
  "TLS version, cipher suite, and response header scanner."
[securityheaders]: https://securityheaders.com/
  "HTTP response header scanner."
[lighthouse]: https://developers.google.com/web/tools/lighthouse
  "Page performance and accessibility scanner."
[cipher-suite]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cipher_suite
  "Set of cryptographic algorithms."
[tls]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security
  "Transport Layer Security"
[http]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol
  "HyperText Transfer Protocol"
[apache]: https://apache.org/
  "Apache web server."
[response-header-post]: {{< ref "/posts/2021-10-19-hugo-csp-impedance-mismatch.md" >}}
  "My recent post on Hugo and HTTP response headers."
[ssl-config-gen]: https://ssl-config.mozilla.org/
  "Mozilla SSL Configuration Generator"
[ssllabs-results]: https://www.ssllabs.com/ssltest/analyze.html?d=pablotron.org&hideResults=on
  "SSL Labs scan results."
[securityheaders-results]: https://securityheaders.com/?q=pablotron.org&hide=on&followRedirects=on
  "Security Headers scan results."
[postgres]: https://postgresql.org/
  "PostgreSQL relational database server."
[lesson]: https://www.imperialviolet.org/2016/05/16/agility.html
  "Cryptographic Agility, by Adam Langley."
[wireguard]: https://www.wireguard.com/
  "Wireguard VPN"
[hugo]: https://gohugo.io/
  "Hugo static site generator."
[jekyll]: https://jekyllrb.com/
  "Jekyll static site generator."