--- slug: mathyd-easy-tex-to-svg title: "Mathyd: Easy TeX to SVG" date: "2021-12-05T07:02:29-04:00" --- A few weeks ago I released [Mathyd][], a [Docker][] image containing an [HTTP][] daemon which converts [TeX][] to [SVG][]. [Mathyd][] includes a minimal command-line client which reads [TeX][] from standard input and prints the generated [SVG][] to standard output, like so: ```bash # set URL and HMAC secret key # (note: replace value of MATHYD_HMAC_KEY with your own randomly # generated one) export MATHYD_URL="http://whatever.example.com:3000/" export MATHYD_HMAC_KEY="2dhXA3HTmfEMq2d5" # render output bin/mathy < cubic.tex > cubic.svg ```   Given [this input file][cubic-tex], the command above produces the following result: {{< figure src="/files/posts/mathyd-easy-tex-to-svg/cubic.svg" class=image caption="The Cubic Formula, rendered by Mathyd." >}} ### Installation You can install and run the [Mathyd Docker image][mathyd-docker] with a single command: ```bash # run mathyd as a daemon on port 3000 # (note: replace value of MATHYD_HMAC_KEY with your own randomly # generated one) docker run --rm -d -e MATHYD_HMAC_KEY="2dhXA3HTmfEMq2d5" -p 3000:3000 pablotron/mathyd:latest ```   **Notes:** * Be sure to generate your own [HMAC][] secret key rather than reusing the key from the examples above. * Don't expose [Mathyd][] via a publicly-accessible [URL][]; it does not support [TLS][] and [MathJax][] may use a lot of memory for large input files. If you really do want to do this, then you'll need to proxy the [Mathyd][] endpoint behind [Apache][] or [nginx][] on an authenticated, [TLS][]-encrypted [URL][]. ### Technical Details Under the hood, [Mathyd][] is just: 1. a [container][] running an [Express][] [HTTP][] daemon that exposes a single endpoint that accepts a `PUT` request containing: * A [JSON][]-encoded body of input parameters. * A hex-encoded, [SHA-256 HMAC][hmac] of the body and the [HMAC][] secret key in the `x-mathyd-hmac-sha256` header. The endpoint does the following: 1. Verifies the body [HMAC][]. 2. Parses the [JSON][] body and extracts the input parameters, including the source [TeX][]. 3. Converts the input [TeX][] to [SVG][] (via [MathJax][]). 4. Returns a [JSON][]-encoded response containing the generated [SVG][]. 2. A command-line client, written in [Ruby][], which: 1. Reads [TeX][] from standard input and serializes it as [JSON][]. 2. Sends a `PUT` request to the [Mathyd][] daemon and parses the response. 3. Extracts the generated [SVG][] from the response and writes it to standard output. ### Rationale I wanted an easy way to generate static math [SVGs][svg] for web pages from the command-line without installing a blizzard of dependencies and without requiring [MathJax][] on the destination page. I prefer [TeX][] over other formats because it's still the least-worst format for complex math formulas. I prefer [SVGs][svg] over bitmap images whenever possible because: * [SVGs][svg] scale to any screen size and resolution. This is particularly useful for [responsive design][]. * [SVGs][svg] are supported by all modern browsers, including mobile browsers. Fun fact: even the [animated logo for this page][logo] is an [SVG][]. ### Links * [Mathyd GitHub Repository][mathyd] * [Mathyd on Docker Hub][mathyd-docker] **Note:** If you want a web interface to noodle around with [TeX][], check out [Mathy][] instead. [mathyd]: https://github.com/pablotron/mathyd "Dockerized TeX to SVG HTTP daemon." [docker]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Docker_(software) "Docker" [http]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol "HyperText Transfer Protocol" [tex]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TeX "The TeX typesetting system." [svg]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scalable_Vector_Graphics "Scalable Vector Graphics" [mathjax]: https://mathjax.org/ "Math rendering library." [cubic-tex]: /files/posts/mathyd-easy-tex-to-svg/cubic.tex.txt "Example Mathyd input TeX file containing the cubic formula." [mathy]: https://mathy.pmdn.org/ "Web-based LaTeX Math renderer, based on MathJax." [express]: https://expressjs.com/ "Minimal web framework for Node JS." [hmac]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMAC "Hashed Message Authentication Code" [json]: https://json.org/ "JavaScript Object Notation." [mathyd-docker]: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/pablotron/mathyd "Mathyd on Docker Hub." [container]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OS-level_virtualization "Operating System-level virtualization." [Ruby]: https://ruby-lang.org/ "Ruby programming language." [url]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/URL "Uniform Resource Locator" [logo]: /files/posts/mathyd-easy-tex-to-svg/logo.svg "current pablotron.org site logo" [responsive design]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Responsive_web_design "Responsive web design." [tls]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transport_Layer_Security "Transport Layer Security" [apache]: https://apache.org/ "Apache web server" [nginx]: https://www.nginx.com/ "nginx web server"