--- slug: jqueries title: "jQueries" date: "2022-09-18T06:50:05-04:00" draft: true pics: jqueries: css: "image" tip: "jQueries: One page, every jQuery." sources: - "/files/posts/jqueries/jqueries.webp" - src: "/files/posts/jqueries/jqueries.png" width: 800 height: 355 --- Some people dislike [jQuery][] because it isn't really needed for modern browsers (see [You Might Not Need jQuery][]). Many older sites embed multiple versions of [jQuery][], often as a [transitive dependency][]. I thought "wouldn't it be funny if there was a page that loaded *all* versions of [jQuery][]?". Behold: [{{< pe-figure "jqueries" >}}][jqueries] Notes: * Embeds every version of [jQuery][] from 1.2 to 3.6.1, including the slim builds. * Each version of [jQuery][] animates it's own row. See the [unminified `script.js`][script.js] for details. * You may have trouble hosting [jQueries][] if you have a restrictive [`Content-Security-Policy`][csp] ([like mine][min-csp]). In particular, versions of [jQuery][] older than 1.4.0 will fail to load. * Deliberately serves up old versions of [jQuery][] with known security vulnerabilities. Be careful where you host this. Source code, build instructions, and additional details are available in the [GitHub repository][repo]. [jquery]: https://jquery.com/ "jQuery" [transitive dependency]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transitive_dependency "Dependency that is depended on indirectly by another dependency." [jqueries]: https://pablotron.github.io/jqueries/ "jQueries: A page which uses (almost) every version of jQuery" [you might not need jquery]: https://youmightnotneedjquery.com/ "You might not need jQuery." [script.js]: https://github.com/pablotron/jqueries/blob/main/public/js/script.js "Unminified version of script.js." [csp]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy "Content-Security-Policy HTTP header." [min-csp]: {{< relref "posts/2021-10-25-the-nuclear-option-no-more-unsafe-inline.md" >}} "Post about minimal Content-Security-Policy header on this site." [repo]: https://github.com/pablotron/jqueries "jQueries GitHub repository."