--- slug: odroid-n2l title: "Odroid N2L" date: "2022-12-01T19:11:45-04:00" draft: true --- Since [Raspberry Pis][pi] are essentially unobtainable for several more months due to supply chain disruptions got an odroid n2l setup notes: - tried dietpi, won't work at the moment (n2l has different memory than the n2 and n2+, so n2 images won't boot on it. if you try an n2 image the n2l won't even power on; ask me how i know...) - installed ubuntu minimal from the odroid wiki.. problems: us west link had tls error and 404 us east link was a 404 KR link worked no way to set up headless wifi from boot like pi, so i need a keyboard and monitor and it's late ... - tried to set up wpa_supplicant (ala raspbian), but it wouldn't cooperate - followed nmcli instructions at this url: https://wiki.odroid.com/troubleshooting/minimal_image_wifi_setup_nmcli - set hostname to "pizza" - adduser pabs, added pabs to sudo group - set root password to "ohn8uD/ishohha8h" (default is root/odroid) - in /etc/ssh/sshd_config - disabled PermitRootLogin - disabled PasswordAuthentication pabs@pizza:~$ sudo apt install vim git screen ruby man (ruby installs some buillshit like jquery and fonts-lato) - installed bin/{acs,acsno,agi,agr,agdu,agu} - noticed that openssl does not seem to take advantage of the crypto acceleration yet