--- slug: site-backend title: "Site Backend" date: "2024-06-02T13:00:00-04:00" draft: true pics: site-backend: css: "image" tip: "Editing this site with Vim and Firefox." sources: - "/files/posts/site-backend/0-editing-1024.webp" - src: "/files/posts/site-backend/0-editing-1024.png" width: 1024 height: 640 --- On Friday I posted [a long Site Backend article][site-backend] which explains how the content on this site is managed, speed and security tweaks, [Hugo][] customizations, [Apache][] configuration, and more. [{{< pe-figure "site-backend" >}}][site-backend] [site-backend]: {{< relref "articles/site-backend.md" >}} "Article explaining site backend." [dk-sort]: https://github.com/pablotron/dk-sort "Browser plugin which adds a sort toolbar to Daily Kos live update articles." [firefox]: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/ "Mozilla Firefox web browser." [daily kos]: https://dailykos.com/ "Daily Kos" [hugo]: https://gohugo.io/ "Hugo static site generator." [apache]: https://apache.org/ "Apache web server"