--- slug: vim-books title: "Vim Books" date: "2024-06-02T10:00:00-04:00" --- While perusing [Vim scripts][], I noticed that there are several [Vim books][]. A couple of them piqued my interest: - [Practical Vim, Second Edition (2015)][practical vim] - [Modern Vim (2018)][modern vim] I bought both books and I'm about 300 pages into [Practical Vim][]. So far it's great. I have been using [Vim][] for over 20 years but I still learned a few things; for example, I did not know about [the `\v` "very magic" prefix for patterns][very-magic]. If you buy the books from [the publisher][pragprog] instead of [Amazon][] you can download the [eBooks][] as [DRM][]-free [PDF][], [EPUB][], and [MOBI][] files. I read the [PDFs][pdf] on my desktop and the [EPUBs][epub] in the [Kindle app][] on my phone (imported via [Send to Kindle][]). Unlike many technical books, the [EPUBs][epub] render very nicely in the [Kindle app][]. Example: [Page from "Practical Vim" rendered by the Kindle app on a Pixel 8 Pro][example] [pragprog]: https://pragprog.com/ "The Pragmatic Bookshelf" [drm]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_rights_management "Digital Rights Management" [pdf]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PDF "Portable Document Format (PDF)" [epub]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPUB "EPUB eBook file format" [ebooks]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebook "electronic book" [vim]: https://www.vim.org/ "Vi-improved text editor" [very-magic]: https://vimhelp.org/pattern.txt.html#%2Fmagic "Documentation for magic settings in Vim, including the \\v \"very magic\" prefix." [kindle app]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Kindle#Kindle_applications "Kindle application" [send to kindle]: https://www.amazon.com/sendtokindle "Send to Kindle" [practical vim]: https://pragprog.com/titles/dnvim2/practical-vim-second-edition/ "Practical Vim, Second Edition, by Drew Neil (2015)" [modern vim]: https://pragprog.com/titles/modvim/modern-vim/ "Modern Vim, by Drew Neil (2018)" [vim books]: https://iccf-holland.org/vim_books.html "Vim books" [vim scripts]: https://www.vim.org/scripts/ "Scripts for Vim" [amazon]: https://amazon.com/ "Amazon" [example]: /files/posts/vim-books/practical-vim-epub-example-page.png "Page from \"Practical Vim\" EPUB rendered in Kindle App" [pixel 8 pro]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pixel_8 "Pixel 8 Pro" [mobi]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobipocket "Mobipocket eBook file format"