--- # left-aligned navbar menu entries start: - id: "about" href: "/about/" name: "About" help: "About Me" - id: "articles" href: "/articles/" name: "Articles" help: "Articles" - id: "projects" href: "/projects/" name: "Projects" help: "Projects" # - id: "links" # href: "/links/" # name: "Links" # help: "Links" # right-aligned navbar menu entries # (names of these items are only shown on mobile) end: - id: "theme" href: "#" name: "Switch Theme" icon: "/ims/theme.svg" help: "switch between light and dark theme" - id: "github" href: "https://github.com/pablotron" name: "GitHub" icon: "/ims/github.svg" help: "github page" - id: "pgp" href: "/files/pabs.asc" name: "PGP Key" icon: "/ims/key.svg" help: "PGP key" - id: "rss" href: "/index.xml" name: "Feed" icon: "/ims/rss.svg" help: "blog feed"