--- # list of projects projects # (shamelessly stolen from jekyll backend) - name: "Luigi Template" slug: "luigi-template" repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/luigi-template" text: "String templating library for Java, JavaScript, PHP, and Ruby." - name: "SHA2" slug: "sha2" repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/sha2" text: "Self-contained C11 SHA-2 implementation." - name: "Weather Sage" slug: "weather-sage" repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/weather-sage" text: "Command-line tool and Ruby library to get the weather forecast and current weather observations for a domestic US street address." - name: "ZipStream-PHP" slug: "zipstream-php" repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/zipstream-php" text: "Streaming zip file generator for PHP." # # - name: FreeType2-Ruby # slug: ft2-ruby # text: "Freetype2 bindings for Ruby." # old: true # # - name: Bash Tweaks # slug: bash-tweaks # text: "My Bash shell config." # old: true # # - name: Bling # slug: bling # text: "bling description" # old: true # # - name: DBD-Google-ruby # slug: dbd-google-ruby # text: "dbd-google-ruby description" # old: true # - name: "Broker-Cappy" slug: "broker-cappy" text: "Track justice, valor, honor, and conquest points across World of Warcraft characters." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/broker-cappy" old: true - name: "Cuckoo2" slug: "cuckoo2" text: "Cuckoo hash table implementation." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/cuckoo2" old: true - name: "DevIL-Ruby" slug: "devil-ruby" text: "DevIL bindings for Ruby." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/devil-ruby" old: true - name: "EasingJS" slug: "easing-js" text: "Easing animations for JavaScript." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/easing-js" old: true - name: "Easy Cookie" slug: "easy-cookie" text: "Easy cookie manipulation in JavaScript." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/easy-cookie" old: true - name: "FAM-Ruby" slug: "fam-ruby" text: "File Alteration Monitor (FAM) bindings for Ruby." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/fam-ruby" old: true - name: "Forced Timeout" slug: "forced-timeout" text: "JavaScript library to force client-side session timeout of a web page." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/forced-timeout" old: true - name: "FreshMeat-Ruby" slug: "freshmeat-ruby" text: "Freshmeat.net API bindings for Ruby." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/freshmeat-ruby" old: true - name: "Honeypot-PHP" slug: "honeypot-php" text: "Project Honeypot API bindings for PHP." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/honeypot-php" old: true - name: "Honeypot-Ruby" slug: "honeypot-ruby" text: "Project Honeypot API bindings for Ruby." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/honeypot-ruby" old: true - name: "ID3-Ruby" slug: "id3-ruby" text: "ID3 parser for Ruby." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/id3-ruby" old: true - name: "Imlib2-Ruby" slug: "imlib2-ruby" text: "Imlib2 bindings for Ruby." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/imlib2-ruby" old: true - name: "Joggle" slug: "joggle" text: "Twitter to XMPP relay." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/joggle" old: true - name: "Joystick-Ruby" slug: "joystick-ruby" text: "Linux joystick support for Ruby." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/joystick-ruby" old: true - name: "libjiffy" slug: "libjiffy" text: "JSON stream parser." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/libjiffy" old: true - name: "LocalFark" slug: "localfark" text: "Scraper for fark.com and totalfark.com" repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/localfark" old: true - name: "Maildrop Log Colorize" slug: "maildrop-log-colorize" text: "Colorize maildrop logs." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/maildrop-log-colorize" old: true - name: "MB-Ruby" slug: "mb-ruby" text: "MusicBrainz bindings for Ruby." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/mb-ruby" old: true - name: "PersistJS" slug: "persist-js" text: "Persistent storage for JavaScript." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/persist-js" old: true - name: "PTPGP" slug: "ptpgp" text: "OpenPGP implementation." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/ptpgp" old: true - name: "Raggle" slug: "raggle" text: "Command-line RSS aggregator." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/raggle" old: true - name: "Reddit Content Filter" slug: "reddit-content-filter" text: "Greasemonkey script to filter Reddit articles by author, domain, or title." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/reddit-content-filter" old: true - name: "Rubilicious" slug: "rubilicious" text: "del.icio.us API bindings for Ruby." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/rubilicious" old: true - name: "SearchKeys-Chrome" slug: "searchkeys-chrome" text: "SearchKeys extension for Chrome." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/searchkeys-chrome" old: true - name: "sn9c102-webcam" slug: "sn9c102-webcam" text: "Image writing tool for sn9c102-based webcams." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/sn9c102-webcam" old: true - name: "SpeedTest-KML" slug: "speedtest-kml" text: "Convert SpeedTest CSV files to KML." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/speedtest-kml" old: true - name: "TarStream-PHP" slug: "tarstream-php" text: "Streaming tarball library for PHP." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/tarstream-php" old: true - name: "Techmeme Author Filter" slug: "techmeme-author-filter" text: "Greasemonkey script to filter out unwanted authors' articles on techmeme.com." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/techmeme-author-filter" old: true - name: "Technorati-Ruby" slug: "technorati-ruby" text: "technorati.net API bindings for Ruby." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/technorati-ruby" old: true - name: "Tile Fu" slug: "tilefu" text: "Incomplete web scrabble implementation." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/tilefu" old: true - name: "Tunepimp-Ruby" slug: "tunepimp-ruby" text: "tunepimp bindings for Ruby." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/tunepimp-ruby" old: true - name: "Wirble" slug: "wirble" text: "IRB syntax highlighting and saner defaults." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/wirble" old: true - name: "XMMS-Ruby" slug: "xmms-ruby" text: "XMMS bindings for Ruby." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/xmms-ruby" old: true - name: "Mathy" slug: "mathy" text: "Web-based LaTeX math renderer." repo: "https://git.pablotron.org/mathy" - name: "Password Strength Tester" slug: "password-strength" text: "Web-based password strength tester based on zxcvbn." repo: "https://github.com/pablotron/password-strength"