{{/* https://github.com/pablotron/hugo-shortcode-table Custom Hugo table shortcode which renders tables by: 1. Reading table definition and data from the front matter or site data directory. 2. Renders the table using CSS classes rather than inline styles. Why does this shortcode exist? 1. The default Markdown table markup in Hugo is horrible for anything more than rudimentary tables. 2. The default Markdown table renderer in Hugo does not give you a way to set cell alignment without using inline styles, which means enabling `unsafe-inline` in your `Content-Security-Policy` header. 3. I prever specifying table contents in an external structured file rather than inline. Features: * Sets reasonable default `title` and `aria-label` attributes on table, column headers, and cells. * Annotates column headers and cells with coordinate and column ID data attributes for easy styling. * Add an optional table caption. * Add optional table, header, row, and cell IDs. * Specify cell alignment on a per-column or per-cell basis, * Specify custom table, row, and cell CSS classes. * Use a custom `data-` attribute prefix to prevent collisions. * Render cell values as markup or raw HTML. By default this shortcode renders using Bulma classes, but that can be changed by setting individual CSS classes in the `params.table_shortcode` section of the site's `config.toml`. ... TODO: move documentation to README.md, document all options ... Notes: * IDs keys that begin with "_" should not be used, because we use them to set some option. * document `params.table_shortcode` TOML options * document cell values as literal or as dict (latter allows custom alignment, id, colspan, and rowspan, class) * row tooltip with _row and id with _id Remove complicated example (moved to table-shortcode-examples article) */}} {{/* get table config the search config path is: 1. table "config" property (see below) 2. "table_config" dictionary in page front matter 3. "table_config" dictionary in site params 4. default values (defaults to bulma classes) */}} {{/* set default config */}} {{- $config := (dict "data_prefix" "" "table_class" "table" "align_left" "has-text-left" "align_center" "has-text-centered" "align_justify" "has-text-justified" "align_right" "has-text-right") -}} {{- if index $.Page.Params "table_config" -}} {{/* use table config from page front matter */}} {{- $config = $.Page.Params.table_config -}} {{- else if index $.Site.Params "table_config" -}} {{/* use table config from site config */}} {{- $config = $.Site.Params.table_shortcode -}} {{- end -}} {{/* get data prefix */}} {{- $dp := $config.data_prefix | safeHTMLAttr -}} {{/* get table data */}} {{- $table := (dict) -}} {{- if .Get 1 -}} {{/* get table data from site data */}} {{- $table = (index .Site.Data.tables (.Get 0) (.Get 1)) -}} {{- else -}} {{/* get table data from page params */}} {{- $table = (index $.Page.Params "tables" (.Get 0)) -}} {{- end -}} {{/* handle pure array table */}} {{- if reflect.IsSlice $table -}} {{/* convert table to map { "cols": cols", "rows": rows } */}} {{- $table = (dict "cols" (index $table 0) "rows" (last (sub (len $table) 1) $table)) -}} {{- end -}} {{- if index $table "config" -}} {{/* use config from table */}} {{- $config = $table.config -}} {{- end -}} {{- if $table.caption -}} {{/* render caption */}} {{- end -}} {{/* render table headers */}} {{- range $x, $col := $table.cols -}} {{- $is_map := reflect.IsMap $col -}} {{- if $is_map -}} {{/* col is a map, reference keys */}} {{/* set default css */}} {{- $css := "" -}} {{/* get alignment */}} {{- $align := default "" $col.align -}} {{- if eq $align "left" -}} {{- $css = $config.align_left -}} {{- else if eq $align "center" -}} {{- $css = $config.align_center -}} {{- else if eq $align "justified" -}} {{- $css = $config.align_justify -}} {{- else if eq $align "right" -}} {{- $css = $config.align_right -}} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {{/* col is a string */}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- if $table.rows -}} {{/* is the first column a map? */}} {{- $first_col_is_map := reflect.IsMap (index $table.cols 0) -}} {{/* render rows */}} {{- range $y, $row := $table.rows -}} {{- if $first_col_is_map -}} {{- range $x, $col := $table.cols -}} {{/* get cell */}} {{- $cell := index $row $col.id -}} {{- $is_map := reflect.IsMap $cell -}} {{/* get cell value */}} {{- $val := "" -}} {{- if $is_map -}} {{- $val = index $cell.val -}} {{- else -}} {{- $val = $cell -}} {{- end -}} {{/* get cell ID */}} {{- $cell_id := "" -}} {{- if $is_map -}} {{- if index $cell "id" -}} {{- $cell_id = $cell.id -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* get cell tip */}} {{- $tip := (default $col.name $col.tip) -}} {{- if $is_map -}} {{- if index $cell "tip" -}} {{- $tip = $cell.tip -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* get cell alignment */}} {{- $align := $col.align -}} {{- if and $is_map -}} {{- if (index $cell "align") -}} {{- $align = index $cell "align" -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* get default cell css */}} {{- $css := "" -}} {{- if eq $align "left" -}} {{- $css = $config.align_left -}} {{- else if eq $align "center" -}} {{- $css = $config.align_center -}} {{- else if eq $align "justified" -}} {{- $css = $config.align_justify -}} {{- else if eq $align "right" -}} {{- $css = $config.align_right -}} {{- end -}} {{/* get cell css override */}} {{- if $is_map -}} {{- if index $cell "css" -}} {{- $css = $cell.css -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* get colspan */}} {{- $colspan := 1 -}} {{- if $is_map -}} {{- if index $cell "colspan" -}} {{- $colspan = $cell.colspan -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* get rowspan */}} {{- $rowspan := 1 -}} {{- if $is_map -}} {{- if index $cell "rowspan" -}} {{- $rowspan = $cell.rowspan -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{/* emit cell */}} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {{/* first column is string, rows are arrays of values */}} {{- range $x, $col := $table.cols -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- end -}}
{{- $table.caption -}}
{{- $col.name -}} {{- $col -}}
{{- if $is_map -}} {{- if $cell.html -}} {{/* render as raw HTML */}} {{- $val | safeHTML -}} {{- else -}} {{/* render as markup */}} {{- $val | $.Page.RenderString -}} {{- end -}} {{- else -}} {{/* render as markup */}} {{- $val | $.Page.RenderString -}} {{- end -}}
{{- index $row $x -}}