path: root/src/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/')
1 files changed, 569 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ce61e13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+require "./zip/*"
+module Zip
+ VERSION = "0.1.0"
+ LE = IO::ByteOrder::LittleEndian
+ # 4.4.4 general purpose bit flag: (2 bytes)
+ #
+ # Bit 0: If set, indicates that the file is encrypted.
+ #
+ # (For Method 6 - Imploding)
+ # Bit 1: If the compression method used was type 6,
+ # Imploding, then this bit, if set, indicates
+ # an 8K sliding dictionary was used. If clear,
+ # then a 4K sliding dictionary was used.
+ #
+ # Bit 2: If the compression method used was type 6,
+ # Imploding, then this bit, if set, indicates
+ # 3 Shannon-Fano trees were used to encode the
+ # sliding dictionary output. If clear, then 2
+ # Shannon-Fano trees were used.
+ #
+ # (For Methods 8 and 9 - Deflating)
+ # Bit 2 Bit 1
+ # 0 0 Normal (-en) compression option was used.
+ # 0 1 Maximum (-exx/-ex) compression option was used.
+ # 1 0 Fast (-ef) compression option was used.
+ # 1 1 Super Fast (-es) compression option was used.
+ #
+ # (For Method 14 - LZMA)
+ # Bit 1: If the compression method used was type 14,
+ # LZMA, then this bit, if set, indicates
+ # an end-of-stream (EOS) marker is used to
+ # mark the end of the compressed data stream.
+ # If clear, then an EOS marker is not present
+ # and the compressed data size must be known
+ # to extract.
+ #
+ # Note: Bits 1 and 2 are undefined if the compression
+ # method is any other.
+ #
+ # Bit 3: If this bit is set, the fields crc-32, compressed
+ # size and uncompressed size are set to zero in the
+ # local header. The correct values are put in the
+ # data descriptor immediately following the compressed
+ # data. (Note: PKZIP version 2.04g for DOS only
+ # recognizes this bit for method 8 compression, newer
+ # versions of PKZIP recognize this bit for any
+ # compression method.)
+ #
+ # Bit 4: Reserved for use with method 8, for enhanced
+ # deflating.
+ #
+ # Bit 5: If this bit is set, this indicates that the file is
+ # compressed patched data. (Note: Requires PKZIP
+ # version 2.70 or greater)
+ #
+ # Bit 6: Strong encryption. If this bit is set, you MUST
+ # set the version needed to extract value to at least
+ # 50 and you MUST also set bit 0. If AES encryption
+ # is used, the version needed to extract value MUST
+ # be at least 51. See the section describing the Strong
+ # Encryption Specification for details. Refer to the
+ # section in this document entitled "Incorporating PKWARE
+ # Proprietary Technology into Your Product" for more
+ # information.
+ #
+ # Bit 7: Currently unused.
+ #
+ # Bit 8: Currently unused.
+ #
+ # Bit 9: Currently unused.
+ #
+ # Bit 10: Currently unused.
+ #
+ # Bit 11: Language encoding flag (EFS). If this bit is set,
+ # the filename and comment fields for this file
+ # MUST be encoded using UTF-8. (see APPENDIX D)
+ #
+ # Bit 12: Reserved by PKWARE for enhanced compression.
+ #
+ # Bit 13: Set when encrypting the Central Directory to indicate
+ # selected data values in the Local Header are masked to
+ # hide their actual values. See the section describing
+ # the Strong Encryption Specification for details. Refer
+ # to the section in this document entitled "Incorporating
+ # PKWARE Proprietary Technology into Your Product" for
+ # more information.
+ #
+ # Bit 14: Reserved by PKWARE.
+ #
+ # Bit 15: Reserved by PKWARE.
+ #
+ @[Flags]
+ enum GeneralFlags
+ end
+ enum CompressionMethod
+ NONE = 0 # Stored (no compression)
+ SHRUNK = 1 # Shrunk
+ REDUCED_1 = 2 # Reduced with compression factor 1
+ REDUCED_2 = 3 # Reduced with compression factor 2
+ REDUCED_3 = 4 # Reduced with compression factor 3
+ REDUCED_4 = 5 # Reduced with compression factor 4
+ IMPLODED = 6 # Imploded
+ # Tokenized = 7 # Reserved for Tokenizing compression algorithm
+ DEFLATE = 8 # Deflated
+ DEFLATE64 = 9 # Enhanced Deflating using Deflate64(tm)
+ TERSE_OLD = 10 # PKWARE Data Compression Library Imploding (old IBM TERSE)
+ # RESERVED_11 = 11 # Reserved by PKWARE
+ BZIP2 = 12 # BZIP2
+ # RESERVED_13 = 13 # Reserved by PKWARE
+ LZMA = 14 # LZMA (EFS)
+ # RESERVED_15 = 15 # Reserved by PKWARE
+ # RESERVED_16 = 16 # Reserved by PKWARE
+ # RESERVED_17 = 17 # Reserved by PKWARE
+ TERSE = 18 # IBM TERSE (new)
+ LZ77 = 19 # IBM LZ77 z Architecture (PFS)
+ WAVPACK = 97 # WavPack compressed data
+ PPMD = 98 # PPMd version I, Rev 1
+ end
+ # FIXME: should this have a better class?
+ class Error < Exception
+ end
+ # TODO
+ class Reader
+ def initialize(path : String)
+ end
+ def initialize(io : IO)
+ end
+ end
+ module NoneCompressor
+ def self.compress_none(src_io, dst_io)
+ crc = 0_u32
+ buf =
+ src_len = 0_u64
+ while ((len = > 0)
+ # TODO: crc32
+ dst_io.write((len < buf.size) ?, len) : len)
+ src_len += len
+ end
+ # return results
+ { crc, src_len, dst_len }
+ end
+ end
+ module DeflateCompressor
+ def self.compress_deflate(src_io, dst_io)
+ crc = 0_u32
+ src_len = 0_u64
+ dst_len = 0_u64
+ # create buffer and intermediate memory io
+ buf =
+ mem_io =
+ output: mem_io,
+ sync_close: false,
+ ) do |zlib_io|
+ while ((len = > 0)
+ # TODO: crc32
+ # compress bytes to memory io
+ zlib_io.write((len < buf.size) ?, len) : buf)
+ src_len += len
+ # write compressed bytes to dst_io
+ dst_io.write(, mem_io.pos))
+ dst_len += mem_io.pos
+ # clear memio
+ mem_io.rewind
+ end
+ end
+ # return results
+ { crc, src_len, dst_len }
+ end
+ end
+ class WriterEntry
+ include NoneCompressor
+ include DeflateCompressor
+ # TODO version needed to extract and header flags
+ # (used for header and central header)
+ GENERAL_FLAGS = GeneralFlags.flags(FOOTER, EFS)
+ def initialize(
+ @pos : UInt64,
+ @path : String,
+ @io : IO,
+ @method : CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod::DEFLATE,
+ @time : Time =,
+ @comment : String? = nil,
+ )
+ @crc = 0_u32
+ @src_len = 0_u64
+ @dst_len = 0_u64
+ end
+ def to_s(dst_io) : UInt64
+ # write header
+ r = write_header(dst_io)
+ # write body
+ @crc, @src_len, @dst_len = write_body(dst_io)
+ r += dst_len
+ # write footer
+ r += write_footer(dst_io, crc, src_len, dst_len)
+ # return number of bytes written
+ r
+ end
+ #
+ # local file header signature 4 bytes (0x04034b50)
+ # version needed to extract 2 bytes
+ # general purpose bit flag 2 bytes
+ # compression method 2 bytes
+ # last mod file time 2 bytes
+ # last mod file date 2 bytes
+ # crc-32 4 bytes
+ # compressed size 4 bytes
+ # uncompressed size 4 bytes
+ # file name length 2 bytes
+ # extra field length 2 bytes
+ # file name (variable size)
+ # extra field (variable size)
+ #
+ HEADER_MAGIC = 0x04034b50_u32
+ private def write_header(
+ io : IO,
+ path : String,
+ method : CompressionMethod,
+ time : Time,
+ ) : UInt64
+ # get path length, in bytes
+ path_len = path.bytesize
+ # check file path
+ raise "empty file path" if path_len == 0
+ raise "file path too long" if path_len >= UInt16::MAX
+ raise "file path contains leading slash" if path[0] == '/'
+ # write magic, version needed, flags, and compression method
+ HEADER_MAGIC.to_io(io, LE)
+ VERSION_NEEDED.to_u16.to_io(io, LE)
+ GENERAL_FLAGS.to_u16.to_io(io, LE)
+ method.to_io(io, LE)
+ # TODO: write time
+ # encode(time, io)
+ # crc, compressed size, uncompressed size
+ 0_u32.to_io(io, LE)
+ 0_u32.to_io(io, LE)
+ 0_u32.to_io(io, LE)
+ path_len.to_u16.to_io(io, LE)
+ # write extras field length
+ extras_len = 0_u32
+ extras_len.to_u16.to_io(io, LE)
+ # write path field
+ path.to_s(io)
+ # write extra fields
+ # TODO: implement this
+ # return number of bytes written
+ 30_u64 + path_len + extras_len
+ end
+ private def write_body(dst_io : IO)
+ case @method
+ when CompressionMethod::NONE
+ compress_none(@io, dst_io)
+ when CompressionMethod::DEFLATE
+ compress_deflate(@io, dst_io)
+ else
+ raise Error, "unsupported compression method"
+ end
+ end
+ # 4.3.9 Data descriptor:
+ # MAGIC = 0x08074b50 4 bytes
+ # crc-32 4 bytes
+ # compressed size 4 bytes
+ # uncompressed size 4 bytes
+ #
+ # Although not originally assigned a signature, the value
+ # 0x08074b50 has commonly been adopted as a signature value
+ FOOTER_MAGIC = 0x08074b50_u32
+ private def write_footer(
+ io : IO,
+ crc : UInt32,
+ src_len : UInt64,
+ dst_len : UInt64,
+ ) : UInt64
+ # write footer
+ FOOTER_MAGIC.to_io(io, LE)
+ crc.to_io(io, LE)
+ dst_len.to_io(io, LE)
+ src_len.to_io(io, LE)
+ # return number of bytes written
+ 16_u64
+ end
+ #
+ # central file header signature 4 bytes (0x02014b50)
+ # version made by 2 bytes
+ # version needed to extract 2 bytes
+ # general purpose bit flag 2 bytes
+ # compression method 2 bytes
+ # last mod file time 2 bytes
+ # last mod file date 2 bytes
+ # crc-32 4 bytes
+ # compressed size 4 bytes
+ # uncompressed size 4 bytes
+ # file name length 2 bytes
+ # extra field length 2 bytes
+ # file comment length 2 bytes
+ # disk number start 2 bytes
+ # internal file attributes 2 bytes
+ # external file attributes 4 bytes
+ # relative offset of local header 4 bytes
+ #
+ # file name (variable size)
+ # extra field (variable size)
+ # file comment (variable size)
+ CENTRAL_MAGIC = 0x02014b50_u32
+ # TODO: version made by, if unspecified
+ def write_central(
+ io : IO,
+ version : UInt32 = CENTRAL_VERSION_MADE_BY
+ ) : UInt64
+ CENTRAL_MAGIC.to_io(io, LE)
+ version.to_u16.to_io(io, LE)
+ VERSION_NEEDED.to_u16.to_io(io, LE)
+ GENERAL_FLAGS.to_u16.to_io(io, LE)
+ @method.to_io(io, LE)
+ # TODO: write time
+ # encode(time, io)
+ @crc.to_io(io, LE)
+ @dst_len.to_io(io, LE)
+ @src_len.to_io(io, LE)
+ # get path length and write it
+ path_len = path.bytesize
+ path_len.to_u16.to_io(io, LE)
+ # write extras field length
+ extras_len = 0_u32
+ extras_len.to_u16.to_io(io, LE)
+ comment_len = @comment.bytesize
+ comment_len.to_u16.to_io(io, LE)
+ # write disk number
+ 0_u32.to_u16.to_io(io, LE)
+ # write file attributes (internal, external)
+ # TODO
+ 0_u32.to_u16.to_io(io, LE)
+ 0_u32.to_u16.to_io(io, LE)
+ # write local header offset
+ @pos.to_u32.to_io(io, LE)
+ # write path field
+ path.to_s(io)
+ # write extra fields
+ # TODO: implement this
+ # write comment
+ comment.to_s(io)
+ # return number of bytes written
+ 30_u64 + path_len + extras_len
+ # TODO
+ 0_u64
+ end
+ end
+ class Writer
+ def initialize(
+ @io : IO,
+ @pos : UInt64 = 0,
+ @comment : String = "",
+ @version : UInt32 = 0,
+ )
+ @entries = [] of WriterEntry
+ @closed = false
+ @src_pos = @pos
+ end
+ def closed?
+ @closed
+ end
+ private def assert_open
+ raise Error, "already closed" if closed?
+ end
+ def bytes_written : UInt64
+ # return total number of bytes written
+ @src_pos - @pos
+ end
+ def close
+ assert_open
+ # cache cdr position
+ cdr_pos = @pos
+ @entries.each do |entry|
+ @pos += entry.to_central(@io)
+ end
+ # write zip footer
+ write_footer(cdr_pos)
+ # flag as closed
+ @closed = true
+ # return total number of bytes written
+ bytes_written
+ end
+ def add(
+ path : String,
+ io : IO,
+ method : CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod::DEFLATE,
+ time : Time =,
+ comment : String? = nil,
+ ) : UInt64
+ src_pos = @pos,
+ # make sure writer is still open
+ assert_open
+ # create entry
+ entry =
+ pos: @pos,
+ path: path,
+ io: io,
+ method: method,
+ time: time,
+ comment: comment,
+ )
+ # add to list of entries
+ @entries << entry
+ # write entry, update offset
+ @pos += entry.to_s(@io)
+ # return number of bytes written
+ @pos - src_pos
+ end
+ # 4.3.16 End of central directory record:
+ #
+ # end of central dir signature 4 bytes (0x06054b50)
+ # number of this disk 2 bytes
+ # number of the disk with the
+ # start of the central directory 2 bytes
+ # total number of entries in the
+ # central directory on this disk 2 bytes
+ # total number of entries in
+ # the central directory 2 bytes
+ # size of the central directory 4 bytes
+ # offset of start of central
+ # directory with respect to
+ # the starting disk number 4 bytes
+ # .ZIP file comment length 2 bytes
+ # .ZIP file comment (variable size)
+ FOOTER_MAGIC = 0x06054b50_u32
+ private def write_footer(cdr_pos : UInt64)
+ FOOTER_MAGIC.to_io(@io, LE)
+ 0_u32.to_u16.to_io(@io, LE)
+ 0_u32.to_u16.to_io(@io, LE)
+ num_entries = @entries.size
+ num_entries.to_u16.to_io(@io, LE)
+ num_entries.to_u16.to_io(@io, LE)
+ (@pos - cdr_pos).to_io(@io, LE)
+ cdr_pos.to_io(@io, LE)
+ @comment.bytesize.to_u16.to_io(@io, LE)
+ @comment.to_s(@io)
+ end
+ end
+ def self.write(
+ io : IO,
+ pos : UInt64 = 0,
+ comment : String = "",
+ version : UInt32 = 0,
+ &cb : Writer -> \
+ ) : UInt64
+ r = 0_u64
+ begin
+ w =, pos, comment, version)
+ ensure
+ w.close unless w.closed?
+ r = w.bytes_written
+ end
+ # return total number of bytes written
+ r
+ end
+ def self.write(
+ path : String,
+ pos : UInt64 = 0,
+ comment : String = "",
+ version : UInt32 = 0,
+ &cb : Writer -> \
+ ) : UInt64
+ write(, "wb"), pos, comment, version, &cb)
+ end