class Zip::Extra::Base


Raw extra data associated with Entry.

You should not need to instantiate this class directly; use Zip::Entry#extras or Zip::Entry#local_extras instead.


# open """") do |zip|
  # get extra data associated with "bar.txt"
  extras = zip["bar.txt"].extras

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def : UInt16, data : Bytes) #

Create a new raw extra data entry.

You should not need to instantiate this class directly; it is created as-needed by Writer#add.

Instance Method Detail

def bytes_needed : UInt16 #

Return number of bytes needed for this Extra.

def code : UInt16 #

Identifier for this extra entry.

def code=(code) #

Identifier for this extra entry.

def data : Slice(UInt8) #

Data for this extra entry.

def data=(data) #

Data for this extra entry.

def to_s(io) : UInt16 #