class Zip::Extra::Zip64


ZIP64 extra data associated with Entry.

You should not need to instantiate this class directly; it is created as-needed by Writer#add().

Defined in:

Constant Summary

CODE = 1.to_u16

ZIP64 extra code

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from class Zip::Extra::Base

bytes_needed : UInt16 bytes_needed, code : UInt16 code, code=(code) code=, data : Slice(UInt8) data, data=(data) data=, to_s(io) : UInt16 to_s

Class methods inherited from class Zip::Extra::Base

new(code : UInt16, data : Bytes) new

Class Method Detail

def : UInt64 = 0_u64, compressed_size : UInt64 = 0_u64, pos : UInt64 | Nil = nil, disk_start : UInt32 | Nil = nil) #

Create ZIP64 extra data associated with Entry from given attributes.

You should not need to instantiate this class directly; it is created as-needed by Writer#add().

def : Bytes) #

Parse ZIP64 extra data from given buffer.

You should not need to instantiate this class directly; it is created as-needed by Archive.

Instance Method Detail

def compressed_size : UInt64 #

Compressed file size (64-bit unsigned integer).

def disk_start : UInt32 | Nil #

Starting disk (optional).

def pos : UInt64 | Nil #

Position in output (optional).

def size : UInt64 #

File size (64-bit unsigned integer).