abstract class Zip::Writers::WriterEntry


Abstract base class for classes used to store files and directories for Writer instance.

Included Modules

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:

Class Method Summary

Instance Method Summary

Class Method Detail

def self.new(pos : UInt32, path : String, method : CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod::DEFLATE, time : Time = Time.now, comment : String = "", flags : GeneralFlags = GeneralFlags.flags, external : UInt32 = 0_u32) #

Instance Method Detail

def to_s(dst_io) : UInt32 #

Write local file entry to IO and return the number of bytes written.

You should not need to call this method directly; it is called automatically by Writer#add and Writer#add_file.

abstract def write_body(dst_io : IO) #

def write_central(io : IO, version : Version = Version::DEFAULT) : UInt32 #

Write central directory data for this WriterEntry and return the number of bytes written.

You never need to call this method directly; it is called automatically by Writer#close.

abstract def write_footer(io : IO, crc : UInt32, src_len : UInt32, dst_len : UInt32) : UInt32 #