# require "./zip/*" require "zlib" # :nodoc: # # TODO: # [x] date/time # [x] reader (store and deflate only) # [x] documentation # [-] extras (at least infozip) # [x] convert datetime to Time # [x] add size to Entry # [x] Version # [x] directories # [-] full tests # [-] zip64 # [x] add zip64 parameter # [x] add zip64 extras when writing header and central # [x] add zip64 archive footer # [x] update sizes to be u64 # [x] reader support # [ ] choose zip64 default for arbitrary IOs (right now it is false) # [ ] testing # [ ] legacy unicode (e.g., non-bit 11) path/comment support # [ ] unix uids # [ ] encryption # [ ] bzip2/lzma support # # References: # https://pkware.cachefly.net/webdocs/casestudies/APPNOTE.TXT # http://www.onicos.com/staff/iz/formats/zip.html # # :nodoc: # # Library for reading and writing zip files. # # Examples: # # Reading from a zip file: # # # create output MemoryIO # mem_io = MemoryIO.new # # # read from "foo.zip" # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # read contents of "bar.txt" in "foo.zip" into mem_io # zip["bar.txt"].write(mem_io) # end # # Writing to a zip file: # # # write to "foo.zip" # Zip.write("foo.zip") do |zip| # # create "bar.txt" with contents "hello!" # zip.add("bar.txt", "hello!") # end # module Zip # # Version of zip-crystal library. # VERSION = "0.1.0" # # Magic numbers for various data in Zip stream. # MAGIC = { cdr_header: 0x02014b50_u32, cdr_footer: 0x06054b50_u32, file_header: 0x04034b50_u32, file_footer: 0x08074b50_u32, z64_footer: 0x06064b50_u32, z64_locator: 0x07064b50_u32, } # :nodoc: LE = IO::ByteFormat::LittleEndian # :nodoc: # Static, zero-length `Bytes` used when empty buffer reference is # needed. # :nodoc: EMPTY_SLICE = Bytes.new(0) # # Size of internal buffers, in bytes. # BUFFER_SIZE = 8192 # :nodoc: # 4.4.4 general purpose bit flag: (2 bytes) # # Bit 0: If set, indicates that the file is encrypted. # # (For Method 6 - Imploding) # Bit 1: If the compression method used was type 6, # Imploding, then this bit, if set, indicates # an 8K sliding dictionary was used. If clear, # then a 4K sliding dictionary was used. # # Bit 2: If the compression method used was type 6, # Imploding, then this bit, if set, indicates # 3 Shannon-Fano trees were used to encode the # sliding dictionary output. If clear, then 2 # Shannon-Fano trees were used. # # (For Methods 8 and 9 - Deflating) # Bit 2 Bit 1 # 0 0 Normal (-en) compression option was used. # 0 1 Maximum (-exx/-ex) compression option was used. # 1 0 Fast (-ef) compression option was used. # 1 1 Super Fast (-es) compression option was used. # # (For Method 14 - LZMA) # Bit 1: If the compression method used was type 14, # LZMA, then this bit, if set, indicates # an end-of-stream (EOS) marker is used to # mark the end of the compressed data stream. # If clear, then an EOS marker is not present # and the compressed data size must be known # to extract. # # Note: Bits 1 and 2 are undefined if the compression # method is any other. # # Bit 3: If this bit is set, the fields crc-32, compressed # size and uncompressed size are set to zero in the # local header. The correct values are put in the # data descriptor immediately following the compressed # data. (Note: PKZIP version 2.04g for DOS only # recognizes this bit for method 8 compression, newer # versions of PKZIP recognize this bit for any # compression method.) # # Bit 4: Reserved for use with method 8, for enhanced # deflating. # # Bit 5: If this bit is set, this indicates that the file is # compressed patched data. (Note: Requires PKZIP # version 2.70 or greater) # # Bit 6: Strong encryption. If this bit is set, you MUST # set the version needed to extract value to at least # 50 and you MUST also set bit 0. If AES encryption # is used, the version needed to extract value MUST # be at least 51. See the section describing the Strong # Encryption Specification for details. Refer to the # section in this document entitled "Incorporating PKWARE # Proprietary Technology into Your Product" for more # information. # # Bit 7: Currently unused. # # Bit 8: Currently unused. # # Bit 9: Currently unused. # # Bit 10: Currently unused. # # Bit 11: Language encoding flag (EFS). If this bit is set, # the filename and comment fields for this file # MUST be encoded using UTF-8. (see APPENDIX D) # # Bit 12: Reserved by PKWARE for enhanced compression. # # Bit 13: Set when encrypting the Central Directory to indicate # selected data values in the Local Header are masked to # hide their actual values. See the section describing # the Strong Encryption Specification for details. Refer # to the section in this document entitled "Incorporating # PKWARE Proprietary Technology into Your Product" for # more information. # # Bit 14: Reserved by PKWARE. # # Bit 15: Reserved by PKWARE. # :nodoc: # # General flags. # # Used by local header and central directory header. # @[Flags] enum GeneralFlags # encrypted using weak encryption ENCRYPTION # compression method-specific flag COMPRESSION_OPTION_1 # compression method-specific flag COMPRESSION_OPTION_2 # this entry has a data descriptor footer FOOTER # reserved flag RESERVED_4 # this entry is patch data PATCH # this entry uses strong encryption STRONG_ENCRYPTION # reserved flag RESERVED_7 # reserved flag RESERVED_8 # reserved flag RESERVED_9 # reserved flag RESERVED_10 # the file name and comment for this entry are UTF-8 encoded. EFS # reserved flag RESERVED_12 # Some fields in the local header are masked (that is, empty). MASKED_VALUES # reserved flag RESERVED_14 # reserved flag RESERVED_15 end # # Compression methods. # enum CompressionMethod # Stored (no compression) NONE = 0 # Shrunk SHRUNK = 1 # Reduced with compression factor 1 REDUCED_1 = 2 # Reduced with compression factor 2 REDUCED_2 = 3 # Reduced with compression factor 3 REDUCED_3 = 4 # Reduced with compression factor 4 REDUCED_4 = 5 # Imploded IMPLODED = 6 # Reserved for Tokenizing compression algorithm TOKENIZED = 7 # Deflated DEFLATE = 8 # Enhanced Deflating using Deflate64(tm) DEFLATE64 = 9 # PKWARE Data Compression Library Imploding (old IBM TERSE) TERSE_OLD = 10 # Reserved by PKWARE RESERVED_11 = 11 # BZIP2 BZIP2 = 12 # Reserved by PKWARE RESERVED_13 = 13 # LZMA (EFS) LZMA = 14 # Reserved by PKWARE RESERVED_15 = 15 # Reserved by PKWARE RESERVED_16 = 16 # Reserved by PKWARE RESERVED_17 = 17 # IBM TERSE (new) TERSE = 18 # IBM LZ77 z Architecture (PFS) LZ77 = 19 # WavPack compressed data WAVPACK = 97 # PPMd version I, Rev 1 PPMD = 98 end # # Wrapper class for exceptions. # # You shouldn't need to instantiate this class directly; it is raised # by other classes on error. # class Error < Exception end # # Version identifier used to identify the version needed to extract a # given file and to indicate the format of the external file # attributes. # # See section of APPNOTE.TXT for version details. # # Example: # # # create version and print it out # version = Zip::Version.new(5, 0) # puts "version = #{version}" # class Version # # Version needed to extract this entry ( # NEEDED = new(2, 0) # # Version needed to extract Zip64 entries. # ZIP64 = new(4, 6) # # Default version made by, if unspecified. # DEFAULT = new(0, 0) # # Create a version identifier from a major number, minor number, and # optional compatability number. # # Example: # # # create version and print it out # version = Zip::Version.new(5, 0) # puts "version = #{version}" # def initialize( @major : Int32, @minor : Int32, @compat : Int32 = 0 ) end # # Create a version identifier from a major number, minor number, and # optional compatability number. # # You shouldn't need to call this constructor directly; it is used # by internal classes. # def initialize(v : UInt16) @compat = v.to_i >> 8 @major = (v.to_i & 0xff) / 10 @minor = (v.to_i & 0xff) % 10 end # # Write version as string. # # # create version and print it out # version = Zip::Version.new(5, 0) # puts "version = #{version}" # def to_s(io) io << @major << "." << @minor end # # Write version as 16-bit, little-endian integer and return number # of bytes written. # # You shouldn't need to call this method directly; it is used by # internal classes. # def to_io(io) ( ((@compat & 0xff) << 8) + ((@major * 10) + (@minor % 10)) & 0xff ).to_u16.to_io(io, LE) end end # # Helper methods for converting to and from `Time` objects. # module TimeHelper # # Convert given `Time` to a DOS-style datetime, write the result to # the given IO, and return the number of bytes written. # private def write_time(io : IO, time : Time) : UInt32 year = Math.max(1980, time.year) - 1980 # convert to dos timestamp (( (year << 25) | (time.month << 21) | (time.day << 16) | (time.hour << 11) | (time.minute << 5) | (time.second >> 1) ) & UInt32::MAX).to_u32.to_io(io, LE) # return number of bytes written 4_u32 end # # Convert given DOS datetime to a `Time` object. # private def from_dos_time(v : UInt32) : Time Time.new( year: (v >> 25) + 1980, month: (v >> 21) & 0b0000_1111, day: (v >> 16) & 0b0001_1111, hour: (v >> 11) & 0b0001_1111, minute: (v >> 5) & 0b0011_1111, second: (v << 1) & 0b0011_1110, ) end end # # Helper methods for reading and writing uncompressed data. # module NoneCompressionHelper private def compress_none(src_io, dst_io) crc = 0_u32 buf = Bytes.new(BUFFER_SIZE) src_len = 0_u64 while ((len = src_io.read(buf)) > 0) # build output slice dst_buf = (len < buf.size) ? buf[0, len] : buf dst_crc = Zlib.crc32(dst_buf) # update crc crc = if crc != 0 Zlib.crc32_combine(crc, dst_crc, dst_buf.size) else Zlib.crc32(dst_buf) end # write to output buffer dst_io.write(dst_buf) src_len += len end # return results { crc.to_u32, src_len, src_len } end private def decompress_none(src_io, dst_io, src_len, dst_len) # TODO: verify CRC IO.copy(src_io, dst_io, src_len) # return number of bytes read dst_len end end # # Helper methods for compressing and decompressing deflated data. # module DeflateCompressionHelper ZALLOC_PROC = LibZ::AllocFunc.new do |data, num_items, size| GC.malloc(num_items * size) end ZFREE_PROC = LibZ::FreeFunc.new do |data, addr| GC.free(addr) end ZLIB_VERSION = LibZ.zlibVersion # # Read data from src_io, and write the compressed result to dst_io. # private def compress_deflate(src_io, dst_io) crc = 0_u32 src_len = 0_u64 dst_len = 0_u64 # create read and compress buffers src_buf = Bytes.new(BUFFER_SIZE) dst_buf = Bytes.new(BUFFER_SIZE) # create deflate stream z = LibZ::ZStream.new( zalloc: ZALLOC_PROC, zfree: ZFREE_PROC, ) # init stream err = LibZ.deflateInit2( pointerof(z), LibZ::DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, # FIXME: make this configurable LibZ::Z_DEFLATED, -15, # raw deflate, window bits = 15 LibZ::DEF_MEM_LEVEL, LibZ::Strategy::DEFAULT_STRATEGY, ZLIB_VERSION, sizeof(LibZ::ZStream) ) # check for error if err != LibZ::Error::OK # raise zlib error raise Zlib::Error.new(err, z) end # loop and compress input data while ((len = src_io.read(src_buf)) > 0) # add to output counter src_len += len # build temp slice (if necessary) tmp_buf = (len < src_buf.size) ? src_buf[0, len] : src_buf tmp_crc = Zlib.crc32(tmp_buf) # update crc crc = if crc != 0 Zlib.crc32_combine(crc, tmp_crc, tmp_buf.size) else Zlib.crc32(tmp_buf) end # set zlib input buffer z.next_in = tmp_buf.to_unsafe z.avail_in = tmp_buf.size.to_u32 # write compressed data to dst io dst_len += write_compressed(dst_io, dst_buf, pointerof(z), false) end # set zlib input buffer to null z.next_in = Pointer(UInt8).null z.avail_in = 0_u32 # flush remaining data dst_len += write_compressed(dst_io, dst_buf, pointerof(z), true) # free stream LibZ.deflateEnd(pointerof(z)) # return results { crc.to_u32, src_len, dst_len } end # # Deflate data in ZStream and write it to given IO. # private def write_compressed( io : IO, buf : Bytes, zp : Pointer(LibZ::ZStream), flush : Bool, ) : UInt32 zf = flush ? LibZ::Flush::FINISH : LibZ::Flush::NO_FLUSH r = 0_u32 loop do # set zlib output buffer zp.value.next_out = buf.to_unsafe zp.value.avail_out = buf.size.to_u32 # compress data (TODO: check for error) LibZ.deflate(zp, zf) if ((len = buf.size - zp.value.avail_out) > 0) # write compressed buffer to dst io io.write((len < buf.size) ? buf[0, len] : buf) r += len end # exit loop if there is no remaining space break if zp.value.avail_out != 0 end # return number of bytes written r end # # Decompress src_len bytes of DEFLATEd data from src_io and write it # to dst_io. # private def decompress_deflate(src_io, dst_io, src_len, dst_len) crc = 0_u32 # create read and compress buffers src_buf = Bytes.new(BUFFER_SIZE) dst_buf = Bytes.new(BUFFER_SIZE) # create deflate stream z = LibZ::ZStream.new( zalloc: ZALLOC_PROC, zfree: ZFREE_PROC, ) # init stream err = LibZ.inflateInit2( pointerof(z), -15, # raw deflate, window bits = 15 ZLIB_VERSION, sizeof(LibZ::ZStream) ) # check for error if err != LibZ::Error::OK # raise zlib error raise Zlib::Error.new(err, z) end src_ofs, left = 0_u32, src_len while left > 0 # calculate read buffer size tmp_len = Math.min(BUFFER_SIZE - src_ofs, left) # decriment remaining bytes left -= tmp_len # create read buffer (if necessary) tmp_buf = (tmp_len < BUFFER_SIZE) ? src_buf[src_ofs, tmp_len] : src_buf # read from source into buffer if ((len = src_io.read(tmp_buf)) != tmp_len) raise Error.new("truncated read (got #{len}, expected #{tmp_len})") end # calculate crc tmp_crc = Zlib.crc32(tmp_buf) # update crc crc = if crc != 0 Zlib.crc32_combine(crc, tmp_crc, tmp_buf.size) else tmp_crc end # set zlib input buffer z.next_in = src_buf.to_unsafe z.avail_in = src_ofs + tmp_buf.size.to_u32 # read compressed data to dst io read_compressed(dst_io, dst_buf, pointerof(z), false) end # set zlib input buffer to null z.next_in = Pointer(UInt8).null z.avail_in = 0_u32 # flush remaining data read_compressed(dst_io, dst_buf, pointerof(z), true) # free stream LibZ.inflateEnd(pointerof(z)) # check crc if false && crc != @crc raise Error.new("crc mismatch (got #{crc}, expected #{@crc}") end # check input size if z.total_in != src_len raise Error.new("read length mismatch (got #{z.total_in}, expected #{src_len}") end # check output size if z.total_out != dst_len raise Error.new("write length mismatch (got #{z.total_out}, expected #{dst_len}") end # return number of bytes read dst_len end # # Inflate compressed data from ZStream and write it to given IO. # private def read_compressed( io : IO, buf : Bytes, zp : Pointer(LibZ::ZStream), flush : Bool, ) zf = flush ? LibZ::Flush::FINISH : LibZ::Flush::NO_FLUSH r, done = 0_u32, false while zp.value.avail_in > 0 # set zlib output buffer zp.value.next_out = buf.to_unsafe zp.value.avail_out = buf.size.to_u32 # inflate data, check for error case err = LibZ.inflate(zp, zf) when LibZ::Error::DATA_ERROR, LibZ::Error::NEED_DICT, LibZ::Error::MEM_ERROR # pp zp.value raise Zlib::Error.new(err, zp.value) when LibZ::Error::OK # do nothing when LibZ::Error::STREAM_END done = true end if ((len = buf.size - zp.value.avail_out) > 0) # write uncompressed data to io io.write((len < buf.size) ? Bytes.new(zp.value.next_out, len) : buf) end end # return number of unread bytes nil end end # # Classes for writing to output archives. # module Writers # # Abstract base class for classes used to store files and directories # for `Writer` instance. # abstract class WriterEntry include TimeHelper # # Is this a Zip64 entry? # getter? :zip64 # # Constructor for abstract `WriterEntry` class. You cannot # instantiate this class directly; use `Writer#add()`, # `Writer#add_file()` or `Writer#add_dir() instead. # def initialize( @pos : UInt64, @path : String, @method : CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod::DEFLATE, @time : Time = Time.now, @comment : String = "", @flags : GeneralFlags = GeneralFlags.flags(), @external : UInt32 = 0_u32, @zip64 : Bool = false, ) @crc = 0_u32 @src_len = 0_u64 @dst_len = 0_u64 # auto-enable zip64 if position is large enough @zip64 ||= (@pos >= UInt32::MAX) @extras = Extra.pack(if @zip64 # build list of extras es = [] of Extra::Base # add zip64 to list of extras es << Extra::Zip64.new( size: 0_u64, compressed_size: 0_u64, pos: (@pos >= UInt32::MAX) ? @pos : nil, ) # return extras es else # no extras nil end) end # # Write local file entry to IO and return the number of bytes # written. # # You should not need to call this method directly; it is called # automatically by `Writer#add` and `Writer#add_file`. # def to_s(dst_io) : UInt64 # write header r = write_header(dst_io, @flags, @path, @method, @time, @zip64) # write body @crc, @src_len, @dst_len = write_body(dst_io) r += @dst_len # write footer r += write_footer(dst_io, @crc, @src_len, @dst_len, @zip64) # return number of bytes written r end # :nodoc: # local file header signature 4 bytes (0x04034b50) # version needed to extract 2 bytes # general purpose bit flag 2 bytes # compression method 2 bytes # last mod file time 2 bytes # last mod file date 2 bytes # crc-32 4 bytes # compressed size 4 bytes # uncompressed size 4 bytes # file name length 2 bytes # extra field length 2 bytes # file name (variable size) # extra field (variable size) # :nodoc: # # Write local header and return the number of bytes written. # private def write_header( io : IO, flags : GeneralFlags, path : String, method : CompressionMethod, time : Time, zip64 : Bool, ) : UInt64 # get path length, in bytes path_len = path.bytesize # check file path raise Error.new("empty file path") if path_len == 0 raise Error.new("file path too long") if path_len >= UInt16::MAX raise Error.new("file path contains leading slash") if path[0] == '/' # write magic (u32), version needed (u16), flags (u16), and # compression method (u16) MAGIC[:file_header].to_u32.to_io(io, LE) Version::NEEDED.to_io(io) flags.to_u16.to_io(io, LE) method.to_u16.to_io(io, LE) # write time (u32) write_time(io, time) # write crc (u32) # (will be populated in the footer) 0_u32.to_u32.to_io(io, LE) # write compressed size (u32) and uncompressed size (u32) # (will be populated in the footer) size = zip64? ? UInt32::MAX : 0_u32 size.to_u32.to_io(io, LE) size.to_u32.to_io(io, LE) # write file path length (u16) path_len.to_u16.to_io(io, LE) # write extras field length (u16) extras_len = @extras.size extras_len.to_u16.to_io(io, LE) # write path field path.to_s(io) # write extra fields @extras.to_s(io) if extras_len > 0 # return number of bytes written 30_u64 + path_len + extras_len end abstract def write_body(dst_io : IO) abstract def write_footer( io : IO, crc : UInt32, src_len : UInt64, dst_len : UInt64, zip64 : Bool, ) : UInt32 # :nodoc: # central file header signature 4 bytes (0x02014b50) # version made by 2 bytes # version needed to extract 2 bytes # general purpose bit flag 2 bytes # compression method 2 bytes # last mod file time 2 bytes # last mod file date 2 bytes # crc-32 4 bytes # compressed size 4 bytes # uncompressed size 4 bytes # file name length 2 bytes # extra field length 2 bytes # file comment length 2 bytes # disk number start 2 bytes # internal file attributes 2 bytes # external file attributes 4 bytes # relative offset of local header 4 bytes # # file name (variable size) # extra field (variable size) # file comment (variable size) # :nodoc: # # Write central directory data for this `WriterEntry` and return the # number of bytes written. # # You never need to call this method directly; it is called # automatically by `Writer#close`. # def write_central( io : IO, version : Version = Version::DEFAULT, ) : UInt32 MAGIC[:cdr_header].to_u32.to_io(io, LE) version.to_io(io) Version::NEEDED.to_io(io) @flags.to_u16.to_io(io, LE) @method.to_u16.to_io(io, LE) # write time write_time(io, @time) @crc.to_u32.to_io(io, LE) if zip64? UInt32::MAX.to_io(io, LE) UInt32::MAX.to_io(io, LE) else @dst_len.to_u32.to_io(io, LE) @src_len.to_u32.to_io(io, LE) end # get path length and write it path_len = @path.bytesize path_len.to_u16.to_io(io, LE) # write extras field length (u16) extras_len = @extras.size extras_len.to_u16.to_io(io, LE) # write comment field length (u16) comment_len = @comment.bytesize comment_len.to_u16.to_io(io, LE) # write disk number # TODO: add zip64 support 0_u32.to_u16.to_io(io, LE) # write file attributes (internal, external) 0_u32.to_u16.to_io(io, LE) @external.to_u32.to_io(io, LE) # write local header offset # TODO: add zip64 support @pos.to_u32.to_io(io, LE) # write path field @path.to_s(io) # write extra fields @extras.to_s(io) if extras_len > 0 # write comment @comment.to_s(io) # return number of bytes written 46_u32 + path_len + extras_len + comment_len end end # # Internal class used to store files for `Writer` instance. # # You should not need to instantiate this class directly; it is # called automatically by `Writer#add` and `Writer#add_file`. # class FileEntry < WriterEntry include NoneCompressionHelper include DeflateCompressionHelper # # Flags for local and central file header. # FLAGS = GeneralFlags.flags(FOOTER, EFS) # # Create a new FileWriterEntry instance. # # You should not need to call this method directly; it is called # automatically by `Writer#add` and `Writer#add_file`. # def initialize( pos : UInt64, path : String, @io : IO, method : CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod::DEFLATE, time : Time = Time.now, comment : String = "", # FIXME: should this be true for unknown io? zip64 : Bool = false, ) super( pos: pos, path: path, method: method, time: time, comment: comment, flags: FLAGS, external: 0_u32, zip64: zip64, ) end # # Write file contents and return the number of bytes written. # private def write_body(dst_io : IO) case @method when CompressionMethod::NONE compress_none(@io, dst_io) when CompressionMethod::DEFLATE compress_deflate(@io, dst_io) else raise Error.new("unsupported compression method: #{@method}") end end # :nodoc: # 4.3.9 Data descriptor: # MAGIC = 0x08074b50 4 bytes # crc-32 4 bytes # compressed size 4 bytes # uncompressed size 4 bytes # # Although not originally assigned a signature, the value # 0x08074b50 has commonly been adopted as a signature value # :nodoc: # # Write file footer (data descriptor) and return the number of bytes # written. # private def write_footer( io : IO, crc : UInt32, src_len : UInt64, dst_len : UInt64, zip64 : Bool, ) : UInt32 # write magic (u32) MAGIC[:file_footer].to_u32.to_io(io, LE) # write crc (u32), compressed size (u32), and full size (u32) crc.to_u32.to_io(io, LE) if zip64 # write sizes as u64s dst_len.to_u64.to_io(io, LE) src_len.to_u64.to_io(io, LE) # return number of bytes written 24_u32 else # write sizes as u32s dst_len.to_u32.to_io(io, LE) src_len.to_u32.to_io(io, LE) # return number of bytes written 16_u32 end end end # # Internal class used to store files for `Writer` instance. # # You should not need to instantiate this class directly; use # `Writer#add_dir` instead. # class DirEntry < WriterEntry # # Default flags for local and central file header. # FLAGS = GeneralFlags.flags(EFS) # # Create a new DirEntry instance. # # You should not need to call this method directly; use # `Writer#add_dir` instead. # def initialize( pos : UInt64, path : String, time : Time = Time.now, comment : String = "", ) super( pos: pos, path: path, method: CompressionMethod::NONE, time: time, comment: comment, flags: FLAGS, external: 1_u32, zip64: false, ) end private def write_body(dst_io : IO) { 0_u32, 0_u64, 0_u64 } end private def write_footer( io : IO, crc : UInt32, src_len : UInt64, dst_len : UInt64, zip64 : Bool, ) : UInt32 0_u32 end end end # # Zip file writer. # # You shouldn't need to instantiate this class directly; use # `Zip.write()` instead. # class Writer # # Is this `Writer` closed? # getter? :closed # # Create a new `Writer` object. # # You shouldn't need to instantiate this class directly; use # `Zip.write()` instead. # def initialize( @io : IO, @pos : UInt64 = 0_u64, @comment : String = "", @version : Version = Version::DEFAULT, ) @entries = [] of Writers::WriterEntry @closed = false @src_pos = @pos end private def assert_open raise Error.new("already closed") if closed? end # # Return the total number of bytes written so far. # # Example: # # Zip.write("foo.zip") do |zip| # # add "bar.txt" # zip.add_file("bar.txt", "/path/to/bar.txt") # # # print number of bytes written so far # puts "bytes written so far: #{zip.bytes_written}" # end # def bytes_written : UInt64 # return total number of bytes written @src_pos - @pos end # # Close this writer and return the total number of bytes written. # def close assert_open # cache cdr position cdr_pos = @pos @entries.each do |entry| @pos += entry.write_central(@io, @version) end # write zip footer @pos += write_footer(cdr_pos, @pos - cdr_pos) # flag as closed @closed = true # return total number of bytes written bytes_written end private def add_entry(entry : Writers::WriterEntry) : UInt64 # make sure writer is still open assert_open # add to list of entries @entries << entry # cache offset src_pos = @pos # write entry, update offset @pos += entry.to_s(@io) # return number of bytes written @pos - src_pos end # # Read data from `IO` *io*, write it to *path* in archive, then # return the number of bytes written. # # Example: # # # create IO from "/path/to/bar.txt" # File.open("/path/to/bar.txt, "rb") do |io| # # write to "foo.zip" # Zip.write("foo.zip") do |zip| # # add "bar.txt" with contents of given IO # zip.add("bar.txt", io) # end # end # def add( path : String, io : IO, method : CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod::DEFLATE, time : Time = Time.now, comment : String = "", # FIXME: should this be true for arbitrary IO? zip64 : Bool = false, ) : UInt64 add_entry(Writers::FileEntry.new( pos: @pos, path: path, io: io, method: method, time: time, comment: comment, zip64: zip64, )) end # # Write *data* to *path* in archive and return number of bytes # written. # # Example: # # # write to "foo.zip" # Zip.write("foo.zip") do |zip| # # add "bar.txt" with contents "hello!" # zip.add("bar.txt", "hello!") # end # def add( path : String, data : String | Bytes, method : CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod::DEFLATE, time : Time = Time.now, comment : String = "", ) : UInt64 zip64 = (data.size >= UInt32::MAX) add(path, MemoryIO.new(data), method, time, comment, zip64) end # # Add empty directory to archive as *path* and return number of # bytes written. # # Example: # # # write to "foo.zip" # Zip.write("foo.zip") do |zip| # # add a directory named "example-dir" # zip.add_dir("example-dir") # end # def add_dir( path : String, time : Time = Time.now, comment : String = "", ) : UInt64 add_entry(Writers::DirEntry.new( pos: @pos, path: path, time: time, comment: comment, )) end # # Add local file *file_path* to archive as *path* and return number # of bytes written. # # Example: # # # write to "foo.zip" # Zip.write("foo.zip") do |zip| # # add local file "/path/to/bar.txt" as "bar.txt" # zip.add_file("bar.txt", "/path/to/bar.txt") # end # def add_file( path : String, file_path : String, method : CompressionMethod = CompressionMethod::DEFLATE, time : Time = Time.now, comment : String = "", ) : UInt64 File.open(file_path, "rb") do |io| zip64 = (io.stat.size >= UInt32::MAX) add(path, io, method, time, comment, zip64) end end # :nodoc: # 4.3.16 End of central directory record: # # * end of central dir signature 4 bytes (0x06054b50) # * number of this disk 2 bytes # * number of the disk with the # start of the central directory 2 bytes # * total number of entries in the # central directory on this disk 2 bytes # * total number of entries in # the central directory 2 bytes # * size of the central directory 4 bytes # * offset of start of central # directory with respect to # the starting disk number 4 bytes # * .ZIP file comment length 2 bytes # * .ZIP file comment (variable size) # :nodoc: private def write_footer( cdr_pos : UInt64, cdr_len : UInt64, ) : UInt64 # write zip64 footer (if necessary) r = write_zip64_footer(cdr_pos, cdr_len) # write magic (u32) MAGIC[:cdr_footer].to_io(@io, LE) # write disk num (u16) and footer start disk (u16) 0_u32.to_u16.to_io(@io, LE) 0_u32.to_u16.to_io(@io, LE) # write number of entries (u16) num_entries = @entries.size if num_entries < UInt16::MAX # write num entries (u16) and total entries (u16) num_entries.to_u16.to_io(@io, LE) num_entries.to_u16.to_io(@io, LE) else # write max (defer to zip64 footer) UInt16::MAX.to_io(@io, LE) UInt16::MAX.to_io(@io, LE) end # write cdr offset (u32) and cdr length (u32) ((cdr_len < UInt32::MAX) ? cdr_len : UInt32::MAX).to_u32.to_io(@io, LE) ((cdr_pos < UInt32::MAX) ? cdr_pos : UInt32::MAX).to_u32.to_io(@io, LE) # get comment length (u16) comment_len = @comment.bytesize # write comment length (u16) and comment comment_len.to_u16.to_io(@io, LE) @comment.to_s(@io) # return number of bytes written r + 22_u64 + comment_len end # :nodoc: # 4.3.14 Zip64 end of central directory record # # zip64 end of central dir # signature 4 bytes (0x06064b50) # size of zip64 end of central # directory record 8 bytes # version made by 2 bytes # version needed to extract 2 bytes # number of this disk 4 bytes # number of the disk with the # start of the central directory 4 bytes # total number of entries in the # central directory on this disk 8 bytes # total number of entries in the # central directory 8 bytes # size of the central directory 8 bytes # offset of start of central # directory with respect to # the starting disk number 8 bytes # zip64 extensible data sector (variable size) # # The value stored into the "size of zip64 end of central # directory record" should be the size of the remaining # record and should not include the leading 12 bytes. # # Size = SizeOfFixedFields + SizeOfVariableData - 12. # # # 4.3.15 Zip64 end of central directory locator # # zip64 end of central dir locator # signature 4 bytes (0x07064b50) # number of the disk with the # start of the zip64 end of # central directory 4 bytes # relative offset of the zip64 # end of central directory record 8 bytes # total number of disks 4 bytes # :nodoc: private def write_zip64_footer( cdr_pos : UInt64, cdr_len : UInt64, ) : UInt64 # count entries num_entries = @entries.size if cdr_pos >= UInt32::MAX || cdr_len >= UInt32::MAX || num_entries >= UInt16::MAX z64_data_len = 0_u64 ################ # zip64 footer # ################ # write magic (u32) MAGIC[:z64_footer].to_io(@io, LE) # write size (u64) (44_u64 + z64_data_len).to_io(@io, LE) # write version made by (u16) @version.to_io(@io) # write version needed (u16) Version::ZIP64.to_io(@io) # disk number (u32), disk with cdr (u32) 0_u32.to_io(@io, LE) 0_u32.to_io(@io, LE) # write number of entries (u64 x 2) num_entries.to_u64.to_io(@io, LE) num_entries.to_u64.to_io(@io, LE) # write cdr_len (u64) cdr_len.to_u64.to_io(@io, LE) # write cdr_pos (u64) cdr_pos.to_u64.to_io(@io, LE) # TODO: add z64_data ################# # zip64 locator # ################# # write magic (u32) MAGIC[:z64_locator].to_io(@io, LE) # write start disk (u32) 0_u32.to_io(@io, LE) # write z64_cdr_pos (u64) (cdr_pos + cdr_len).to_u64.to_io(@io, LE) # write total number of disks (u32) 1_u32.to_io(@io, LE) # return number of bytes written 64_u64 + z64_data_len else # z64 header not needed 0_u64 end end end # # Create a `Zip::Writer` for the output IO *io* and yield it to # the given block. Returns number of bytes written. # # Example: # # # create output IO # File.open("foo.zip", "wb") do |io| # Zip.write(io) do |zip| # # add "bar.txt" with contents "hello!" # zip.add("bar.txt", "hello!") # end # end # def self.write( io : IO, pos : UInt64 = 0_u64, comment : String = "", version : Version = Version::DEFAULT, &cb : Writer -> \ ) : UInt64 r = 0_u64 begin w = Writer.new(io, pos, comment, version) cb.call(w) ensure if w w.close unless w.closed? r = w.bytes_written end end # return total number of bytes written r end # # Create a `Zip::Writer` for the output file *path* and yield it to # the given block. Returns number of bytes written. # # Example: # # # create "foo.zip" # Zip.write("foo.zip") do |zip| # # add "bar.txt" with contents "hello!" # zip.add("bar.txt", "hello!") # end # def self.write( path : String, pos : UInt64 = 0_u64, comment : String = "", version : Version = Version::DEFAULT, &cb : Writer -> \ ) : UInt64 File.open(path, "wb") do |io| write(io, pos, comment, version, &cb) end end # # Base class for input source for `Archive` object. # # You should not need to instantiate this class directly; use # `Zip.read()` instead. # class Source include IO # # Instantiate a new `Source` from the given `IO::FileDescriptor` or # `MemoryIO` object. # # You should not need to instantiate this class directly; use # `Zip.read()` instead. # def initialize(@io : IO::FileDescriptor | MemoryIO) end delegate read, to: @io delegate write, to: @io forward_missing_to @io end # # Extra data handlers. # module Extra # # Raw extra data associated with `Entry`. # # You should not need to instantiate this class directly; use # `Zip::Entry#extras` or `Zip::Entry#local_extras` instead. # # Example: # # # open "foo.zip" # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # get extra data associated with "bar.txt" # extras = zip["bar.txt"].extras # end # class Base # # Identifier for this extra entry. # property :code # # Data for this extra entry. # property :data # # Create a new raw extra data entry. # # You should not need to instantiate this class directly; it is # created as-needed by `Writer#add`. # def initialize(@code : UInt16, @data : Bytes) end # # Return number of bytes needed for this Extra. # def bytes_needed : UInt16 4.to_u16 + @data.size.to_u16 end def to_s(io) : UInt16 @code.to_u64.to_io(io, LE) @data.size.to_u16.to_io(io, LE) @data.to_s(io) # return number of bytes written bytes_needed end end # # ZIP64 extra data associated with `Entry`. # # You should not need to instantiate this class directly; it is # created as-needed by `Writer#add()`. # class Zip64 < Base # # File size (64-bit unsigned integer). # getter :size # # Compressed file size (64-bit unsigned integer). # getter :compressed_size # # Position in output (optional). # getter :pos # # Starting disk (optional). # getter :disk_start # # ZIP64 extra code # CODE = 0x0001.to_u16 # # Create ZIP64 extra data associated with `Entry` from given # attributes. # # You should not need to instantiate this class directly; it is # created as-needed by `Writer#add()`. # def initialize( @size : UInt64 = 0_u64, @compressed_size : UInt64 = 0_u64, @pos : UInt64? = nil, @disk_start : UInt32? = nil, ) len = 16_u32 len += 8 if @pos len += 4 if @disk_start # create backing buffer and mem io buf = Bytes.new(len) io = MemoryIO.new(buf) @size.to_u64.to_io(io, LE) @compressed_size.to_u64.to_io(io, LE) @pos.not_nil!.to_u64.to_io(io, LE) if @pos @disk_start.not_nil!.to_u32.to_io(io, LE) if @disk_start # close io io.close super(CODE, buf) end # # Parse ZIP64 extra data from given buffer. # # You should not need to instantiate this class directly; it is # created as-needed by `Archive`. # def initialize(data : Bytes) super(CODE, data) # create memory io over buffer io = MemoryIO.new(data, false) @size = UInt64.from_io(io, LE).as(UInt64) @compressed_size = UInt64.from_io(io, LE).as(UInt64) @pos, @disk_start = case data.size - 16 when 12 { UInt64.from_io(io, LE), UInt32.from_io(io, LE) } when 8 { UInt64.from_io(io, LE), nil } when 4 { nil, UInt32.from_io(io, LE) } when 0 { nil, nil } else raise Error.new("invalid Zip64 extra data: #{data.size}") end end end # # Parse `Extra` data from given IO *io*. # def self.read(io) : Base # read code and length code = UInt16.from_io(io, LE).as(UInt16) len = UInt16.from_io(io, LE).as(UInt16) # read buffer data = Bytes.new(len) io.read(data) case code when Zip64::CODE Zip64.new(data) else Base.new(code, data) end end # # Encode array of `Extra::Base` and return buffer. # def self.pack(extras : Array(Extra::Base)?) : Bytes if extras && extras.size > 0 # create backing buffer for extras buf = Bytes.new(extras.reduce(0_u32) { |r, e| r + e.bytes_needed }) # create io and write each extra data to io io = MemoryIO.new(buf) extras.each { |e| e.to_s(io) } io.close # return buffer buf else # return empty slice EMPTY_SLICE end end end # # File entry in `Archive`. # # Use `Zip.read()` to read a Zip archive, then `#[]` to fetch a # specific archive entry. # # Example: # # # create MemoryIO # io = MemoryIO.new # # # open "foo.zip" # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # get "bar.txt" entry from "foo.zip" # e = zip["bar.txt"] # # # read contents of "bar.txt" into io # e.read(io) # end # class Entry include TimeHelper include NoneCompressionHelper include DeflateCompressionHelper # # Get `Version` used to generate this `Entry`. # # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # print version used for each entry # zip.each do |e| # puts "#{e.path} version used: #{e.version}" # end # end # getter :version # # Get `Version` needed to generate this `Entry`. # # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # print version needed to extract each entry # zip.each do |e| # puts "#{e.path} version needed: #{e.version_needed}" # end # end # getter :version_needed # # Get `GeneralFlags` for this `Entry`. # # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # print flags for each entry # zip.each do |e| # puts "#{e.path} flags: #{e.flags}" # end # end # getter :flags # # Get `CompressionMethod` for this `Entry`. # # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # print compression method for each entry # zip.each do |e| # puts "#{e.path} compression method: #{e.method}" # end # end # getter :method # # Get `Time` for this `Entry`. # # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # print time for each entry # zip.each do |e| # puts "#{e.path} time: #{e.time}" # end # end # getter :time # # Get CRC-32 for this `Entry` as a `UInt32`. # # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # print crc for each entry # zip.each do |e| # puts "#{e.path} CRC-32: #{e.crc}" # end # end # getter :crc # # Get compressed size for this `Entry`. # # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # print compressed size for each entry # zip.each do |e| # puts "#{e.path} compressed size: #{e.compressed_size}" # end # end # getter :compressed_size # # Get uncompressed size for this `Entry`. # # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # print uncompressed size for each entry # zip.each do |e| # puts "#{e.path} uncompressed size: #{e.size}" # end # end # getter :size # # Get path for this `Entry` as a `String`. # # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # print uncompressed size for each entry # zip.each do |e| # puts "#{e.path}" # end # end # getter :path # # Get `Extra` data for this `Entry` as an `Array`. # # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # print number of extra data items for each entry # zip.each do |e| # puts "#{e.path} extras: #{e.extras.size}" # end # end # getter :extras # # Get comment for this `Entry` as a `String`. # # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # print comment for each entry # zip.each do |e| # puts "#{e.path} comment: #{e.comment}" # end # end # getter :comment # # Get internal attributes for this `Entry` as a `UInt16`. # # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # print internal attributes for each entry # zip.each do |e| # puts "#{e.path} internal attributes: #{e.internal}" # end # end # getter :internal # # Get external attributes for this `Entry` as a `UInt32`. # # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # print external attributes for each entry # zip.each do |e| # puts "#{e.path} external attributes: #{e.external}" # end # end # getter :external # # Get position for this `Entry`. # # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # print position for each entry # zip.each do |e| # puts "#{e.path} position: #{e.pos}" # end # end # getter :pos # :nodoc: # central file header signature 4 bytes (0x02014b50) # version made by 2 bytes # version needed to extract 2 bytes # general purpose bit flag 2 bytes # compression method 2 bytes # last mod file time 2 bytes # last mod file date 2 bytes # crc-32 4 bytes # compressed size 4 bytes # uncompressed size 4 bytes # file name length 2 bytes # extra field length 2 bytes # file comment length 2 bytes # disk number start 2 bytes # internal file attributes 2 bytes # external file attributes 4 bytes # relative offset of local header 4 bytes # # file name (variable size) # extra field (variable size) # file comment (variable size) # :nodoc: # # Instantiate a new `Entry` object from the given IO. # # You should not need to call this method directly (use # `Zip::Archive#[]` instead). # def initialize(@io : Source) # allocate slice for header data head_buf = Bytes.new(46) # read entry if ((head_len = io.read(head_buf)) != 46) raise Error.new("couldn't read full CDR entry (#{head_len} != 46)") end # create memory io for slice head_mem_io = MemoryIO.new(head_buf, false) magic = UInt32.from_io(head_mem_io, LE) if magic != MAGIC[:cdr_header] raise Error.new("invalid CDR header magic") end # read versions @version = UInt16.from_io(head_mem_io, LE).as(UInt16) @version_needed = UInt16.from_io(head_mem_io, LE).as(UInt16) # TODO: check versions # read flags, method, and date @flags = UInt16.from_io(head_mem_io, LE).as(UInt16) @method = CompressionMethod.new( UInt16.from_io(head_mem_io, LE).as(UInt16).to_i32 ) # TODO: convert to Time object @time = from_dos_time(UInt32.from_io(head_mem_io, LE)).as(Time) # read crc and lengths # (store lengths as u64 for zip64 compat) @crc = UInt32.from_io(head_mem_io, LE).as(UInt32) @compressed_size = UInt32.from_io(head_mem_io, LE).to_u64.as(UInt64) @size = UInt32.from_io(head_mem_io, LE).to_u64.as(UInt64) # read lengths @path_len = UInt16.from_io(head_mem_io, LE).not_nil!.as(UInt16) @extras_len = UInt16.from_io(head_mem_io, LE).as(UInt16) @comment_len = UInt16.from_io(head_mem_io, LE).as(UInt16) # read starting disk # (store as u32 for zip64 compat) @disk_start = UInt16.from_io(head_mem_io, LE).to_u32.as(UInt32) # read attributes and position @internal = UInt16.from_io(head_mem_io, LE).as(UInt16) @external = UInt32.from_io(head_mem_io, LE).as(UInt32) # read position # (store as u64 for zip64 compat) @pos = UInt32.from_io(head_mem_io, LE).to_u64.as(UInt64) # close memory io head_mem_io.close # create and populate data buffer # (holds path, extras, and comment data) data_len = @path_len + @extras_len + @comment_len data_buf = Bytes.new(data_len) if io.read(data_buf) != data_len raise Error.new("couldn't read entry CDR name, extras, and comment") end # create data memory io data_mem_io = MemoryIO.new(data_buf) # read path, extras, and comment from data memory io @path = read_string(data_mem_io, @path_len, "name") as String @extras = read_extras(data_mem_io, @extras_len) as Array(Extra::Base) @comment = read_string(data_mem_io, @comment_len, "comment") as String if e = @extras.find { |e| e.code == Extra::Zip64::CODE } e = e.as(Extra::Zip64) @size = e.size @compressed_size = e.compressed_size @pos = e.pos.not_nil! if e.pos @disk_start = e.disk_start.not_nil! if e.disk_start end # close data memory io data_mem_io.close end # # Returns true if this entry a directory. # # Example: # # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # type = zip["some-dir/"].dir? ? "directory" : "file" # puts "#{path} is a #{type}" # end # def dir? : Bool (@external & 0x01) != 0 end # :nodoc: # local file header signature 4 bytes (0x04034b50) # version needed to extract 2 bytes # general purpose bit flag 2 bytes # compression method 2 bytes # last mod file time 2 bytes # last mod file date 2 bytes # crc-32 4 bytes # compressed size 4 bytes # uncompressed size 4 bytes # file name length 2 bytes # extra field length 2 bytes # file name (variable size) # extra field (variable size) # :nodoc: # # Write contents of `Entry` into given `IO`. # # Raises an `Error` if the file contents could not be read or if the # compression method is unsupported. # # Example: # # # open "output-bar.txt" for writing # File.open("output-bar.txt", "wb") do |io| # # open archive "./foo.zip" # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # write contents of "bar.txt" to "output-bar.txt" # zip["foo.txt"].write(io) # end # end # def write(dst_io : IO) : UInt64 # create buffer for local header buf = Bytes.new(30) # move to local header @io.pos = @pos # read local header into buffer @io.read(buf) # create memory io from buffer mem_io = MemoryIO.new(buf, false) # check magic header magic = UInt32.from_io(mem_io, LE) if magic != MAGIC[:file_header] raise Error.new("invalid file header magic") end # skip local header mem_io.pos = 26_u32 # read local name and extras length path_len = UInt16.from_io(mem_io, LE) extras_len = UInt16.from_io(mem_io, LE) # close memory io mem_io.close # skip name and extras @io.pos = @pos + 30_u32 + path_len + extras_len case @method when CompressionMethod::NONE decompress_none(@io, dst_io, @compressed_size, @size) when CompressionMethod::DEFLATE decompress_deflate(@io, dst_io, @compressed_size, @size) else raise Error.new("unsupported method: #{@method}") end # return number of bytes written @size end # # Write contents of `Entry` into given path *path* and return the # number of bytes written. # # Raises an `Error` if the file contents could not be read or if the # compression method is unsupported. # # Example: # # # open "output-bar.txt" for writing # File.open("output-bar.txt", "wb") do |io| # # open archive "./foo.zip" # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # write contents of "bar.txt" to "output-bar.txt" # zip["foo.txt"].write(io) # end # end # def write(path : String) : UInt64 File.open(path, "wb") do |io| write(io) end end # # Returns an array of `Extra` attributes for this `Entry`. # # Zip archives can (and do) have separate `Extra` attributes # associated with the file entry itself, and the file's entry in the # Central Directory. # # The `#extras` method returns the `Extra` attributes from the # file's entry in the Central Directory, and this method returns the # `Extra` data from the file entry itself. # # Example: # # # open "./foo.zip" # Zip.read("./foo.zip") do |zip| # # get array of local extra attributes from "bar.txt" # extras = zip["bar.txt"].local_extras # end # def local_extras : Array(Extra::Base) unless @local_extras # move to extras_len in local header @io.pos = @pos + 26_u32 # read name and extras lengths name_len = UInt16.from_io(@io, LE) extras_len = UInt16.from_io(@io, LE) # move to extras_len in local header @io.pos = @pos + 30_u32 + name_len # read local extras @local_extras = read_extras(@io, extras_len) as Array(Extra::Base) end # return results @local_extras.not_nil! end # # Returns an array of `Extra` attributes of length `len` from IO `io`. # private def read_extras(io, len : UInt16) : Array(Extra::Base) # read extras r = [] of Extra::Base if len > 0 # create buffer of extras data buf = Bytes.new(len) if io.read(buf) != len raise Error.new("couldn't read CDR entry extras") end # create memory io over buffer mem_io = MemoryIO.new(buf, false) # read extras from io while mem_io.pos != mem_io.size r << Extra.read(mem_io) end # close memory io mem_io.close end # return results r end # # Read String of length bytes from IO. # # Note: At the moment this assumes UTF-8 encoding, but we should # make this configurable via a parameter to `#read()`. # private def read_string(io, len : UInt16, name : String) : String if len > 0 buf = Bytes.new(len) if io.read(buf) != len raise Error.new("couldn't read CDR entry #{name}") end # FIXME: should handle encoding here? String.new(buf) else "" end end end # :nodoc: # 4.3.16 End of central directory record: # # * end of central dir signature 4 bytes (0x06054b50) # * number of this disk 2 bytes # * number of the disk with the # start of the central directory 2 bytes # * total number of entries in the # central directory on this disk 2 bytes # * total number of entries in # the central directory 2 bytes # * size of the central directory 4 bytes # * offset of start of central # directory with respect to # the starting disk number 4 bytes # * .ZIP file comment length 2 bytes # * .ZIP file comment (variable size) # :nodoc: # # Input archive. # # Use `Zip.read()` instead of instantiating this class directly. # class Archive include Enumerable(Entry) include Iterable # # Return an array of entries in this Archive. # # Example: # # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # get an array of entries in this archive # entries = zip.entries # end # getter :entries # # Get the `Archive` comment as a String. # # Example: # # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # # print archive comment # puts "comment: #{zip.comment}" # end # getter :comment # # Create new Zip::Archive from input Zip::Source. # # Use `Zip.read()` instead of calling this method directly. # def initialize(@io : Source) # initialize entries # find footer and end of io footer_pos, end_pos = find_footer_and_eof(@io) # skip magic @io.pos = footer_pos + 4 # create slice and memory io mem = Bytes.new(18) # read footer into memory io @io.pos = footer_pos + 4 if ((len = @io.read(mem)) < mem.size) raise Error.new("couldn't read zip footer") end # create memory io for slice mem_io = MemoryIO.new(mem, false) # read disk numbers # (convert to u32 so type matches zip64 values) @disk_num = UInt16.from_io(mem_io, LE).to_u32.as(UInt32) @cdr_disk = UInt16.from_io(mem_io, LE).to_u32.as(UInt32) # read entry counts # (convert to u64 so type matches zip64 values) @num_disk_entries = UInt16.from_io(mem_io, LE).to_u64.as(UInt64) @num_entries = UInt16.from_io(mem_io, LE).to_u64.as(UInt64) # read cdr position and length # (convert to u64 so type matches zip64 values) @cdr_len = UInt32.from_io(mem_io, LE).to_u64.as(UInt64) @cdr_pos = UInt32.from_io(mem_io, LE).to_u64.as(UInt64) # read comment length and comment body @comment_len = UInt16.from_io(mem_io, LE).as(UInt16) @comment = if @comment_len > 0 # allocate space for comment slice = Bytes.new(@comment_len) # seek to comment position @io.pos = footer_pos + 22 # read comment data if ((len = @io.read(slice)) != @comment_len) raise Error.new("archive comment read truncated") end # FIXME: shouldn't assume UTF-8 here String.new(slice, "UTF-8") else "" end # close memory io mem_io.close # check and see if any of the footer entries are 0xFFFF or # 0xFFFFFFFF (that is, they indicate a zip64 header) if @disk_num == UInt16::MAX || @cdr_disk == UInt16::MAX || @num_disk_entries == UInt16::MAX || @num_entries == UInt16::MAX || @cdr_len == UInt32::MAX || @cdr_pos == UInt32::MAX # create buffer and mem_io for zip64 header buf = Bytes.new(56) mem_io = MemoryIO.new(buf, false) # seek to zip64 footer position and read it in z64_pos = find_zip64_footer(@io, footer_pos) @io.read(buf) # read and check magic magic = UInt32.from_io(mem_io, LE) if magic != MAGIC[:z64_footer] raise Error.new("invalid ZIP64 footer magic") end # read zip64 footer length and calculate data len # (footer length value excludes magic and length) z64_len = UInt64.from_io(mem_io, LE) @zip64_data_len = z64_len - 44 # read versions @version = Version.new(UInt16.from_io(mem_io, LE)) @version_needed = Version.new(UInt16.from_io(mem_io, LE)) # read disk numbers @disk_num = UInt32.from_io(mem_io, LE).to_u32 @cdr_disk = UInt32.from_io(mem_io, LE).to_u32 # read entry counts @num_disk_entries = UInt64.from_io(mem_io, LE) @num_entries = UInt64.from_io(mem_io, LE) # read cdr position and length @cdr_len = UInt64.from_io(mem_io, LE) @cdr_pos = UInt64.from_io(mem_io, LE) # close memory io mem_io.close # read zip64 data @zip64_data = if @zip64_data_len > 0 # create buffer z64_data_buf = Bytes.new(@zip64_data_len) # skip to data position and read it in @io.pos = z64_pos + 56 @io.read(z64_data_buf) # return buffer z64_data_buf else EMPTY_SLICE end else # set version and version_needed to default @version = Version::DEFAULT @version_needed = Version::DEFAULT # no zip64 data for non-zip64 archives @zip64_data_len = 0_u64 @zip64_data = EMPTY_SLICE end ######################## # verify header values # ######################## # check disk numbers if @disk_num != @cdr_disk raise Error.new("multi-disk archives not supported") end # check entry counts if @num_disk_entries != @num_entries raise Error.new("multi-disk archives not supported") end # check cdr position if @cdr_pos + @cdr_len >= end_pos raise Error.new("invalid CDR offset: #{@cdr_pos}") end # read entries @entries = [] of Entry read_entries(@entries, @io, @cdr_pos, @cdr_len, @num_entries) end ################################# # enumeration/iteration methods # ################################# # # Get hash of path -> Zip::Entries # private def paths @paths ||= @entries.reduce({} of String => Entry) do |r, e| r[e.path] = e r end.as(Hash(String, Entry)) end # # Get Zip::Entry by path. # # Example: # # # get bar.txt and write it into memory io # io = MemoryIO.new # zip["bar.txt"].write(io) # def [](path : String) : Entry paths[path] end # # Return Zip::Entry from path, or nil if it doesn't exist. # # Example: # # # write contents of "bar.txt" into memory io if it exists # if e = zip["bar.txt"]? # io = MemoryIO.new # e.write(io) # end # def []?(path : String) : Entry? paths[path]? end # # Get Zip::Entry by number. # # Example: # # # write contents of third entry from archive into memory io # io = MemoryIO.new # zip[2].write(io) # def [](id : Int) : Entry @entries[id] end # # Get Zip::Entry by number, or nil if it doesn't exist # # Example: # # # write contents of third entry from archive into memory io # if e = zip[2]? # io = MemoryIO.new # e.write(io) # end # def []?(id : Int) : Entry? @entries[id]? end # # Iterate over the entries in this `Archive`, or, if called without # a block, return a lazy iterator. # # Example: # # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # zip.each do |e| # type = e.dir? ? "directory" : "file" # puts "#{e.path} is a #{type}" # end # end # delegate each, to: @entries # # Return the number of entries in this `Archive`. # # Example: # # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # puts "foo.zip has #{zip.size} entries" # end # delegate size, to: @entries ################### # loading methods # ################### # # Read CDR entries from given `Zip::Source`. # private def read_entries( entries : Array(Entry), io : Source, cdr_pos : UInt64, cdr_len : UInt64, num_entries : UInt64, ) # get end position end_cdr_pos = cdr_pos + cdr_len # seek to start of entries io.pos = cdr_pos # read entries num_entries.times do # create new entry entry = Entry.new(io) # add to list of entries entries << entry # check position if io.pos > end_cdr_pos raise Error.new("read past CDR") end end end # # Find EOF and end of CDR for archive. # private def find_footer_and_eof(io : Source) # seek to end of file io.seek(0, IO::Seek::End) end_pos = io.pos if end_pos < 22 raise Error.new("too small for end of central directory") end # create buffer and memory io around it buf = Bytes.new(22) mem_io = MemoryIO.new(buf, false) curr_pos = end_pos - 22 while curr_pos >= 0 # seek to current position and load possible cdr into buffer io.pos = curr_pos io.read(buf) # rewind memory io mem_io.rewind # read what might be the end_cdr magic maybe_end_magic = UInt32.from_io(mem_io, LE) if maybe_end_magic == MAGIC[:cdr_footer] # jump to archive commment len (maybe) mem_io.pos = 20 # get archive commment len (maybe) maybe_comment_len = UInt16.from_io(mem_io, LE) if curr_pos + 22 + maybe_comment_len == end_pos # close memio mem_io.close # magic and comment line up: probably found end_cdr return { curr_pos, end_pos } end end # step back one byte curr_pos -= 1 end # throw error raise Error.new("couldn't find end of central directory") end private def find_zip64_footer(io : Source, footer_pos : Int) : UInt64 buf = Bytes.new(20) mem_io = MemoryIO.new(buf, false) curr_pos = footer_pos - 20 while curr_pos >= 0 # sek to current position and read it into buffer io.pos = curr_pos io.read(buf) # read what might be the zip64 locator magic maybe_magic = UInt32.from_io(mem_io, LE) if maybe_magic == MAGIC[:z64_locator] z64_start_disk = UInt32.from_io(mem_io, LE) z64_pos = UInt64.from_io(mem_io, LE) z64_num_disks = UInt32.from_io(mem_io, LE) # check disk counts if z64_start_disk > 1 || z64_num_disks > 1 raise Error.new("multi-disk ZIP64 archives not supported") end # return position of zip64 footer return z64_pos end # step back one byte curr_pos -= 1 end # throw error raise Error.new("couldn't find ZIP64 locator") end end # # Read Zip::Archive from seekable IO instance and pass it to the given # block. # # Example: # # # create memory io for contents of "bar.txt" # io = MemoryIO.new # # # read "bar.txt" from "foo.zip" # Zip.read(File.open("foo.zip", "rb")) do |zip| # zip["bar.txt"].write(io) # end # def self.read( io : IO, &cb : Archive -> \ ) : Void r = Archive.new(Source.new(io)) cb.call(r) end # # Read Zip::Archive from Slice and pass it to the given block. # # Example: # # # create memory io for contents of "bar.txt" # io = MemoryIO.new # # # extract "bar.txt" from zip archive in Slice some_slice and # # save it to MemoryIO # Zip.read(some_slice) do |zip| # zip["bar.txt"].write(io) # end # def self.read( slice : Bytes, &cb : Archive -> \ ) : Void src = Source.new(MemoryIO.new(slice, false)) read(src, &cb) end # # Read Zip::Archive from File and pass it to the given block. # # Example: # # # create memory io for contents of "bar.txt" # io = MemoryIO.new # # # extract "bar.txt" from "foo.zip" and save it to MemoryIO # Zip.read("foo.zip") do |zip| # zip["bar.txt"].write(io) # end # def self.read( path : String, &cb : Archive -> \ ) : Void File.open(path, "rb") do |io| read(io, &cb) end end end