path: root/java/pablotron
diff options
authorPaul Duncan <pabs@pablotron.org>2018-09-06 08:40:23 -0400
committerPaul Duncan <pabs@pablotron.org>2018-09-06 08:40:23 -0400
commitf422534cd4cf1ba32523c9fc798c207065038ca5 (patch)
treed3dce87dffeca2acfceab6aa9abf7046843f9145 /java/pablotron
parentc02640d395fe95a41183a63bea29113676e92fae (diff)
java: add pom.xml, mv sources to src/main/java/org/pablotron, add src/test, add initial junit tests, update makefile and .gitignore
Diffstat (limited to 'java/pablotron')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 449 deletions
diff --git a/java/pablotron/luigi/Cache.java b/java/pablotron/luigi/Cache.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b550b46..0000000
--- a/java/pablotron/luigi/Cache.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-package pablotron.luigi;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import pablotron.luigi.Filter;
-import pablotron.luigi.Template;
-import pablotron.luigi.LuigiError;
-import pablotron.luigi.actions.Action;
-public final class Cache {
- private final Map<String, String> strings;
- private final Map<String, Filter.Handler> filters;
- private final Map<String, Template> templates = new HashMap<String, Template>();
- public Cache(
- final Map<String, String> strings,
- final Map<String, Filter.Handler> filters
- ) {
- this.strings = strings;
- this.filters = filters;
- }
- public Cache(final Map<String, String> strings) {
- this(strings, Filter.FILTERS);
- }
- public String run(
- final String key,
- final Map<String, String> args
- ) throws LuigiError {
- Template t;
- if (templates.containsKey(key)) {
- // get template
- t = templates.get(key);
- } else {
- // make sure template exists
- if (!strings.containsKey(key))
- throw new LuigiError("unknown template: " + key);
- // create template
- t = new Template(strings.get(key), filters);
- // cache template
- templates.put(key, t);
- }
- // run template with args
- return t.run(args);
- }
diff --git a/java/pablotron/luigi/Filter.java b/java/pablotron/luigi/Filter.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d89beab..0000000
--- a/java/pablotron/luigi/Filter.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-package pablotron.luigi;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-public final class Filter {
- public interface Handler {
- public String filter(String val, String args[], Map<String, String> row);
- };
- public static Map<String, Handler> FILTERS = new HashMap<String, Handler>() {{
- put("null", new Handler() {
- public String filter(String val, String args[], Map<String, String> row) {
- return "";
- }
- });
- put("s", new Handler() {
- public String filter(String val, String args[], Map<String, String> row) {
- int v = Integer.parseInt(val);
- return (v == 1) ? "" : "s";
- }
- });
- put("uc", new Handler() {
- public String filter(String val, String args[], Map<String, String> row) {
- return val.toUpperCase();
- }
- });
- put("lc", new Handler() {
- public String filter(String val, String args[], Map<String, String> row) {
- return val.toLowerCase();
- }
- });
- put("length", new Handler() {
- public String filter(String val, String args[], Map<String, String> row) {
- return Integer.toString(val.length());
- }
- });
- put("trim", new Handler() {
- public String filter(String val, String args[], Map<String, String> row) {
- return val.trim();
- }
- });
- put("h", new Handler() {
- public String filter(String val, String args[], Map<String, String> row) {
- StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder(val.length());
- for (int i = 0, l = val.length(); i < l; i++) {
- char c = val.charAt(i);
- switch (c) {
- case '&':
- r.append("&amp;");
- break;
- case '<':
- r.append("&lt;");
- break;
- case '>':
- r.append("&gt;");
- break;
- case '\'':
- r.append("&apos;");
- break;
- case '"':
- r.append("&quot;");
- break;
- default:
- r.append(c);
- }
- }
- return r.toString();
- * return val
- * .replace("&", "&amp;")
- * .replace("<", "&lt;")
- * .replace(">", "&gt;")
- * .replace("'", "&apos;")
- * .replace("\"", "&quot;");
- */
- }
- });
- }};
diff --git a/java/pablotron/luigi/FilterReference.java b/java/pablotron/luigi/FilterReference.java
deleted file mode 100644
index d0f9d3d..0000000
--- a/java/pablotron/luigi/FilterReference.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-package pablotron.luigi;
-public final class FilterReference {
- public final String name;
- public final String[] args;
- public FilterReference(final String name, final String args[]) {
- this.name = name;
- this.args = args;
- }
diff --git a/java/pablotron/luigi/LuigiError.java b/java/pablotron/luigi/LuigiError.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 4ff4c01..0000000
--- a/java/pablotron/luigi/LuigiError.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-package pablotron.luigi;
-public class LuigiError extends Exception {
- public LuigiError(final String message) {
- super(message);
- }
diff --git a/java/pablotron/luigi/Parser.java b/java/pablotron/luigi/Parser.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e415c4..0000000
--- a/java/pablotron/luigi/Parser.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-package pablotron.luigi;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.regex.Pattern;
-import java.util.regex.Matcher;
-import pablotron.luigi.actions.Action;
-import pablotron.luigi.actions.FilterAction;
-import pablotron.luigi.actions.TextAction;
-import pablotron.luigi.FilterReference;
-import pablotron.luigi.LuigiError;
-public final class Parser {
- private static final Pattern RE_ACTION = Pattern.compile(
- // match opening brace
- "%\\{" +
- // match optional whitespace
- "\\s*" +
- // match key
- // "(?<key>[^\\s\\|\\}]+)" +
- "([^\\s\\|\\}]+)" +
- // match filter(s)
- // "(?<filters>(\\s*\\|(\\s*[^\\s\\|\\}]+)+)*)" +
- "((\\s*\\|(\\s*[^\\s\\|\\}]+)+)*)" +
- // match optional whitespace
- "\\s*" +
- // match closing brace
- "\\}" +
- // or match up all non-% chars or a single % char
- // "| (?<text>[^%]* | %)",
- "| ([^%]* | %)",
- Pattern.COMMENTS
- );
- private static final Pattern RE_FILTER = Pattern.compile(
- // match filter name
- // "(?<name>\\S+)" +
- "(\\S+)" +
- // match filter arguments (optional)
- // "(?<args>(\\s*\\S+)*)" +
- "((\\s*\\S+)*)" +
- // optional trailing whitespace
- "\\s*",
- Pattern.COMMENTS
- );
- private static final Pattern RE_DELIM_FILTERS = Pattern.compile(
- "\\s*\\|\\s*"
- );
- private static final Pattern RE_DELIM_ARGS = Pattern.compile(
- "\\s+"
- );
- public static Action[] parse_template(
- final String template
- ) throws LuigiError {
- final ArrayList<Action> r = new ArrayList<Action>();
- // match on text
- final Matcher m = RE_ACTION.matcher(template);
- while (m.find()) {
- // String key = m.group("key");
- final String key = m.group(1);
- if (key != null && key.length() > 0) {
- // r.add(new FilterAction(key, parse_filters(m.group("filters"))));
- r.add(new FilterAction(key, parse_filters(m.group(2))));
- } else {
- // r.add(new TextAction(m.group("text")));
- r.add(new TextAction(m.group(5)));
- }
- }
- // build array of results
- return r.toArray(new Action[r.size()]);
- }
- private static final String[] NO_ARGS = {};
- public static FilterReference[] parse_filters(
- final String filters_str
- ) throws LuigiError {
- final ArrayList<FilterReference> r = new ArrayList<FilterReference>();
- // split string into individual filters and handle each one
- for (String f: RE_DELIM_FILTERS.split(filters_str)) {
- // trim filter string and skip empty filters
- f = f.trim();
- if (f.length() == 0)
- continue;
- // match on filter and check for error
- final Matcher m = RE_FILTER.matcher(f);
- if (!m.find())
- throw new LuigiError("invalid filter: " + f);
- // get arguments string
- final String args = m.group(2).trim();
- // append new filter reference to result
- r.add(new FilterReference(
- m.group(1),
- (args.length() > 0) ? RE_DELIM_ARGS.split(args) : NO_ARGS
- ));
- }
- // return result
- return r.toArray(new FilterReference[r.size()]);
- }
diff --git a/java/pablotron/luigi/Template.java b/java/pablotron/luigi/Template.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ab1d77..0000000
--- a/java/pablotron/luigi/Template.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-package pablotron.luigi;
-import java.util.Map;
-import pablotron.luigi.Parser;
-import pablotron.luigi.Filter;
-import pablotron.luigi.LuigiError;
-import pablotron.luigi.actions.Action;
-public final class Template {
- private static final String VERSION = "0.4.0";
- private final String template;
- private final Action actions[];
- private final Map<String, Filter.Handler> filters;
- public Template(
- final String template,
- final Map<String, Filter.Handler> filters
- ) throws LuigiError {
- this.template = template;
- this.filters = filters;
- this.actions = Parser.parse_template(template);
- }
- public Template(final String template) throws LuigiError {
- this(template, Filter.FILTERS);
- }
- public String run(final Map<String, String> args) throws LuigiError {
- final StringBuilder r = new StringBuilder();
- for (Action a: this.actions)
- r.append(a.run(this.filters, args));
- return r.toString();
- }
diff --git a/java/pablotron/luigi/Test.java b/java/pablotron/luigi/Test.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 7163c52..0000000
--- a/java/pablotron/luigi/Test.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-package pablotron.luigi;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import pablotron.luigi.LuigiError;
-import pablotron.luigi.Filter;
-import pablotron.luigi.Template;
-import pablotron.luigi.Cache;
-public final class Test {
- // test template
- private static final String TEMPLATE =
- "test basic: hello %{name}\n" +
- "test filter: hello %{name | uc}\n" +
- "test custom: %{name | custom | uc | lc}\n" +
- "test custom_with_arg: %{name | custom_with_arg hello}\n";
- // test template cache
- private static final Cache cache = new Cache(new HashMap<String, String>() {{
- put("test-template", TEMPLATE);
- }});
- // test arguments
- private static final Map<String, String> args = new HashMap<String, String>() {{
- put("name", "paul");
- }};
- // custom filters
- private static final Map<String, Filter.Handler> filters = new HashMap<String, Filter.Handler>() {{
- // add custom filter
- put("custom", new Filter.Handler() {
- public String filter(String val, String args[], Map<String, String> row) {
- return "custom";
- }
- });
- // add custom filter with argument
- put("custom_with_arg", new Filter.Handler() {
- public String filter(String val, String args[], Map<String, String> row) {
- return (args.length > 0) ? args[0] : "custom";
- }
- });
- }};
- public static void main(String params[]) throws Exception {
- // add custom filters
- Filter.FILTERS.putAll(filters);
- // create and run template
- final Template t = new Template(TEMPLATE);
- System.out.print(t.run(args));
- // run cache
- System.out.print(cache.run("test-template", args));
- }
diff --git a/java/pablotron/luigi/actions/Action.java b/java/pablotron/luigi/actions/Action.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 010622a..0000000
--- a/java/pablotron/luigi/actions/Action.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-package pablotron.luigi.actions;
-import java.util.Map;
-import pablotron.luigi.Filter;
-import pablotron.luigi.LuigiError;
-public interface Action {
- public String run(
- Map<String, Filter.Handler> filters,
- Map<String, String> args
- ) throws LuigiError;
diff --git a/java/pablotron/luigi/actions/FilterAction.java b/java/pablotron/luigi/actions/FilterAction.java
deleted file mode 100644
index b69923b..0000000
--- a/java/pablotron/luigi/actions/FilterAction.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-package pablotron.luigi.actions;
-import java.util.Map;
-import pablotron.luigi.actions.Action;
-import pablotron.luigi.FilterReference;
-import pablotron.luigi.Filter;
-import pablotron.luigi.LuigiError;
-public final class FilterAction implements Action {
- private final String key;
- private final FilterReference filters[];
- public FilterAction(final String key, final FilterReference filters[]) {
- this.key = key;
- this.filters = filters;
- }
- public String run(
- Map<String, Filter.Handler> filters,
- Map<String, String> args
- ) throws LuigiError {
- // check for key
- if (!args.containsKey(key))
- throw new LuigiError("unknown key: " + key);
- // reduce value to result
- String r = args.get(key);
- for (int i = 0, l = this.filters.length; i < l; i++) {
- // get/check filter
- Filter.Handler f = filters.get(this.filters[i].name);
- if (f == null)
- throw new LuigiError("unknown filter: " + this.filters[i].name);
- // run filter
- r = f.filter(r, this.filters[i].args, args);
- }
- // return result
- return r;
- }
diff --git a/java/pablotron/luigi/actions/TextAction.java b/java/pablotron/luigi/actions/TextAction.java
deleted file mode 100644
index 3024f23..0000000
--- a/java/pablotron/luigi/actions/TextAction.java
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-package pablotron.luigi.actions;
-import java.util.Map;
-import pablotron.luigi.actions.Action;
-import pablotron.luigi.Filter;
-import pablotron.luigi.LuigiError;
-public final class TextAction implements Action {
- private final String text;
- public TextAction(final String text) {
- this.text = text;
- }
- public String run(
- Map<String, Filter.Handler> filters,
- Map<String, String> args
- ) throws LuigiError {
- return this.text;
- }