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Diffstat (limited to 'htdocs/js/MathJax-2.7.2/jax/output/SVG/fonts/STIX-Web/Symbols/Bold')
-rw-r--r-- | htdocs/js/MathJax-2.7.2/jax/output/SVG/fonts/STIX-Web/Symbols/Bold/Main.js | 19 |
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License. + */ + +MathJax.OutputJax.SVG.FONTDATA.FONTS["STIXMathJax_Symbols-bold"]={directory:"Symbols/Bold",family:"STIXMathJax_Symbols",weight:"bold",id:"STIXWEBSYMBOLSB",32:[0,0,250,0,0,""],160:[0,0,250,0,0,""],8962:[774,0,926,55,871,"871 0h-816v408l408 366l408 -366v-408zM783 88v284l-320 289l-320 -289v-284h640"],8976:[399,-108,750,65,685,"685 311h-532v-203h-88v291h620v-88"],8985:[399,-108,750,65,685,"685 108h-620v291h88v-203h532v-88"],9001:[732,193,445,69,399,"399 -193h-100l-230 455v15l226 455h100l-230 -462"],9002:[732,193,445,46,376,"376 262l-230 -455h-100l234 463l-230 462h100l226 -455v-15"],9014:[751,156,926,85,841,"841 -156h-756v66h333v775h-333v66h756l-1 -66h-334v-775h335v-66"],9021:[694,190,924,80,844,"506 694v-62c190 -22 338 -184 338 -380s-148 -358 -338 -380v-62h-88v62c-190 22 -338 184 -338 380s148 358 338 380v62h88zM506 543v-582c142 21 250 144 250 291s-108 270 -250 291zM418 -39v582c-142 -21 -250 -144 -250 -291s108 -270 250 -291"],9023:[732,200,728,55,673,"673 222h-274l-149 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