path: root/content/posts/2003-01-12-bowling-for-columbine.html
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authorPaul Duncan <pabs@pablotron.org>2021-10-14 12:47:50 -0400
committerPaul Duncan <pabs@pablotron.org>2021-10-14 12:47:50 -0400
commit4b6c0e31385f5f27a151088c0a2b614495c4e589 (patch)
tree12243cdcd00704bc1a9d94ac9cc128459417370c /content/posts/2003-01-12-bowling-for-columbine.html
initial commit, including theme
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+date: "2003-01-12T07:58:13Z"
+title: Bowling for Columbine
+I finally saw <a href='http://www.bowlingforcolumbine.com/'>Bowling for Columbine</a>, the latest film by <a href='http://www.michaelmoore.com/'>Michael Moore</a>. It's the most interesting movie I've seen this year :)! Seriously though, it's amazingly good, and I'd recommend it to everyone, even gun nuts. Out of curiousity, I went to <a href='http://www.nra.org/'>NRA's site</a> and searched for "Bowling for Columbine", but apparently <a href='http://www.nra.org/frame.cfm?url=http://www.nrahq.org/search/default.asp?q1=bowling+for+columbine'>they have nothing to say</a>. I also find it amusing that some of the most insightful comments in the film come from <a href='http://www.marilynmanson.com/'>Marilyn Manson</a> and three Canadian high school students cutting class at a Taco Bell.
+Tom and I have our colo box up, although I haven't moved site yet. I'd appreciate it if people could
+<a href='http://colo.pablotron.org/'>visit the mirror</a> and tell me how things feel in terms of speed, reliability, etc. The gallery isn't up yet, but everything else should be about the same.
+I've heard a few people (including myself) complain about the non-random behavior of shuffle mode in <a href='http://www.xmms.org/'>XMMS</a>, so I wrote a small patch to replace the calls to <code>random()</code> with calls to <a href='http://www.openssl.org/'>OpenSSL's</a> crypto-grade random function. The patch is against XMMS 1.2.7, and you can download it <a href='/download/xmms-1.2.7-ssl_rand-2.patch'>here</a>.
+Also, I wrote <a href='/download/string_glob.rb'>this</a> short bit of <a href='http://www.ruby-lang.org'>Ruby</a> for someone in <a href='http://www.ruby-talk.org'>#ruby-talk</a>. It tests a string against a shell-style glob (it only supports wildcards though, not character ranges). A couple other interesting Ruby gems I wrote are <a href='/download/array_mwi.rb'>Array#map_with_indices</a> and <a href='/download/string_to_class.rb'>String#to_class</a>. At this rate I'll need a Ruby gems page ;-).
+A few random links before I go to sleep. Representative Bob Barr wrote a suprisingly intelligent editorial called <a href='http://www.washtimes.com/commentary/20030109-78847680.htm'>"Crimes Before the Fact"</a>. Also, <a href='http://www.alternet.org/story.html?StoryID=14919'>here</a> is an interesting interview with <a href='http://www.duke.edu/~crh4/vonnegut/'>Kurt Vonnegut</a>. Oh yeah, I officially <a href='http://www.aclu.org/contribute/contribute.cfm'>joined</a> the <a href='http://www.aclu.org/'>ACLU</a>. Okay, that's it for today.