path: root/content/posts/2005-03-11-three-language-showdown.html
diff options
authorPaul Duncan <pabs@pablotron.org>2021-10-14 12:47:50 -0400
committerPaul Duncan <pabs@pablotron.org>2021-10-14 12:47:50 -0400
commit4b6c0e31385f5f27a151088c0a2b614495c4e589 (patch)
tree12243cdcd00704bc1a9d94ac9cc128459417370c /content/posts/2005-03-11-three-language-showdown.html
initial commit, including theme
Diffstat (limited to 'content/posts/2005-03-11-three-language-showdown.html')
1 files changed, 251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/content/posts/2005-03-11-three-language-showdown.html b/content/posts/2005-03-11-three-language-showdown.html
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index 0000000..f374d64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/posts/2005-03-11-three-language-showdown.html
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+date: "2005-03-11T04:13:57Z"
+title: Three Language Showdown
+Earlier this evening I wrote an example of how to read a list of field values to delete from an input file. That's not particularly interesting. The fact that I wrote it in three different languages is, though. So, without any further ado, the world's simplest database application, written in <a href='http://ruby-lang.org/'>Ruby</a>, <a href='http://perl.org/'>Perl</a>, and <a href='http://php.net/'>PHP</a>, for your viewing (comparing, contrasting, commenting, etc) pleasure:
+<div style='font-size: 75%; background-color: #eee; padding: 10px;
+margin: 10px 30px 10px 30px; border: 1px solid black;'>
+<pre><code> #!/usr/bin/env ruby
+ # load the mysql library
+ require 'mysql'
+ # all our options go here
+ opt = {
+ :host =&gt; 'localhost', # server to connect to (usually localhost)
+ :user =&gt; 'USER', # replace USER with username
+ :pass =&gt; 'PASSWORD', # replace PASSWORD with password
+ :db =&gt; 'DATABASE', # replace DATABASE with database name
+ :tbl =&gt; 'TABLE', # replace TABLE with table name
+ :fld =&gt; 'FIELD', # name of field to match against
+ }
+ # check first command-line argument for the filename
+ unless path = ARGV.shift
+ $stderr.puts "ERROR: missing filename"
+ exit -1
+ end
+ # check to make sure the specified file exists and is readable
+ unless File.exists?(path) &amp;&amp; File.readable?(path)
+ $stderr.puts "ERROR: missing file or unreadable file: #{path}"
+ exit -1
+ end
+ # read a list of IDs from the file, excluding blank lines
+ ids = File.readlines(path).map { |id| id.strip }.grep(/[^\s]/)
+ # connect to server, select database
+ db = Mysql::connect(opt[:host], opt[:user], opt[:pass])
+ db.select_db(opt[:db])
+ # build a big friggin list of ids for the query below
+ ids_str = ids.map { |id| "'#{id.gsub(/'/, "''")}'" }.join(',')
+ # build query
+ query = "DELETE FROM #{opt[:tbl]} WHERE #{opt[:fld]} IN (#{id_str})"
+ # print the query out on the screen
+ puts query
+ # check to make sure this really what we want to do
+ puts "Execute this query? (y/N)"
+ if gets =~ /^y/
+ # user entered "y" or "Y", so execute the query
+ db.query(query)
+ puts "Done."
+ else
+ puts "Cancelled."
+ end
+<div style='font-size: 75%; background-color: #eee; padding: 10px;
+margin: 10px 30px 10px 30px; border: 1px solid black;'>
+<pre><code> #!/usr/bin/perl
+ # turn on warnings and strict interpretation
+ use warnings;
+ use strict;
+ # load DBI module (see [2] below)
+ use DBI;
+ my %opt = {
+ 'host' =&gt; 'localhost', # server to connect to (in our case, localhost)
+ 'user' =&gt; 'USER', # replace USER with username
+ 'pass' =&gt; 'PASSWORD', # replace PASSWORD with password
+ 'db' =&gt; 'DATABASE', # replace DATABASE with database
+ 'tbl' =&gt; 'TABLE', # replace TABLE with table name
+ 'fld' =&gt; 'FIELD', # replace FIELD with name of field
+ };
+ # declare vars
+ my ($path, $fh, @ids, $id_str, $dsn, $db, $query, $response, $a);
+ # get filename
+ $path = shift @ARGV;
+ # check path to make sure it's legit
+ die "ERROR: Missing filename\n" unless $path;
+ die "Missing or unreadable file: '$path'\n" unless (-e $path &amp;&amp; -r $path);
+ # read ids from file, stripping out blank lines
+ open $fh, $path or die "Couldn't open file: $!\n";
+ @ids = grep { /[^\s]/ } &lt;$fh&gt;;
+ close $fh;
+ chomp @ids;
+ # build DSN string, connect to database
+ $dsn = "dbi:mysql:database=" . $opt{'db'} . ";host=" . $opt{'host'};
+ $db = DBI-&gt;connect($dsn, $opt{'user'}, $opt{'pass'});
+ # build id list string
+ $id_str = join(',', map { $a = $_; $a =~ s/'/''/g; "'$a'" } @ids);
+ # build query string
+ $query = "DELETE FROM " . $opt{'tbl'} .
+ " WHERE " . $opt{'fld'} . " IN ($id_str)";
+ # print query out on screen
+ print "$query\n";
+ # check to make sure user really wants to execute query
+ print "Execute this query? (y/N)";
+ $response = &lt;STDIN&gt;;
+ # check response
+ if ($response =~ /^y/i) {
+ # user said 'y' or 'Y', execute query
+ $db-&gt;do($query);
+ print "Done.\n";
+ } else {
+ print "Cancelled...\n";
+ }
+<div style='font-size: 75%; background-color: #eee; padding: 10px;
+margin: 10px 30px 10px 30px; border: 1px solid black;'>
+<pre><code> &lt;!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1.dtd"&gt;
+ &lt;?php
+ require_once 'DB.php';
+ echo "&lt;?xml version='1.0' encoding='iso-8859-1'?&gt;\n";
+ # options
+ $opt = array(
+ 'host' =&gt; 'localhost', # database server (in our case, localhost)
+ 'user' =&gt; 'USERNAME', # replace USERNAME with user
+ 'pass' =&gt; 'PASSWORD', # replace PASSWORD with password
+ 'db' =&gt; 'DATABASE', # replace DATABASE with database
+ 'tbl' =&gt; 'TABLE', # replace TABLE with table name
+ 'fld' =&gt; 'FIELD', # replace FIELD with match field
+ );
+ # set page title
+ $page_title = 'PHP MySQL Sample Code';
+ ?&gt;
+ &lt;html lang='en'&gt;
+ &lt;head&gt;
+ &lt;title&gt;&lt;?php echo $page_title; ?&gt;&lt;/title&gt;
+ &lt;/head&gt;
+ &lt;body&gt;
+ &lt;form method='post' action='&lt;?php echo $PHP_SELF; ?&gt;'
+ enctype='multipart/form-data'&gt;
+ &lt;!-- PHP needs this nonsense :/ --&gt;
+ &lt;input type='hidden' name='MAX_FILE_SIZE' value='30000' /&gt;
+ File: &lt;input type='file' name='csvfile' /&gt;
+ &lt;input type='submit' value='Delete IDs from file' /&gt;
+ &lt;/form&gt;
+ &lt;?php
+ # check to see if the file was uploaded
+ if ($file = $_FILES['csvfile']) {
+ echo "&lt;hr /&gt;\nResults:&lt;br /&gt;";
+ handle_file($file);
+ }
+ ?&gt;
+ &lt;/body&gt;
+ &lt;/html&gt;
+ &lt;?php
+ #####################
+ #####################
+ #
+ # handle file upload
+ #
+ function handle_file($file) {
+ global $opt;
+ # check to see if there was an error:
+ if ($file['error'])
+ die(__LINE__ . ": Error handling file upload: {$file['error']}");
+ # no error, go ahead and read the list of IDs
+ $ids = array_map('trim', file($file['tmp_name']));
+ # build ID string
+ $id_str = join(',', array_map('quote_str_cb', $ids));
+ # build DSN string
+ $dsn = "mysql://{$opt['user']}:{$opt['pass']}@{$opt['host']}/{$opt['db']}";
+ # connect to database
+ $db = DB::connect($dsn);
+ if (DB::isError($db))
+ die(__LINE__ . ": Couldn't connect to database: " . $db-&gt;getMessage());
+ # build/print query string
+ $query = "DELETE FROM {$opt['tbl']} WHERE {$opt['fld']} IN ($id_str)";
+ echo "$query";
+ # execute query
+ $err = $db-&gt;query($query);
+ if (DB::isError($err))
+ die(__LINE__ . ": Couldn't query database: " . $err-&gt;getMessage());
+ }
+ #
+ # escape quotes in string, and return quoted version of string
+ #
+ function quote_str_cb($str) {
+ return "'" . str_replace("'", "''", $str) . "'";
+ }
+ ?&gt;
+Now before the pedant geek armada nails me to the wall: Yes, I know the
+<em>new</em> way of calling <code>DBI-&gt;connect</code> includes passing <code>{
+AutoCommit =&gt; 1 }</code> as a fourth parameter, and yes, I know that I should be
+passing the <acronym title='Data Source Name'>DSN</acronym> an
+<code>array</code> to <code>DB::connect</code>, and yes, I know that <a
+href='http:/ruby-lang.org/'>Ruby</a> has <acronym title='Database Interface'>DBI</acronym> too! And finally, yes, I
+know a dependency on <a href='http://mysql.com/'>MySQL</a> is totally
+2001, but I wrote these examples to address a specific problem. The
+original email includes all sorts of extra stuff, including explanations
+of differences between <a href='http://mysql.com/'>MySQL</a> and <a
+href='http://postgresql.org/'>Postgres</a>, and the nuances of their
+respective regex engines. So bugger off :D.