path: root/content/posts/2006-01-18-my-mythtv-scripts-for-mostly-automated-divx-encoding.html
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authorPaul Duncan <pabs@pablotron.org>2021-10-14 12:47:50 -0400
committerPaul Duncan <pabs@pablotron.org>2021-10-14 12:47:50 -0400
commit4b6c0e31385f5f27a151088c0a2b614495c4e589 (patch)
tree12243cdcd00704bc1a9d94ac9cc128459417370c /content/posts/2006-01-18-my-mythtv-scripts-for-mostly-automated-divx-encoding.html
initial commit, including theme
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+date: "2006-01-18T02:48:06Z"
+title: My MythTV Scripts for Mostly-Automated DivX Encoding
+<p>Did I mention that I set up a <a href="http://mythtv.org/" title="Free Linux-based PVR/HTPC.">MythTV</a> machine several months ago?
+Anyway, I don't use the <a href="http://mythtv.org/" title="Free Linux-based PVR/HTPC.">MythTV</a> front-end; A recording server in my
+rack downstairs (<code>spud</code>) records scheduled programs. Afterwards, I
+re-encode recorded episodes as <a href="http://divx.com/" title="A fast, free, portable, and well-supported MPEG4 codec.">DivX5</a>-compatible <acronym title="Motion Picture Expert Group">MPEG</acronym>4 files (in an
+<acronym title="Audio/Video Interleaved">AVI</acronym> wrapper) on a faster machine (<code>picard</code>, go ahead, laugh at the
+hostname &mdash; you know you want to), then burn related shows off to
+<acronym title="Digital Video Disc">DVD</acronym>.</p>
+<p>I realize it's a slightly convoluted configuration, but it works
+well given my hardware constraints, and the fact that my <acronym title="Digital Video Disc">DVD</acronym> player
+(a <a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/B000204SWE?v=glance" title="Awesome inexpensive DivX/XviD-capable DVD player.">Philips DVP642</a>), is <a href="http://divx.com/" title="A fast, free, portable, and well-supported MPEG4 codec.">DivX5</a>-aware. That said, I'm posting
+my scripts on the off-chance that pieces of them are useful to someone
+who wants to set up a similar system. Here's what's included in the
+tarball below:</p>
+<li>myth_convert.sh: convert <a href="http://mythtv.org/" title="Free Linux-based PVR/HTPC.">MythTV</a> NUV files to <a href="http://divx.com/" title="A fast, free, portable, and well-supported MPEG4 codec.">DivX5</a>-compatible
+<acronym title="Motion Picture Expert Group">MPEG</acronym>4 files.</li>
+<li>mi: A <a href="http://ruby-lang.org/" title="The Ruby programming language.">Ruby</a> script to create filesystem-friendly names for <acronym title="Audio/Video Interleaved">AVI</acronym>
+files encoded with <code>myth_convert.sh</code>.</li>
+<li>mim: quick shell script to create hard links based on an <code>egrep</code>-style
+regular expression.</li>
+<p>A typical session is as follows:</p>
+<pre><code># (after running myth_convert.sh)
+# see what's encoded
+mi | less
+mkdir dvd &amp;&amp; cd dvd
+# create hard links to encoded episodes of that 70s show, the
+# colbert report, and the daily show,
+mim 70s_ colbert daily_show
+# remove the original cryptically-named <acronym title="Audio/Video Interleaved">AVI</acronym> files
+mimrm 70s_ colbert daily_show
+# create an iso of the <acronym title="Audio/Video Interleaved">AVI</acronym> files in the current directory,
+mkisofs -r -R -J -o 70s-colbert-daily.iso *.avi
+# burn a DVD of the episodes in question
+sudo dvdrecord -dao -v -speed=8 dev=/dev/hdc 70s-colbert-daily.iso
+# remove the <acronym title="Audio/Video Interleaved">AVI</acronym> and ISO files
+rm *.avi *.iso &amp;&amp; cd .. &amp;&amp; rmdir dvd
+<p>If you decide to use these scripts, please look through them and edit
+the paths (most have my shared <acronym title="Network File System">NFS</acronym> paths hard-coded), and double-check
+to make sure they won't do anything wacky with your systems. With that
+in mind, here's the tarball:</p>
+<p><a href="http://pablotron.org/files/pabs-mythtv&#95;scripts-20060118.tar.gz" title="A handful of MythTV convenience scripts I've written.">Download pabs-mythtv_scripts-20060118.tar.gz</a>
+(<a href="http://pablotron.org/files/pabs-mythtv&#95;scripts-20060118.tar.gz.asc" title="OpenPGP signature for this tarball.">Signature</a>)</p>