path: root/content/posts/2001-10-10-the-apex-of-page-updates.html
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+date: "2001-10-10T14:14:00Z"
+title: The Apex of Page Updates
+A lot has happened since I last updated my page:
+<a href="http://www.tynian.net/">Brian (<i>bma</i>)</a> and
+<a href="http://www.aphrael.net/">Karen (<i>aphrael</i>)</a> got
+married! Brian's wedding cruise pictures are available
+<a href="http://www.tynian.net/pix/cruise-200109/">here</a>.
+<a href="http://www.linuxbrit.co.uk/">Tom(<i>giblet</i>)</a> and
+<a href="http://www.schmoo.org/">Sue</a> (<i>schmoo</i>) were unable to
+join Brian and Karen's wedding cruise due to the post-WTC international
+flight mayhem, so they spent the week at my place instead. Tom posted
+pictures of the week and the reception
+<a href="http://www.linuxbrit.co.uk/pics/2001_09_holiday_virginia/">here</a>.
+Also at the reception: Beth (Sue's daughter;she's a great kid and funny
+as hell), Kevin (<i>het</i>), Nick (<i>learath</i>), Jimmy and Megan
+(Karen's non-Internet-enabled friends that we hang out with quite a bit),
+Megan's sister Jill, the man behind the curtain,
+<a href="http://www.kainx.org/">Mr. Mej (<i>mej, KainX</i>)</a>
+<a href="http://www.richlowe.net/">Richard (<i>richlowe</i>)</a> and
+<a href="http://www.cyberquirky.org/">Jon Anne (<i>lilyj</i>)</a> were
+at the reception as well, and they're staying with
+<a href="http://www.snowman.net/">Stephen (<i>Snow-Man</i>)</a>
+and I for a little while as well. Lots of great
+<a href="http://www.gimp.org/">Gimpable</a> pictures of Richard in
+Tom's pictures. Not that I would ever
+<a href="http://www.linuxbrit.co.uk/pics/2001_09_holiday_virginia/?browse=13&amp;res=640x480">encourage</a>
+<a href="/gallery/richlowe/toy.jpg">someone</a> to
+<a href="/gallery/coochie_coo/coochie_coo.jpeg">modify</a> a
+<a href="/gallery/richlowe/richsheep.jpg">picture</a> of
+<a href="/gallery/richlowe/richlowe_for_president.jpeg">Richard</a>, or
+of <a href="/gallery/misc/e_cereal.png">anyone else</a> for that matter.
+I finally got around to purchasing a CDRW, and I've been burning CDs
+like mad. Somehow I managed to accumulate a couple DivX movies, so
+I burned those along with a CD of mp3s for work, a full backup of my
+home directory, and some other random junk.
+Pablotron is semi-broken at the moment. Snow-Man upgraded PHP on the
+web server, and it seems to have broken some of my spaghetti PHP. I've
+been designing a new backend for another site, and I'll probably update
+it to support site themes and port Pablotron to the new backend. The
+new backend is much, much cleaner than the current Pablotron one; it
+makes extensive use of stylesheets, object oriented PHP, and standard
+configuration files (currently only CSV, but I plan on adding XML
+support in soon). Here's an example of the differences:
+&lt;?php require("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/ssi/header.php"); ?&gt;<br />
+&lt;html&gt;<br />
+&lt;head&gt;<br />
+&lt;title&gt;Pablotron : Sample Page&lt;/title&gt;<br />
+&lt;/head&gt;<br />
+<br />
+&lt;?php require("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/ssi/doc/top.php"); ?&gt;<br />
+&lt;?php require("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/ssi/top.php"); ?&gt;<br />
+&lt;b&gt;Sample Page&lt;/b&gt;<br />
+&lt;?php require("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/ssi/mid.php"); ?&gt;<br />
+This is a sample page.<br />
+This is a &lt;a href="http://www.sample.com/"&gt;sample
+url&lt;/a&gt;<br />
+&lt;?php require("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/ssi/bot.php"); ?&gt;<br />
+<br />
+&lt;?php require("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/ssi/doc/bot.php"); ?&gt;<br />
+&lt;/html&gt;<br />
+Under the new system, that page could be written as follows:
+&lt;?php<br />
+require("$DOCUMENT_ROOT/inc/header.php");<br />
+<br />
+$page = new Page();<br />
+$page-&gt;start("samplePage", "Sample Page");<br />
+<br />
+$page-&gt;start_item("Sample Page"); ?&gt;<br />
+This is a sample page.<br />
+This is a &lt;?php $page->url("sampleUrl", "sample url"); ?&gt;<br />
+&lt;?php $page-&gt;end_item();<br />
+<br />
+$page-&gt;end();<br />
+?&gt;<br />
+Obviously the latter allows us to do all sorts of crazy things that the
+former does not. Coupled with CSS, It also strengthens the distinction
+between Pablotron's content and the layout.
+Some other random stuff; I whipped up a quick script to convert
+<a href="http://finance.yahoo.com/">Yahoo! Finance</a> stock quotes to
+the GKrellM
+<a href="http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/~tolik/fmonitor.html">FMonitor</a>
+format, so you can view stocks in GKrellM. You can download it
+<a href="/download/fmstocks-0.1.0.tar.gz">here</a>. Well, there's a lot
+more going on, but I have to get some sleep, so I'll try and update
+again tomorrow.