path: root/content/posts
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Diffstat (limited to 'content/posts')
4 files changed, 259 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/content/posts/2024-06-02-dk-sort.md b/content/posts/2024-06-02-dk-sort.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2933be2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/posts/2024-06-02-dk-sort.md
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+slug: dk-sort
+title: "dk-sort Browser Extension"
+date: "2024-06-02T12:00:00-04:00"
+ dk-sort:
+ css: "image"
+ tip: "dk-sort toolbar."
+ sources:
+ - "/files/posts/dk-sort/dk-sort.webp"
+ - src: "/files/posts/dk-sort/dk-sort.png"
+ width: 798
+ height: 87
+Last week I released a [browser extension][] for [Firefox][] which sorts
+entries in [Daily Kos][] live update articles in chronological order and
+adds a sort toolbar.
+[Install Firefox Add-On][addon], [Git Repository][dk-sort]
+[{{< pe-figure "dk-sort" >}}][dk-sort]
+**Background:** Several months ago I created a [bookmarklet][]
+(available [here][dk-sort-bookmarklet]) which sorts entries in [Daily
+Kos][] live update articles from oldest to newest. Unfortunately the
+[bookmarklet][] was difficult for people to use because:
+- Installation required copying minified [JavaScript][] into a text
+ field, and
+- You had to click the [bookmarklet][] after loading a live
+ update article in order to activate it
+To address these problems, I converted the [bookmarklet][] into a
+[browser extension][]. I also added a couple of features during the
+**Note:** The extension isn't [Firefox][]-specific, but it's unlikely I
+will port it to [Chrome][] because [I recommend people ditch
+[dk-sort]: https://github.com/pablotron/dk-sort
+ "Browser plugin which adds a sort toolbar to Daily Kos live update articles."
+[firefox]: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/
+ "Mozilla Firefox web browser."
+[daily kos]: https://dailykos.com/
+ "Daily Kos"
+[hugo]: https://gohugo.io/
+ "Hugo static site generator."
+[apache]: https://apache.org/
+ "Apache web server"
+[browser extension]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Browser_extension
+ "Web browser extension."
+[dk-sort-bookmarklet]: https://pmdn.org/dk-sort.txt
+ "Browser bookmarklet which sorts entries in Daily Kos live update articles in chronological order."
+[javascript]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript
+ "JavaScript scripting language"
+[csv]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values
+ "Comma-separate Values file (CSV)"
+[addon]: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dk-sort/
+ "Firefox Add-Ons page for dk-sort"
+[chrome]: https://www.google.com/chrome/
+ "Google Chrome web browser"
+[edge]: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge
+ "Microsoft Edge web browser."
+[ditch-chrome]: {{< relref "posts/2024-06-02-time-to-ditch-chrome.md" >}}
+ "Time to Ditch Chrome"
+[bookmarklet]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bookmarklet
+ "Web browser bookmark which contains a brief JavaScript script."
diff --git a/content/posts/2024-06-02-site-backend.md b/content/posts/2024-06-02-site-backend.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95881af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/posts/2024-06-02-site-backend.md
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+slug: site-backend
+title: "Site Backend"
+date: "2024-06-02T13:00:00-04:00"
+draft: true
+ site-backend:
+ css: "image"
+ tip: "Editing this site with Vim and Firefox."
+ sources:
+ - "/files/posts/site-backend/0-editing-1024.webp"
+ - src: "/files/posts/site-backend/0-editing-1024.png"
+ width: 1024
+ height: 640
+On Friday I posted [a long Site Backend article][site-backend] which
+explains how the content on this site is managed, speed and security
+tweaks, [Hugo][] customizations, [Apache][] configuration, and more.
+[{{< pe-figure "site-backend" >}}][site-backend]
+[site-backend]: {{< relref "articles/site-backend.md" >}}
+ "Article explaining site backend."
+[dk-sort]: https://github.com/pablotron/dk-sort
+ "Browser plugin which adds a sort toolbar to Daily Kos live update articles."
+[firefox]: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/
+ "Mozilla Firefox web browser."
+[daily kos]: https://dailykos.com/
+ "Daily Kos"
+[hugo]: https://gohugo.io/
+ "Hugo static site generator."
+[apache]: https://apache.org/
+ "Apache web server"
+[browser extension]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Browser_extension
+ "Web browser extension."
+[dk-sort-bookmarklet]: https://pmdn.org/dk-sort.txt
+ "Browser bookmarklet which sorts entries in Daily Kos live update articles in chronological order."
+[javascript]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JavaScript
+ "JavaScript scripting language"
+[csv]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values
+ "Comma-separate Values file (CSV)"
+[addon]: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dk-sort/
+ "Firefox Add-Ons page for dk-sort"
+[chrome]: https://www.google.com/chrome/
+ "Google Chrome web browser"
+[edge]: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge
+ "Microsoft Edge web browser."
+[ditch-chrome]: #time-toditch-chrome
+ "Time to ditch Google Chrome"
+[bookmarklet]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bookmarklet
+ "Web browser bookmark which contains a brief JavaScript script."
+[ditch-chrome]: #time-to-ditch-chrome
+ "Time to Ditch Chrome"
+[ars-chrome-nonsense]: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/05/google-starts-deprecating-older-more-capable-chrome-extensions-next-week/
+ "Google Chrome’s plan to limit ad blocking extensions kicks off next week (arstechnica.com)"
+[post-firefox-redux]: {{< relref "posts/2023-12-02-firefox-redux.md" >}}
+ "Firefox Redux"
+[ad-blocker]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_blocking
+ "Ad blocker"
+[ublock origin]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UBlock_Origin
+ "uBlock Origin ad-blocker"
+[eff-manifest-v3]: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/07/googles-plans-chrome-extensions-wont-really-help-security
+ "Google's Plans for Chrome Extensions Won't Really Help Security (eff.org)"
+[be-evil]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_be_evil#Use_in_criticism_of_Google
+ "Don't Be Evil, v2.0"
+[pragprog]: https://pragprog.com/
+ "The Pragmatic Bookshelf"
+[drm]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_rights_management
+ "Digital Rights Management"
+[pdf]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PDF
+ "Portable Document Format (PDF)"
+[epub]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPUB
+ "e-book file format"
+[ebooks]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebook
+ "electronic book"
+[vim]: https://www.vim.org/
+ "Vi-improved text editor"
+[very-magic]: https://vimhelp.org/pattern.txt.html#%2Fmagic
+ "Documentation for magic settings in Vim, including the \\v \"very magic\" prefix."
+[kindle app]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Kindle#Kindle_applications
+ "Kindle application"
+[send to kindle]: https://www.amazon.com/sendtokindle
+ "Send to Kindle"
+[practical vim]: https://pragprog.com/titles/dnvim2/practical-vim-second-edition/
+ "Practical Vim, Second Edition"
+[modern vim]: https://pragprog.com/titles/modvim/modern-vim/
+ "Modern Vim"
+[vim books]: https://iccf-holland.org/vim_books.html
+ "Vim books"
+[vim scripts]: https://www.vim.org/scripts/
+ "Scripts for Vim"
diff --git a/content/posts/2024-06-02-time-to-ditch-chrome.md b/content/posts/2024-06-02-time-to-ditch-chrome.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed00b82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/posts/2024-06-02-time-to-ditch-chrome.md
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+slug: time-to-ditch-chrome
+title: "Time to Ditch Chrome"
+date: "2024-06-02T11:00:00-04:00"
+This week [Google announced they are moving forward with the plan
+deprecate Manifest V2][ars-chrome-nonsense]. Despite claims by Google,
+this change has [nothing to do with security][eff-manifest-v3] and
+everything to do with hobbling [ad-blockers][ad-blocker].
+Last year [I switched to Firefox][post-firefox-redux] in anticipation of
+this change and in response to several other user-hostile changes,
+At this point I recommend everyone do the following:
+1. Switch to a non-[Chrome][] browser. I recommend [Firefox][].
+2. Install an [ad-blocker][]. I recommend [uBlock Origin][].
+This recommendation applies even if you don't care about ads or privacy;
+the current ["~~don't~~ be evil"][be-evil] incarnation of Google has been a poor
+steward of [Chrome][] and it's only a matter of time before they do
+something that you do care about.
+[firefox]: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/
+ "Mozilla Firefox web browser."
+[chrome]: https://www.google.com/chrome/
+ "Google Chrome web browser"
+[edge]: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/edge
+ "Microsoft Edge web browser."
+[ditch-chrome]: #time-toditch-chrome
+ "Time to ditch Google Chrome"
+[bookmarklet]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bookmarklet
+ "Web browser bookmark which contains a brief JavaScript script."
+[ditch-chrome]: #time-to-ditch-chrome
+ "Time to Ditch Chrome"
+[ars-chrome-nonsense]: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2024/05/google-starts-deprecating-older-more-capable-chrome-extensions-next-week/
+ "Google Chrome’s plan to limit ad blocking extensions kicks off next week (arstechnica.com)"
+[post-firefox-redux]: {{< relref "posts/2023-12-02-firefox-redux.md" >}}
+ "Firefox Redux"
+[ad-blocker]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ad_blocking
+ "Ad blocker"
+[ublock origin]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UBlock_Origin
+ "uBlock Origin ad-blocker"
+[eff-manifest-v3]: https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/07/googles-plans-chrome-extensions-wont-really-help-security
+ "Google's Plans for Chrome Extensions Won't Really Help Security (eff.org)"
+[be-evil]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don%27t_be_evil#Use_in_criticism_of_Google
+ "Don't Be Evil, v2.0"
diff --git a/content/posts/2024-06-02-vim-books.md b/content/posts/2024-06-02-vim-books.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cf8d69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/posts/2024-06-02-vim-books.md
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+slug: vim-books
+title: "Vim Books"
+date: "2024-06-02T10:00:00-04:00"
+While perusing [Vim scripts][], I noticed that there are several [Vim
+books][]. Even though I have been using [Vim][] for over 20 years a
+couple of them piqued my interest:
+- [Practical Vim][]
+- [Modern Vim][]
+As of this writing I'm about 300 pages into [Practical Vim][] and it's
+great. I have even learned a few things; for example, I did not
+know about [the `\v` "very magic" prefix for patterns][very-magic].
+If you buy the books from [the publisher][pragprog] you can download the
+[eBooks][] as [DRM][]-free [PDF][], [EPUB][], and MOBI files. I read
+the [PDFs][pdf] on my desktop and the [EPUBs][epub] in the [Kindle
+app][] on my phone (imported via [Send to Kindle][]).
+[pragprog]: https://pragprog.com/
+ "The Pragmatic Bookshelf"
+[drm]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_rights_management
+ "Digital Rights Management"
+[pdf]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/PDF
+ "Portable Document Format (PDF)"
+[epub]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EPUB
+ "e-book file format"
+[ebooks]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ebook
+ "electronic book"
+[vim]: https://www.vim.org/
+ "Vi-improved text editor"
+[very-magic]: https://vimhelp.org/pattern.txt.html#%2Fmagic
+ "Documentation for magic settings in Vim, including the \\v \"very magic\" prefix."
+[kindle app]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Kindle#Kindle_applications
+ "Kindle application"
+[send to kindle]: https://www.amazon.com/sendtokindle
+ "Send to Kindle"
+[practical vim]: https://pragprog.com/titles/dnvim2/practical-vim-second-edition/
+ "Practical Vim, Second Edition"
+[modern vim]: https://pragprog.com/titles/modvim/modern-vim/
+ "Modern Vim"
+[vim books]: https://iccf-holland.org/vim_books.html
+ "Vim books"
+[vim scripts]: https://www.vim.org/scripts/
+ "Scripts for Vim"